

Research on System of Agriculture TV Communication Based on the Audience-Centered Theory

【作者】 马池珠

【导师】 徐福荫;

【作者基本信息】 华南师范大学 , 教育技术学, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 当前我国社会正处在社会发展的转型期,构建和谐社会就必须解决农民问题,缩小社会的贫富差距、城乡差距、地区差距。在现阶段,建设社会主义新农村,当务之急是提高农民素质,通过农业电视为农民提供教育和培训是一条行之有效的措施。因此农业电视传播体系研究具有重要意义。 本研究以系统科学和传播理论为构建体系的方法论基础,通过文献调查、问卷调查、访谈、实证研究、创作实践等多种研究途径,对基于受众中心的农业电视传播体系包括传者体系、内容体系、传播通道体系、受众体系进行了深入系统地研究,构建了基于受众为中心的农业电视传播体系。 本文由以下六部分组成: 第一部分:通过问卷调查分析,一是农业电视不能满足农村受众需要,表现是农业电视频道少、栏目少、时间短、播出次数少、播出时间边缘化;内容单调、枯燥,艺术性差。二是农业电视传播以传者为中心。本文阐释了农业电视缺失的成因。从传播学角度,农业电视传播体系以传者为中心,弊端为:缺少对受众需求的分析研究,传播者决定所制作播放的节目内容和播放,农业电视传播者以经济效益为重,从电视学角度,节目制作周期长、成本高、回报率低,节目资源匮乏,在内容方面,存在节目针对性差,主题不鲜明,内容空洞贫乏等问题。从社会学角度看,长期的城乡二元结构和体制是使城乡电视出现重大差别的社会制度原因;解决农业电视缺失这一难题,根本出路在于建构基于受众中心的农业电视传播体系,使受众成为电视传播系统的主体,在对受众充分研究分析的基础上,以系统论的方法建立适于农业电视传播的传者体系、传播通道体系、传播内容体系和受众体系。 第二部分:本文对农业电视传播的受众体系进行了研究。本研究分析了农业电视受众的分类、特点、构成、分化以及收视需求。农业电视传播受众由农业生产者、农业管理与经营人员、农产品消费者、城市市民构成。在当今社会转型期的农民已经分化成五个阶层:农业劳动者阶层、乡镇企业职工、农民工阶层、农村管理者阶层、贫困农民阶层。农业电视的受众除具有一般受众多、杂、散、匿等特点外,整体文化素质较低,思想观念传统,在传播领域属于弱势群体。农村受众需求研究是受众研究的重点。问卷调查表明,农村受众收看农业节目的目的依次是为了解农业政策、学

【Abstract】 To construct harmonious society should care for farmer interests and narrow the disparity between the rich and poor, urban and rural, rich region and poor region in the period of social development transition in China. To build new socialist country at this stage, it is imperative to improve farmer’s diathesis. It is an effective measure by agricultural television to instruct and train farmers. Therefore it is great significant to research agriculture TV communication (ATC) system.The foundation of establishing systematic methodology is system science and communication theory. The paper, with the research methods of documents, questionnaires, interviews, demonstration, creative practice etc., deep and systematically studies the ATC system based on audience-centered theory that includes transmitter system, content system, communication channel system, audience-centered system, and then construct ATC system based on audience-centered theory.The paper includes 6 parts:Firstly, it, by analyzing questionnaire, discovers that agriculture TV cannot satisfy country audience needs, which embodies that agriculture TV channel, program and broadcasting frequency is lack and broadcasting time is shorter and not in hot time; the center of ATC is transmitter. The paper explains why agriculture TV lacks. From the perspective of communication discipline, the center of ATC system is transmitter, whose shortcomings are lack in audience needs analysis; transmitter decide the broadcast content and broadcast; the transmitter focuses on the economic benefits; from television discipline perspective, programming cycles are long, high costs, low returns and scarce in program resources. From the sociological view, the long-term urban and rural structure and system are the major cause to bring on differences between urban and rural television; to solve the problem that agricultural TV is lack, the fundamental way is to build ATC system based on audience-centered theory. The paper, based on systematically analyzing the audience, construct, with system method, the system suiting to the ATC, that is, transmitter system, content system, communication


