

【作者】 邹艺辉

【导师】 庄洪兴;

【作者基本信息】 中国协和医科大学 , 整形外科, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 本研究采用鹌鹑-鸡胚移植法探索咽囊内胚层对中耳听骨发育(诱导/成形)及中耳听骨与内耳整合的作用。首先在整体标本中观察了正常鸡胚中耳听骨——耳小柱(columella)发育过程中的形态学改变与特征,建立了正常参照标准。然后,采用鹌鹑-鸡胚移植法,研究了菱脑第4节(R4区)咽囊内胚层对耳小柱的诱导和成形作用、R4R5区咽囊内胚层对耳小柱和内耳(半规管)包囊的整合作用、以及R4区咽囊内胚层对R3至中脑(MB)区其它软骨的诱导和成形作用,证实了咽囊内胚层能诱导中耳听骨发育及中耳听骨与内耳的整合作用,并且确切定位了诱导耳小柱各部位发育及其与内耳整合作用的咽囊内胚层组织,从而阐明了中、内耳正常胚胎发育与畸形形成的部分机制。 第一部分:正常鸡胚听骨发育中的解剖形态 目的 掌握正常鸡胚发育过程中耳小柱解剖形态与特征,建立正常参照标准,同时探索在整体标本中清晰显示位置深在的耳小柱的方法。方法 收取胚胎发育第5-19天(E5-E19)鸡胚头部,4%PFA固定,阿辛蓝软骨染色,甲醛水杨酸软组织透明后,解剖显微镜下观察中耳腔内耳小柱及其周围软骨发育情况,包括方形软骨、关节软骨、鳞骨、下颌软骨(Meckel软骨)、内耳(半规管)包囊以及舌骨。结果 耳小柱约在E7出现,E8-E10呈分离的内、外侧2部分,E11已具成熟期形态(内、外侧2部分融为一体,外侧段有3个突起),E12形态更清晰,E13软组织内血管影出现,E14软骨开始钙化,E15

【Abstract】 This research explored the role of pharyngeal pouch endoderm (PPE) to development (induction and patterning ) of chick ossicle and integration of the ossicle and inner ear by quail-chick chimera. First, we observed the normal morphology of chick ossicle, columella, during development in the whole mount, and established a criterion for normal columella. Then, investigated the induction and patterning of R4 PPE to columella, R4R5 to the integration of columella and inner ear by isotopic transplantation, and R4 to cartilages originating from R3 to Midbrain (MB) by ectopic transplantation. And proved PPE can induce development of columella and integration of columella and inner ear, and located the sites of the PPE, which elucidate partly mechanism of normal development and defect formation of the middle and inner ear.The 1st part: Normal morphology of chick columella during development. Objective master normal morphology and establish a criterion of chick columella during its development, and find a method which can show the configuration of deep located columella in the whole mount. Method Collected E5- E19 chick embryos’ heads, fixed specimen with 4%PFA, stained cartilages with Alcian Blue, cleared tissue with methyl salicylate, and observed columella and other cartilages around, such as quadrate, articular, squamosum, Meckel’ s cartilage, inner

  • 【分类号】R764
  • 【下载频次】57

