

【作者】 周传志

【导师】 卢元镇;

【作者基本信息】 华南师范大学 , 体育人文社会学, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 体育发展观对体育发展具有重要的指导作用。在体育发展道路的选择上,中国先后经历了模仿套用、自主发展和尝试改革几个阶段。实践表明,当发展观念符合体育自身发展规律、适合社会发展水平、满足大多数人的需求时,体育就能得到快速健康的发展,反之,体育发展就会经历曲折。当前,中国体育面临许多现实问题,正逐渐陷入发展的困境:发展视野中“人”的消逝、金钱对体育的侵蚀日益严重、体育发展不平衡、粗放式发展造成资源大量浪费、体育社会不公现象普遍存在等。这种现象背后原因众多,但发展观念的不当和体育体制改革滞后是主要原因。对二战后美国、民主德国和日本体育发展历程的考察表明:虽然在政治制度、经济水平和文化传统等方面不尽相同,体育体制迥异,但都重视学校体育,强调发展体育社团。不过,由于发展观念的差异,对体育发展的理解不同,就造成了不同的发展结果。针对体育发展的实际状况并借鉴国外体育发展的经验教训,中国体育要走出困境必须转变旧的发展观念,树立科学的体育发展观:在一定的政治经济条件下,体育的发展要与社会发展状况相一致,符合本国或地区的文化传统,满足人全面发展的需要,坚持整体、协调地发展,重视体育发展的效益,保证体育发展的社会公正。体育是作为主体的人为满足自身需要而进行的一种身体活动,“以人为本”是体育发展的题中应有之义;体育不仅是社会系统的一个重要部分,而且内部也可以分为若干子系统,体育的发展应是一种整体协调的发展,这样才能相互促进和提高,减少内耗:体育发展要努力以最小的代价或成本换取最大的产出,取得最大的效益,这种效益不仅包括经济效益,更包括社会效益和体育的健康效益;在现阶段,中国体育发展应从强调“效率”转向“公正与效率并重”,将其作为体育发展的核心价值。树立体育的科学发展观,转变体育发展观念的目的是为了推动中国体育实践的发展。中国社会转型为体育转轨提出客观的要求和现实的基础,要实现中国体育的成功转轨,必须以创新作为保障。在创新的基础上,中国体育的发展要走科学发展的道路,即:资源配置上重视市场和社会的作用、管理上实现民主化和法治化、评判标准上要理性化和客观化,要进行体育结构的调整,走体育现代化的道路。

【Abstract】 The viewpoint of sport development (VSD) is very important to sport development. The China sport development has experienced three stages, from imitating mechanically, to trying develop independently and then to the stage of reformation. The history shows: when the VSD fits the social develop condition, the sport will obtain a healthy and fast development.Currently, China sport, which faces with many realistic problems, is falling into a trop of develop gradually. The primary reason is that our VSD is not suitable.This article attempts, through the inspection of three countries’ sport develop history (1945-), to analyse their experience and the lesson, to provide a model for China sport development. The research indicates that, although the political system, economical level, cultural tradition and the sport system are different in these three countries, but all of them emphasize on school sport, all insist on develop the sport societies, emphasize on the respect to the human right of all-round development. But there also exist unbalance of develop, unfair, the polities and economy intervene to sport develop excessively in these three countries. Different result comes from different VSD.The China sport must have a new VSD if it wants to go out of the current trop, it mast set up a "scientific outlook of development" , that is, the develop of sport must suit the social develop condition, fit the national or the local cultural tradition, satisfy the all-around-develop need of the whole people, must emphasize efficiency of sport development, guarantee the fair of sport development, persist in a all-around and harmonious development.Sport is a kind of body activity which people to satisfy themselves, "humanism" ought to be an important foundation of sport development; sport is an important part of the society system, and has several subsystems itself, its development should be whole and harmonious, so it can promote itself and reduce the internal friction; we should obtain the greatest benefit without unnessary price, this benefit includes not only economical but also social and health benefit. The article indicates that the principle "efficiency is first" should be replaced by "justice and efficiency are equaly" in the process of China sport development, and takes it as the core value of sport development.Chinese society trandformation bring forward the request and foundation for the sport reform. Although this reform will cause the China sport to pay short-term cost possibly, but from long-term view, this reform is necessary. Innovation, which includes theoretical, systematic and cultural innovation, is prerequisite for the successful reform of the China sport. Upon the foundation of innovation, the China sport development should breakthrough in these aspects: the resource dispose must be accomplished by the market and the society, the administiationmust in a democratic and legal way, the standard of judgment must be rational and objective, and should choose a newly socialization path, at the meantime, the sport structure need to be adjusted.


