

【作者】 孙毅

【导师】 汤晓芙; 郭玉璞; 李舜伟;

【作者基本信息】 中国协和医科大学 , 神经病学, 1995, 博士

【摘要】 磁刺激技术是新近发展起来的神经生理刺激技术,在神经生理检查,特别是神经系统运动功能的评价方面具有广泛的前景。尽管临床应用未发现其有明显及严重的副作用,然而也有一些临床报道及实验研究提示其应用方面存在不安全因素。为了对磁刺激安全性问题进行全面地了解和正确评价,以指导其在临床中合理地应用,还需要进行更广泛的临床与实验研究。特别是由于某些实验不宜在人体进行,动物实验就显得十分重要和必要。我们首次用电生理方法研究了大鼠用于TMS安全性研究的可行性,并初步观察了磁刺激对大鼠行为及脑组织结构的影响。 大鼠用于TMS安全性研究的可行性研究中,16只大鼠接受了头部磁刺激(MBS)及/或阳极电刺激(EBS)。发现S70及SC120两种MC均可诱发大鼠后肢肌肉产生CMAPs,其强度阈值分别为34.5%及44.5%,其中S70在50%的输出时即可诱发最大的CMAPs波形。当用S70以60%的输出(超强磁刺激)时,CMAPs潜伏期为6.53ms,而用超强ERS刺激时为5.1ms,二者之潜伏期差为1.35ms。深度麻醉使CMAPs波形减少甚至消失,头旁刺激不能诱使大鼠产生CMAPs,而腰区刺激则可诱导出潜伏期为2.6±0.3ms的CMAPs。上述结果提示,大鼠MBS时CMAPs来源于其对脑组织跨突触兴奋的作用,同时表明MBS足以对大鼠脑组织产生刺激电流,因此可以将大鼠用作磁刺激安全性的观察对象。实验还发现MC不同部位及不同的MC引起的CMAPs的能力不同,S70线圈强于SC120线圈,而靠进MC中心部位作用最大。建议在进行大鼠MBS的安全性检查时采用S70型线圈,并在比标准位置略靠MC中心处进行刺激为佳。

【Abstract】 Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) of human brain is a newly developed clinical neurophysiological technique aimed at evaluation of the motor functions of the central nervous system. The safety aspect of TMS is still contraversial and more clinical and experimental reserches are required to reach an overall and objective conclusion. Up to now few investigations in this field bave been made and one of the reasons is the suspending vadality of experimental animals, especially the small ones. In our study, we tried to prove, by neurophysiological methods, the vadality of rat as the experimental animal in TMS safety studies and made preliminary investigation of the effects of TMS on some behaviors and brain histological and ultrastructural morphology of rats.In vadality study, rats received magnetic brain stimulation (MBS) and anodal electric brain stimulation and the evoked motor potetials were recorded by concentric EMG needle at hindlimb muscles. It was found that MBS was able to elicit CMAPs, which (?) be suppressed by deep anesthesia, and the average latency of CMAPs at supramaximal intensity was 6.52 ms, 1.35 ms later than that by EBS; CMAPs could also be elicited by magnetic

  • 【分类号】R-332
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】107

