

Membrane Resonance and Its Related Research in Rat Subicular Pyramidal Neurons

【作者】 王文挺

【导师】 胡三觉;

【作者基本信息】 第四军医大学 , 神经生物学, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 频率选择性是神经元具有的内在特性之一。共振是用来描述神经元对输入信号的频率选择性的能力。神经元的共振特性和频率选择性具有重要作用,是脑内网络节律性活动的重要基础,在神经元之间的信息传递中也具有重要作用。下托是海马结构的主要输出结构。它有助于海马结构的信息处理过程,对海马theta节律(θ,4-10Hz)的输出具有重要作用,涉及到诸如学习和记忆等海马生理功能。此外,临床和基础研究显示,下托的病理性改变参与了Alzheimer病、癫痫等多种疾病的发生和发展。本课题分成三个部分,在大鼠水平脑片上使用红外可视全细胞膜片钳记录下托锥体神经元的电活动,对其膜共振的性质和离子机制,以及在动作电位序列和突触传递中的作用进行探讨。 一、下托锥体神经元的膜共振特性及其离子机制 Theta(θ)振荡(4-10Hz)是许多脑区的一个重要的生物节律,尤其是在海马结构中具有重要作用。目前,作为θ振荡内在机制之一的θ共振已经在海马CA1锥体神经元、始层水平中间神经元以及中部内嗅皮质Ⅱ层星形细胞等不同类型神经元中检测到。尽管下托在海马结构中具有重要的生理学意义和功能,关于下托神经元是否存在膜共振特性,其产生的离子机制为何,尚未见报道。因此,本课题的第一步就是给予下托锥体神经元以随时间增加频率连续变化的正弦电流(ZAP,0-15Hz,20s)

【Abstract】 Frequency preference represents an intrinsic property of neurons. Resonance is described as the ability of neurons to respond selectively to inputs at a preferred frequency. It is essential to characterize the resonance and frequency preference of neurons because they serve as substrates for coordinating network activity in the brain. The subiculum is the pivotal output region of hippocampal formation. It connects the hippocampal formation with many cortical and subcortical regions. The subiculum contributes to the information processing and the theta (θ, 4 - 10 Hz) rhythm output of the hippocampal formation during physiological functions such as memory and learning. In addition, clinical and basic investigations show that changes within the subiculum are related to Alzheimer’s disease and temporal lobe epilepsy. Our research include three parts that study the resonant characteristic of subicular pyramidal neurons and its ionic mechanisms, analysis its role in spike timing and synaptic transmission with infrared visual whole-cell patch clamp recording in rat horizontal brain slices.1. The resonant characteristic and its ionic mechanisms of subicular pyramidal neurons.θ oscillation (4-10 Hz) is an important biological rhythm in many brain regions, especially in the hippocampal formation. As one of these intrinsic neuronal properties, θ resonance has been found in hippocampal CA1


