

Ecological Characteristics of Chironomid Larvae and Study on Its Removal in Water Treatment Process

【作者】 孙兴滨

【导师】 崔福义;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 市政工程, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 水体富营养化使得摇蚊幼虫在水库、湖泊类水源中大量孳生繁殖,直接导致其可以在给水处理系统中出现。1龄摇蚊幼虫具有较强的游动性,可以穿透滤池进入到清水池中,由于常规的水处理消毒工艺对其难以有效地灭活,在我国一些大中城市的管网水中都曾发现过摇蚊幼虫。尽管目前不能证实摇蚊幼虫会威胁到公众健康,但是人们常常把这些生物的存在和饮用水不卫生联系起来,引起他们对水质信心的下降。本研究旨在通过两条途径来解决给水处理系统中摇蚊幼虫的威胁:一是研究摇蚊幼虫的生理生态学特性,为摇蚊幼虫的预测预报提供基础数据,以指导水厂在其暴发期间采取应急措施;另一条途径则是从改进与强化水处理工艺入手,研究行之有效的水处理工艺技术,达到使其被有效去除的目的。深圳水源水和给水处理系统中的摇蚊优势种属为花翅摇蚊。在18、22、26、30和34℃五个恒定温度下,研究了温度对花翅摇蚊的生长发育、存活及繁殖的影响。在试验温度范围内,花翅摇蚊各虫态发育历期随温度升高而逐渐缩短,发育速率与温度呈正比关系,并得出各虫态发育速率与温度的5个回归关系式,可用于花翅摇蚊发生期的有效积温预测。花翅摇蚊的世代发育起点温度和有效积温分别为6.68℃和742.97d·℃。26℃时世代存活率、成虫繁殖力和种群增长指数均高于其它温度处理。在5个温度条件下,内禀增长力(rm)和周限增长速率(λ)均随温度的升高而增大,至34℃时最大,分别为0.175和1.191。净增殖率(R0)在26℃时最大,其与温度呈二次抛物线关系。平均世代周期(T)和种群数量加倍时间(t)均随温度的升高而缩短,至34℃最短,分别为24.53d和3.96d。花翅摇蚊对温度较敏感,30~34℃为其种群增长的最适温区。根据有效积温推算,花翅摇蚊在深圳地区一年发生8个世代,5~10月为其多发期,这与深圳地区夏秋季多发的动态相吻合。除温度外,湿度和光照周期等环境因子对花翅摇蚊的成虫繁殖力均具有显著影响。在一定范围内,随湿度升高每雌产卵量逐渐增大,在85%RH下每雌产卵量达到最大值,而后呈下降趋势。每雌产卵量与光照周期呈抛物线关系,并在光照12h时达到最高。以上结果为分析摇蚊种群动态规律提供了参考依据。三种化学氧化剂中,二氧化氯对摇蚊不同龄期幼虫的毒力最高,臭氧次之,液氯最低;25℃时二氧化氯、臭氧和液氯对4龄幼虫的24h半致死浓度

【Abstract】 As a consequense of eutrophication, Chironomid larvae excessively propagates in water sources, such as reservoir and fresh lake, which induced the 1st instar larvae of Chironomid in source water to enter drinking water treatment system. Several researchers reported that Chironomid larvae is difficult to inactivate using free chlorine at concentrations commonly used in drinking water utilities. In addition, the 1st instar larvae can easily penetrate sand filter and then goes into waterworks reservoir and municipal service pipe due to its motility. Although there are no indications that these organisms pose a threat to public health, their presence is still not appreciated because most people associate the organisms with low hygiene.This study attempted to settle the danger of Chironomid larvae as to ensure drinking water security by two approaches: one is to research on physiology and ecology of Chironomid larvae in order to provide basis data for the forecast of Chironomid larvae and service to the departments of water supply for solving breaking-out of Chironomid larvae; the other is to effectively remove Chironomid larvae from water by strengthening water treatment process as to attain the radical solution for the problem of Chironomid larvae.The result showed that the dominant species in water source and drinking water treatment system was Chironomus kiiensis. Development, growth, survivor and reproduction of the experimental populations of Chironomus kiiensis were observed at 18℃, 22℃, 26℃, 30℃and 34℃respectively. It was found that under 18~34℃the developmental duration decreased while the developmental rate increased linearly with temperature. The relationship between the developmental rate and temperature were further described with five regression equations, which could be applied to predict occurrence period and effective accumulative temperature. The development threshold temperature and effective accumulative temperature for whole generation were 6.68℃and 742.97 day-degrees, respectively. The the generation survival rate, fecundity and population trend index attained their respective maximun values at 26℃. In the tested temperature range, both intrinsic rate of increase (rm) and finite rate of


