

The Applying of Small Intestinal Submucosa in Tracheoplasty in a Rabbit Model for Tracheal Defect and Culture of Tracheal Ciliated Epithelial Cells in Vitro

【作者】 张龙芳

【导师】 陈文弦; 崔鹏程;

【作者基本信息】 第四军医大学 , 耳鼻咽喉科学, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 喉气管瘢痕性狭窄切除后常遗留大段缺损,治疗棘手。近年来随着交通、工矿等事故增加,发病率有增加趋势。喉气管功能重建术关键要处理以下几个问题:1.喉气管黏膜上皮再生与修复;2.如何控制瘢痕增生;3.喉气管软骨支架修复;4.组织工程软骨构建研究。 严重的喉气管狭窄重建喉气管软骨支架、增宽喉气管腔是成功的关键。重建支架有自体组织,同种异体材料、合成材料等。自体组织有肋软骨、鼻中隔软骨、舌骨、旋转带状肌皮瓣、胸锁乳突肌锁骨膜瓣等,是临床应用最多、安全、有效的材料。主要缺点是增加供区创伤,取材有限,增加病人痛苦。因此应用替代材料的研究前景广阔。同种异体材料优点是材料来源广泛,主要需解决的问题有:①如何保存材料的活性。②如何解决免疫排斥反应。我科既往实验用组织培养RPMI-1640保存软骨180天仍保有较好活性,软骨细胞活性率保持在90%以上。用此培养的软骨进行同种异体移植能修复甲状软骨缺损。 Surgisis(Cook)是一种已商品化的无细胞的细胞外基质,一般取自猪小

【Abstract】 After resection of laryngotracheal cicatricial stenosis, the leaved defect remain a challenge for laryngotracheal surgery. The problems need to solve on laryngotracheal functional rehabilitation including: regeneration and reparation of laryngotracheal epithelium, prevention scar hyperplasy, reparation of laryngotracheal cartilage scaffold and studies on tissue-engineering laryngotracheal. The key to success for severe tracheal defects reparation is to widen laryngotracheal lumen using autologous grafts, allogenic grafts and artificial stents. Despite of its superiority, there is no deny that autografting takes risk of adding wounds and the source of grafts is limited. Thus, laryngotracheal reconstruction is still longing for further research on allograft and


