

Experimental Studies and Preliminary Clinical Applications of Transcoronary Chemical Ablation

【作者】 齐向前

【导师】 陶寿淇; 孙瑞龙; 宋有城; 徐义枢; 高润霖; 王方正; 唐承君; 阮英茆;

【作者基本信息】 中国协和医科大学 , 心脏内科急症, 1993, 博士

【摘要】 一.经冠状动脉化学消融术(TCA)消除实验性梗塞后室性心动过速(VT) 按Harris氏二期结扎法建立犬心肌梗塞模型26只,4~16天后再次开胸以标准心脏程序刺激法诱发VT。26只犬中诱发VT22只(86%),共41例次,其中持续性VT33例次,非持续性VT8例次。采用心外膜低温(0~2℃)方法标测定位持续性VT起源灶,确定起源灶20例次(61%),未确定13例次。于VT起源灶心肌供血的小冠状动脉内注射95%乙醇0.3~1.2ml(平均0.6ml)14例,10例(71%)未再诱发出VT。心肌内注射95%乙醇1~3ml9例(包括血管内注射无效4例),6例未再诱发出VT。 观察TCA对18只正常犬心脏病理生理学影响。组Ⅰ9只犬,小冠状动脉内注射95%乙醇0.4~0.6ml,组Ⅱ9只注射1.0~1.2ml。TCA后CK—MB活性平均峰值组Ⅰ78±63U/L,组Ⅱ155±82 U/L;组Ⅰ室性早搏9例,非持续性VT4例,组Ⅱ室性早搏9例,非持续性VT6例,持续性VT4例;心电图ST段抬高组Ⅰ平均1.2±0.6mm,组Ⅱ4.8±1.9mm(p<0.01);透壁性心肌坏死两组各9例。TCA后8小时内组Ⅰ心脏功能指标无明显改变,组Ⅱ左室功能明显低下。心肌坏死面积比值平均组Ⅰ4.5±4.0%,组Ⅱ12.0±4.0%(p<0.01)。本文实验结果表明TCA消除折返机制的实验性梗塞后VT效果肯定,

【Abstract】 A study was done on chemical ablation with ethanol in the treatment of ventricular tachycardia (VT) in experimental animals and two patients. Epicardial ice mapping was performed with a probe to localize the site of origin of VT induced by programmed stimulation in 26 dogs 4 ~ 16 days after experimental acute myocardial infarction.In 20 of 33 episodes, a specific area where cooling with the ice probe terminated the VT could be found.Late diastolic activity was recorded from 3 of 6 such sites. The data presented suggested that the mechanism responsible for VT was reentry. After 0.3 ~ 1.2m1 of 95% ethanol was injected into a small coronary artery supplying the arrhythmogenic area, VT was no longer inducible in 10 of 14 dogs. Intramyocardial ethanol (1 ~ 3ml) was injected into the site of origin of VT in 9 dogs. In six of these, VT could not be reinduced. After injection of 0.4~ 1.2ml of 95% ethanol into a small normal coronary artery in 18 dogs, the changes in ECG, CK-MB and pathology werefound to be related to the dose of


