

Digital Simulation Study on Shadow Moiré Profilometry and Phase-stepping Interferometric Holo-Photoelasticity

【作者】 云海

【导师】 云大真;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 固体力学, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 数字形貌重建光测原理(数字形貌光测法)是一门发展中新的学科领域。它是力学、实验力学、光测力学、实验应用物理和物理光学工程等科学工作者以现代光测法中的数字光弹性、数字面内与离面位移云纹法、数字散斑和电子散斑剪切干涉法、数字全息干涉法等实验方法为基础,结合现代图像处理技术,正在努力创建的一门宏观及微观重建物体多维形貌、重建光学干涉条纹图像形貌和重建应力、变形分布状态形貌等为基本内容的新学科。本论文所涉及的仅仅是其中被认为是有发展前途和为学者们关注的,旨在为各种物体及光学干涉条纹图像形貌重建的两个课题:数字形貌影栅云纹法(Digital shadow moiré profilometry)和重建获得单独等厚线相位图像的相移干涉全息光弹性法,重点是它们的仿真模拟原理、技术和自动化测量与处理一体化的实验和评估系统。 在应用形貌影栅云纹法进行形貌重建时,为了方便通常采用光场参数不同的点照射——点观测光场,但这种光场的相移值是近似的,且随着光场的不同而异。这就给形貌影栅云纹法的测量和处理实验系统带入一个不确定的初始系统误差,它对正确分析实验测试误差带来许多困难。所以为了使众多的形貌重建结果在研究和应用中具有可比性,就必须探求一个准确、高效和经济的方法,来分析、检测和评估这种初始系统误差,探索其规律性,找出使之趋于可以控制的常差所必须遵循控制条件。只有这样,才可能得到可比的参考数据,供仪器和工程设计者,及实验研究者制定设计和实验测试规范,以利于实际应用。研究认为,按以上对分析方法的要求和欲达到的目标,对于这种实验方法应用基础性的研究工作,采用数字仿真方法是合适的。 鉴于以上原由,本论文把基于影栅虚云纹场原理的数字仿真方法引入形貌影栅云纹法中,提出数字仿真形貌影栅云纹法及自动测量和处理一体化实验系统的原理与技术,开发了与之对应的系列软件。用这个方法和实验系统及系列软件,可以获得优质的云纹图像和各种光场,包括相当于获得精确结果的平行照射—平行观测的标准光场和不同光场参数的等距点照射——点观测等非标准光场的形貌重建结果。实验检测表明,本方法及其实验系统是正确的。 以提出的方法和实验系统为基础,建立起数字仿真形貌影栅云纹法的误差评估系统及其相关软件,具体分析了不同参数的等距点照射——点观测的光场与最大相对误差的变化规律,进而对它们的初始系统误差进行了误差评估,给出了在限定最大相对误差下,必须控制的光场参数的具体数据,为规范设计常用的等距点照射——点观测光场提供了准则。

【Abstract】 Photo-optical measurement methods for digital profile reconstruction (digital photo-optical measurement profilometry) belong to a new developing subject domain. Combining contemporary digital image processing techniques with photo-optical measurement methods, many scientists make great efforts to develop a new field which includes profile reconstruction of macro- and micro-objects, optical interferometric fringes reconstruction, stress and strain reconstruction. In this paper, there are only two prosperous and focus methods in the field to be involved, the one is the digital shadow moire profilometry for profile reconstruction of objects, and the other’ is the digital phase-stepping interferometric holo-photoelasticity for isopachic phase acquisition. Their simulation principals, techniques and auto-measuring and processing systems are discussed in detail.Point-illumination and point-receiving arrangements with different optical parameters are common adopted optical arrangements in the application of shadow moire profilometry for profile reconstruction. However, phase-shifting values in the arrangements are approximate and different from optical arrangements. Accordingly, an uncertain initial system error appears in the measuring system of shadow moire profilometry and makes it difficult to get reliable results in error analysis procedures. Therefore, in order to have the ability of comparisons of different reconstructive results and applications, it is important to have an accuracy and economic method, which is able to analyze, examine and appraise the rule of the initial system error for providing reliable references and control guides to design engineers and researchers. By general consensus, using digital simulation is a feasible method for achieving those prospective targets.Due to the above reasons, in the paper, a digital simulation method based on the shadow virtual moire principle is introduced to shadow moire profilometry, about which we have not found any reports yet. An auto-measuring and processing experimental system and digital simulated profile shadow moire profilometry are proposed. Relative software is developed with Matlab? program. High quality moire fringe patterns in different arrangements are obtained by the simulation software, including parallel-illumination and parallel-receiving standard arrangement, under which accuracy values can be provided, and point-illumination and point-receiving nonstandard arrangements with different optical parameters. Experimental results reveal that the proposed method and its experimental system are correct and feasible.


