
江豚(Neophocaena phocaenoides)不同种群的形态差异和遗传变异的研究

Morphological Differences and Genetic Variations among the Populations of Neophocaena Phocaenoides

【作者】 高安利

【导师】 周开亚;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 动物学, 1991, 博士

【摘要】 我国古代关于江豚的记载最早出现于东汉许慎(公元58-148?)所著的《说文解字》。并认为其产地为长江中游和朝鲜。先后使用的名称达13种之多。江豚一词最早出现于郭璞(公元276-324)的《江赋》中,至今已使用了1700多年。 江豚Neophocaena phocaenoides的分布西起波斯湾,南达爪哇岛北岸。北至中国渤海的辽东湾,东及日本的仙台湾,呈狭长的带状分布。 鉴于近年来关于江豚的分类意见不一,本文根据南京师范大学生物系鲸类研究室1974年至1991年间在中国沿海采集的218号标本(其中长江种群标本84号,黄海种群标本89号,南海种群标本45号),应用协方差分析和多元分析,研究了各种群的性二型现象以及各种群之间在外形和骨骼上的差异,并根据文献中关于日本种群江豚和南亚种群江豚的资料,分析了中国水域三种群与日本和南亚种群之间在外形和颅骨方面的差异。认为江豚可以划分为5~6个种群:1)南亚种群,分布予印度、巴基斯坦一带沿岸;2)南海种群,分布于中国南海、东海南部。在南海的越南、马来西亚、爪畦北部及菲律宾沿岸的江豚可能均属于这一种群;3)黄海种群,分布于中国东海、黄海、渤海及朝鲜西部沿岸;4)长江种群,分布于长江中下游、洞庭湖及鄱阳湖;5)日本种群,在西部分布在九州至能登半岛沿岸海域,在东部分布在濑户内海及太平洋沿岸。根据外形,日本的江豚可能包括两个种群,在西侧的九州种群和在东侧的鸟羽种群,但有待于骨骼形态的进一步证明。 本工作共鉴定了169头中国水域江豚标本的年龄,并为各种群配饲了生长曲线。南海种群出生后的生长速度明显快于黄海种群和长江种群,6龄时接近最大体长,8龄后基本不再增长,而黄海种群性成熟后体长仍持续增长。长江种群雄性体长在性成熟后亦持续增长,但雌性的体长增长在6龄后慢于雄性。南海种群雄性和雌性都约在4龄性成熟,性

【Abstract】 The earliest record of the finless porpoise in the Chinese classical literatures was in the book,《Shuo wen jie zi (To explain sentences and characters)》, by Xu Shen ( AD 58-148?). The finless porpoise was said to inhabit the middle reaches of Yangtze River and off the coast of Korea. About 13 names were given to the finless porpoise in Chinese classical works. "Jiangzhu (River pig)",the most popular name for finless porpoise in China, was listed for the first time in 《 Jiang fu (Articles on rivers) 》 published about 1700 years ago.The finless porpoise,Neophocaena phocaenoides,is distributed in the form of a narrow band along the coast line of tropical and temperate Asia including some rivers. It reaches the Penian Gulf in the west,the northern coast of Jawa in the south,the northern border of the Liaodong Gulf (41 °N latitude) in the north,and the Sendai Bay (38 °20’ N latitude) in Japan in the east.The sexual dimorphism within each of the populations and the differences of external measurements and skeletal measurements between and among populations were studied using the covariance analysis and the discriminant analysis, based on 218 specimens (84 from Yangtze population,89 from Yellow Sea population and 45 from South China Sea population) collected by the Cetacean Research Laboratory .Nanjing Normal University between 1974 and 1991. The differences of external and skull measurements among Kyusyu,Toba (no skull measurements)South Asia populations and 3 populations from Chinese waters were studied using discriminant analysis based on data for Japanese and South Asia populations available in literatures. The result showed that 5-6 populations of the finless porpoise could be recognized. 1) South Asia population.inhabits the coastal waters of India and Pakistan; 2) South China Sea population,inhabits the coastal waters of South China Sea and northern part of East China Sea. The finless porpoise found off the coast of Vietnam,Malaysia, Philippines

  • 【分类号】Q951;Q953
  • 【下载频次】243

