

【作者】 詹庆

【导师】 杨树明;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 经济法学, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 直销自1990年在我国出现以来,先后经历了引入期、混乱期、禁止期的曲折道路,目前正处于逐步开放期,虽然《直销管理条例》和《禁止传销条例》业已颁布,但这仅仅是一个开始,我国直销市场步入法制化道路仍然任重而道远。研究直销法律规制具有较强的现实意义和理论价值,本论文总共分为五章。主要内容如下: 第一章是直销概述。第一节首先是正本清源,从市场营销学的角度明确直销概念,并将其与诸多似是而非的相关名词区分,特别是与“金字塔销售”的严格区分。直销是独立直销商以面对面的说明方式把产品或服务直接销售给最终消费者而计算提取报酬的一种方式,包括单层次直销和多层次直销,它是一种复杂的经济活动,一种特殊的营销模式,一种商事交易行为。“金字塔销售”是利用直销的交易方式和销售形式,以高额回报为诱饵,进行欺骗和欺诈活动,达到非法牟取暴利的目的,其实质是一种商业欺诈行为,是不正当的行为,为各国所禁止的非法行为。第二节通过回顾直销发展历史,了解直销作为一种商业营销模式,一样要遵循商业的一般规律,经历三个阶段:产生或引入阶段、成长混乱阶段和成熟完善阶段。不同的时期,应该采取不同的监管模式,这样为后面直销的监管制度提供相应的经济规律。第三节是直销相关理论基础的介绍,如倍增学理论、营销学理论和人际关系学理论,以便加深对直销的了解,有利于规范直销行业。第四节是从政府、企业、直销商、消费者四方面来分析直销的功能和风险,以此说明直销的合理性以及存在的负面问题,为后面直销法律规制提供了必要性。 第二章是直销商法规制——直销交易法律关系分析。直销作为市场经济中一种新兴的商业模式,是一种竞争机制下的自由选择,作为一种市场主体的交易行为,直销首先需要商法对直销企业、直销商和消费者之间的法律关系予以确定,才能明晰平等主体的之间的权利和义务。从商法角度分析直销交易法律关系是本文的一个尝试。第一节是对直销交易法律关系的涵义界定,将直销交易法律关系,定义为是一种以直销经营活动为主要内容的横向经济法律关系,它关注的是平等的商业主体间以及与消费者的权利义务关系,其属性是商事法律关系。第二节是介绍直销交易法律关系的主体,重点在于界定直销商的身份,将其与企业雇员以

【Abstract】 Direct selling has been emerged in China since 1990; it went through the leading period, confusing period and prohibiting period successively. Nowadays, direct selling is coming into bloom. Though the Direct Selling Supervise Regulations and the Prohibiting Pyramid selling Regulations has been enacted, Chinese direct selling market has a long way to walk into the legal process. Obviously, research on the legal regulation of direct selling has theoretical and practice value. This article consists of five chapters as follows:The first chapter is the summarization of basic issues in direct selling. The first segment will define the notion of direct selling according to the aspect of market economic entrepreneurship, and distinguish it with several similar terms, especially the term "pyramid selling". Direct selling which including the Unit-level Marketing and Multi-Level Marketing is a kind of complicated financial activity. It is a special economic entrepreneurship and a sort of commercial transaction that using the face-to-face illustration by the direct seller to sell goods or services directly to the final consumers, and recover the rewards according to the sell. Generally Direct Selling is Legal; "pyramid selling" is illegal. The second segment will recall the history of direct selling. The author hold the view that as a kind of commercial economic entrepreneurship, direct selling which goes through the emergence or leading period, developing and confusing period as well as perfect period

  • 【分类号】D922.294
  • 【被引频次】22
  • 【下载频次】1518

