

On upper Paleozoic Subtle Gas Pools in Tabamiao District

【作者】 袁志祥

【导师】 陈洪德;

【作者基本信息】 成都理工大学 , 古生物学与地层学, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 本课题围绕储层精细描述、储层预测、产能预测、富集高产地质模型等创新点,以丰富隐蔽致密砂岩岩性气藏地质与评价理论和指导天然气勘探实践为最终目标,主要从以下几个领域开展研究工作,全面而系统地阐明塔巴庙探区上古生界隐蔽气藏特征、成藏类型、分布规律等。 1、地层精细划分、对比 在分析岩性、电性、沉积标志、古生物、旋回性等特征的基础上,结合“海相碳酸盐岩标志(K1)”、“主煤层及煤系项界标志(K2、3)”和“海泛面标志”等,将塔巴庙探区上古生界目的层段地层单位划分、对比到“段”,为后续研究奠定基础。 2、层序地层与沉积微相研究 建立鄂尔多斯盆地北部上古生界区域性层序地层标志和区域性层序发育模式,在塔巴庙探区石炭系太原组、二叠系山西组、下石盒子组进行亚相分布的研究,进一步深入研究各层组的沉积微相特征及其分布。建立盆地北部上古生界层序地层格架,以相控—等时原理方法进行目的层段砂层组对比,重点建立塔巴庙探区太原组、山西组、下石盒子组砂层组对比框架,为确定大中型岩性圈闭气藏的分布奠定基础。主要研究内容包括: (1) 根据本区实际情况,认真研究钻井岩心和测井曲线,依据以Cross的基准面旋回为指导思想的高分辨率层序地层学理论和方法,确定组以下地层的划分对比标准和原则,详细研究不同级别界面类型和特征,提出研究区的年代地层和层序地层划分方案,精细对比研究短期、中期及长期旋回的类型和特征,总结其结构特征、形成条件、岩性岩相组成和分布特点,建立层序地层格架。 (2) 根据区域沉积格局和沉积作用特点,深入详细研究石炭—二叠系沉积体系组、沉积体系(相)、亚相和微相的特征和时空分布,分别建立不同类型的沉积模式。 (3) 系统编制盆地北部上古生界主要层段岩相古地理图,并重点编制塔巴庙探区长期旋回和中期旋回的砂体等厚图和层序岩相古地理图,详细讨论不同时期的沉积体系配置、砂体展布特征和河道的分布与迁移,揭示各时期的岩相古地理特征和演化规律。

【Abstract】 The characteristics, pool types and distribution patterns of upper Paleozoic subtle gas pools in Tabamiao district are expounded comprehensively and systematically based on the following research work on the domains around the new focus of reservoir accurate and detail description, reservoir prediction, productivity prediction and geological models of gas enrichment and high productivity in order to enrich the geological and evaluative theory of subtle lithologic gas pools of tight sandstones and to guide gas exploration.1. Accurate and detail stratigraphic division and correlationBased on the analysis of lithology, electrical property, depositional mark, paleontology, cyclothem and combining with "Mark of marine carbonate rock (k1)","Mark of the tops if main coal bed and coal series (k2,k 3)", and "Mark of marine flooding surface ",the upper Paleozoic strata of target are divided and correlated into member, laying foundation for the following research .2. Research on Sequence stratigraphy and sedimentary microfacies.The development models of regional sequence stratiraphy and marks of regional sequence of strata Paleozoic of northern Ordos basin in upper are built, subfacies distribution of Taiyuan formation of Carboniferous, Shanxi formation and Shihezi formation of Permian in Tabamiao district are studied and the characteristics of sedimentary microfacies of different formations and their distribution are further researched. Frame of Upper Paleozoic sequence stratigraphy in the north of the basin is built and oil measures of target are correlated using facies-control and isochronous method, especially the correlation frame of oil measures in Taiyuan, Shanxi and Lower Shihezi formations in Tabamiao district, in order to lay foundation for defining the distribution of large or middle scale lithologic gas traps. Main research contents are:(1) Cores and log curves are studied seriously according to the situation of this area. Criteria and principles of stratigraphic division and correlation are determined for the units smaller than formation according to Cross’s theory and method of high resolution sequence stratigraphy which takes base level cycle as ideology. Division plan of chronostratigraphy and sequence stratigraphy in the research area is proposed through the research on the types and characteristics of different rank boundaries. The types and characteristics of short-term, middle-tern and long-term cycles are studied though accurate and detail correlation. Frame of sequence stratigraphy is built based on summarizing their textural feature, forming condition, composition of lithology and lithofacies and distribution.

  • 【分类号】P618.13
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】559

