

【作者】 王传正

【导师】 孙刚;

【作者基本信息】 东北财经大学 , 金融学, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 金融是现代经济的核心。由于金融体系的内在脆弱性、金融机构的内在脆弱性、金融主体行为的有限理性和金融资产价格的内在波动性,造成金融系统的内在不稳定性和伴生的巨大风险性。从历史到现实,人们在享受金融带来的福利的同时,也深受金融危机的危害。在各类金融中介机构中,银行是最基本和最重要的,也是最容易引发金融危机的部门。进入20世纪80年代后,世界经济一体化和金融全球化的趋势使银行在经营理念、管理手段和风险控制等诸多方面发生了前所未有的改变,同时,这些急剧变化同银行业固有的风险一起也造成了银行业前所未有的动荡和危机。1980-96年期间,IMF的180个成员国中,有130个国家的银行业发生过严重问题或金融危机。 自从20世纪30年代以来,银行业一直是市场经济国家政府管制最为严厉的经济部门之一,即使是在20世纪70年代后期经济自由化思潮及各国普遍实行自由经济政策的大背景下,银行业仍是沿着管制—放松管制—再管制的轨迹前进的。尤其是亚洲金融危机以来,各国的金融监管普遍加强,其中不仅涉及监管技术的进步,更涉及金融监管体系的变化和分合。各国政府为了保证银行体系的稳定和社会经济金融的平稳运行,着手实施对银行业的严格监管和建立金融安全网。各国政府希望通过对银行实施有效监管,来纠正市场失灵,优化资源配置,协调社会成员的利益,增进社会福利。 在各国银行监管当局和国际金融组织不断出台各种法律、法规推动监管手段、监管技术进步,完善监管制度的同时,经济学家也在从多角度对银行监管的理论基础和有效性进行探讨,对监管制度的框架进行设计和完善。通过理论和实践的结合,经济学家和监管当局在监管体系的许多领域达成共识,其中《巴塞尔新资本协议》和巴塞尔委员会制定和颁布的其他文件指南成为世界上大多数国家的监管标准和指导原则。这些共识主要包括:第一,最低资本要求、监管部门的监督检查和市场纪律是银行监管的三大支柱。第二,确立资本管理的监管理念,深化了对资本的认识,将风险水平与资本要求紧密结合。第三,指出内部模型法对风险管理的重要作用。第四,银行监管从合规性监管向合规性

【Abstract】 Finance is the center of modern economics. Because of the inherent frangibility of financial system and financial institution, the limited sense of financial main bodies’ behavior and the inherent fluctuating of financial asset prices, there are inherent instability and great risks in financial system. From history to present, people enjoy the welfare of finance, while they have been feeling the loss of financial crisis. Among the various financial institutions, bank is the most basic and important, which causes the financial risks most easily in all of them. After 1980, world economy integration and finance globalization make bank operation and managing ideas, managing means and risk control etc. change unforeseen. At the same time, these sudden changes bring on unforeseen turbulence and crisis to banking with original banking risks. During 1980-1996, serious problems and financial crisis had taken place in 130 countries banking among all the 180 member countries of IMF.Since 1930s, the banking has been one of economic administrative departments most strictly regulated in the market economy countries all the time. Even in the background that economic liberalization ideological trend and various countries economic laissez faire policy generally had been implemented in the evening of 1970s, banking have been advancing along control- relaxed management - control again orbit. Especially since Asian financial crisis, the financial supervision of various countries has been generally strengthened. It related not only with the progress of supervisory technology, but the change and disjoin-combine of supervisory system. The governments of various countries, in order to guarantee the steady operation of the banking system and the stability and social economy and finance, set about to implementing strict supervision and establishing the financial safety network. They hope to correct the market failure, optimize resource distribution, coordinate the interests of social members and promote the social welfare through supervising bank effectively.

  • 【分类号】F832.1
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】1564

