

The Research of the Armorial Inscriptions on Bronze of Yin and Zhou Dynasty

【作者】 王长丰

【导师】 王蕴智;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 考古学及博物馆学, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 本论文在全面总结殷周甲金文释字、证史等研究成果的基础上,利用考古学、古文字学、文献学及历史地理等相关学科知识,对殷周金文族徽进行了全面的统计、整理与研究。本论文主要学术观点及创新点表现在以下几个方面:首先,我们对殷周金文族徽的研究状况进行了历史性的回顾,就当前的学术研究及学术趋向进行了概述;并对目前所见的殷周金文总数进行了统计,在全部14000余器金文中,西周中期以前铭文总数为10000万余器,其中带有族徽铭文者约7200余器,占70%以上。然后,我们对殷周金文族徽的类型特点、判别原则与整理方法进行了归纳与研究,总结了10类族徽铭文存在的形式和判断标准;提出了8项科学地整理与研究殷周金文族徽的方法。其次,我们对目前所见的全部殷周金文族徽进行隶释、分类、统计、系联、整理与研究;殷周金文族徽总计有2025种不同形式,按族徽龙头字系联,初步分为370余类族徽字群;在隶释、分类、统计、系联、整理的基础上,我们对“册”、“子”、“亚”、“干支”等类型族徽进行了归纳整理与研究。再次,我们对殷周甲金文中所见的“族”、“氏”等材料与传世文献相互印证,并进行了深入地分析研究;再系联甲骨卜辞、简帛竹书、玉石文字、玺印等材料例证殷周金文族徽蕴涵着殷周及其以前的古方国、古族、古氏姓等历史信息。其五,我们对殷周金文族徽如“其”、“戈”、“束”、“竝”、“息”、“虎”等在字形、出土地等方面进行了整理,并对这些族徽所代表的方国的地望、国族的存灭进行了详实地考证。最后,我们对目前所见到的殷周金文族徽资料以单一族徽为对象就其存世或著录数逐一进行统计、归纳,并按族徽龙头字对大部分族徽进行了系联,对其中部分殷周金文族徽重新进行了隶释、校重和辨伪。

【Abstract】 The present dissertation packs up and studies the armorial inscriptions on bronze of Yin and Zhou dynasties. Our study is based on the fall study harvest about explaining characters inscriptions on bronze and textual researching history, and makes use of some method of archaeology, paleography, philology, historical geography and other relative subjects.First of all, we review the researching history on the armorial inscriptions on bronze of Yin and Zhou dynasties, and summarize the present researching status and hotspots on this question. Afterward, we collect more than 14000 bronzes which are the total number of the present bronzes with inscriptions. There are over 10000 bronzes whose period are before the mid period of Zhou dynasties, and out of which we find that there are about 7200 bonzes with the armorial inscriptions. This rate is over 70%.The second, we study the style characteristic of the armorial inscriptions on bronze of Yin and Zhou dynasties, and research the format of the armorial inscriptions. There are 10 types of the armorial inscriptions. We summery the principles of conforming these armorial inscriptions, and advance 8 ways and means of packing up and studying them scientifically.The third, we study all present armorial inscriptions on bronze of Yin and Zhou dynasty by numbers, and make regular script of every armorial inscription again. By classifying, connecting, packing up and studying, we find that there are 2025styles of the armorial inscriptions which are summed up 370 groups. Especially We study the style of "(?)"、 “子”、"来"、"干支"groups.The fourth, we study and analyze the clans and the surnames in the inscriptions on the Yin and Zhou bronzes. We quote the ancient documents and the oracle bones inscriptions, bamboo slips and silk, characters on the jade and royal seals, and proof that there are much historical information such as the ancient state, the ancient clans and the ancient surnames of Yin and Zhou dynasty or earlier in the armorial inscriptions.The fifth, we arrange the types of the characters and unearthed spots of "其"、"戈"、"朿"、"竝"、 "息"、 "虎"etc. We research and proof the history and location of these ancient clans and states elaborately.At last, we catalogue the bronzes and the armorial inscriptions and explain some characters again, emend some releases of the Yin and Zhou bronzes. We do some work on checking up the tautologies and the false.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 12期
  • 【分类号】K877.2
  • 【被引频次】19
  • 【下载频次】1408

