

The Saintly Heroines in Russian Literature

【作者】 谢春艳

【导师】 金亚娜;

【作者基本信息】 黑龙江大学 , 俄语语言文学, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 女性崇拜是俄罗斯文学有别于西方文学的重要特征之一。俄罗斯古典文学和苏联文学中的许多女性笃信上帝,富于自我牺牲精神,带有一种宗教禁欲主义的崇高圣洁之美。她们心甘情愿地尊奉圣徒的典范,鄙视物质利益,道德坚韧,无私地奉献爱。俄罗斯作家们擅长借助这些圣徒式女性形象表达自己的理想,寄予他们对俄罗斯民族复兴的希望。由此,俄罗斯文学中的女性形象获得一种独特的象征意义:她们是苦难的化身和拯救的力量。 俄罗斯文学中的圣徒式女性对现实社会带来重大的影响。她们的精神世界往往高于男性,是男性灵魂的拯救者。这些圣徒式女性形象均出自男性作家的笔下,这不仅与俄罗斯民族的“神圣罗斯”观念、对“大地母亲——圣母——索菲亚”的崇拜,以及作家本人对女性的情感紧密相关,女性在现实生活和俄罗斯国家历史中的作用也决定了作家们将创作视线投到她们身上。本文利用东正教神学理论和宗教哲学思想,对俄罗斯文学中不同作家笔下的圣徒式女性形象进行深入的分析,并借鉴原型批评和美学理论探究其文化渊源、审美价值以及对社会所产生的进步作用。同时揭示当代俄罗斯文学中女性形象圣徒精神与道德行为理想的消解,指出禁欲苦行的圣徒精神是俄罗斯民族复活的道德支柱。

【Abstract】 The worship of women is one of the important features of Russian literature of the Western tradition. There were many women who sincerely believed in God and were imbued with the spirit of self-sacrifice. In classical Russian and Soviet literature these women possessed the virtue of holy religious asceticism. They worshiped saints willingly, despised material gains, displayed moral tenacity and offered selfless love. Russian authors are successful in conveying their own ideal and placing hopes on the resurrection of Russian nationalism’s through the aid of these saintly heroines. Heroines in Russian literature have gained a unique symbolic significance: they are the embodiment of suffering and strength.The saintly heroines in Russian literature have exerted a great influence on Russian society. They have nobler spirit than heroes and rescue the souls of heroes. All the stories of these saintly heroines were written by men. This has direct bearing on the Russian concept of "saint Russia," worship of "Mother earth-the Virgin Mary-Sophy" and the writers’ passions for women, the role of women in the real life and the history of Russia; but also makes the writers examine the creation of women images.This paper analyses saintly heroines of the different authors in Russian literature also taking into account the theology of the Russian Eastern Orthodox Church and the ideas of religious philosophy. It also seeks, using the theology of the prototype criticism and aesthetic criticism, to extract the cultural origins, aesthetic values and the progressive role in society of these images Moreover, it will bring to light the disappearance of the saint’s spirits and their moral idea of the heroines in contemporary Russian literature and will argue that the saint’s ascetic practices are the moral pillar of the resurrection of Russian nationalism.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 黑龙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 12期

