

Study on the Relationships between LIF, Pinopodes and Endometrial Receptivity

【作者】 郭艺红

【导师】 乔玉环; 孙莹璞;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 病理学与病理生理学, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 胚胎种植(implantation)是一个复杂的生理过程。在此期间胚胎与子宫双方都处在生长发育的动态阶段,子宫内膜与胚胎相互识别、彼此相容,有侵入能力的胚胎和具有接受性的子宫内膜相互作用,发生一系列生理生化及形态改变,即双方建立起“对话”机制,胚胎才能在子宫内膜正常植入。在人和哺乳动物的正常生殖周期中,子宫内膜仅有一个极短的时期允许胚胎种植,这段时期称“种植窗期”,此时子宫内膜表现出最大的容受性。子宫内膜对胚胎的容受性是胚胎种植成功的关键,如果子宫内膜不适合胚胎着床将导致妊娠失败。 目前国内外有关子宫内膜容受性的研究主要集中在生殖调控因子和内膜超微结构两方面。生殖调控因子有多种,如:白血病抑制因子(leukaemia inhibitory factor,LIF)、整合素家族(integrins)、胞饮突(pinopode)、肝素结合样表皮生长因子(heparin-binding epidermal growth factor,HB-EGF)、白细胞介素Ⅰ的Ⅰ型受体(IL-IRt-I)、粘液素-Ⅰ(MUC-Ⅰ)、一氧化氮合酶(NOS)、雌孕激素受体等。胞饮突的形成是子宫内膜超微结构中最具代表性的形态学改变。 LIF是一种多生物学功能的分泌型糖蛋白,为IL-6家族成员,具有广泛的生物学活性,最早发现它具有促进小鼠MI型白血病细胞分化并抑制其增殖而命名。近年来的研究表明LIF参与了生殖活动的各个环节,如促进卵泡的发育、胚胎的生长、分化及着床等,尤其是与胚胎种植关系密切。Stewart等采用基因重组技术,发现LIF基因缺陷的雌鼠能够排卵,其卵子亦能够受精,但胚泡不能正常植入及发育,若转移到野生型假孕鼠中,则胚泡能够正常植入和发育,提出LIF是动物胚泡植入过程所必需的。随后,LIF与胚胎的种植关系引起人们极大的兴趣,成为研究的热点。人们对子宫内膜表达LIF的情况进行了大量研

【Abstract】 Implantation is one of the most complicated and interesting biological events. Dynamic changes occur between the embryo and the receptive endometrium during this process. Ideal "cross-talk" between the embryo and the receptive endometrium plays important roles and interact for the successful attachment and implantation of the embryo. The endometrium is receptive for the embryo and presents an implantation window for a limited time. Implantation failure is considered to be the major factor limiting the success of infertility treatment including in vitro fertilization embryo transfer (IVF-ET). Endometrial receptivity is one of crucial factor for successful implantation.Many factors have been found to be associated with endometrial receptivity. The research on the uterine receptivity focuses on two aspects: molecular factors and endometrial morphology. LIF is one of the molecular factors. Pinopodes is the marker of the change in endometrial morphology .LIF is a secreted glycoprotein first described as a factor that induced the differentiation of mouse myeloid leukemic Ml cells into macrophages. It is a member of a cytokine family whose members often have overlapping functions. The effects of LIF in many physiologic systems include proliferation, differentiation, and cell survival. LIF is also considered to be associated with many reproductive processes, especially for implantation. Evidence for a role of LIF in implantation comes from female transgenic mice, homozygous for LIF gene deficiency, in which embryo implantation did not occur. Lack of implantation was not due to defects in the embryo, because implantation of

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 12期

