

【作者】 杨然

【导师】 邵献书;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 民族学, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 本文通过对贵州西北毕节地区的穿青人族群的历史、地理、文化诸方面的研究,运用民族史和民族志的方法,深入分析了穿青人介于汉族与其他少数民族之间的中间化心理形成的原因、过程,结合当代中国民族学的发展,阐明了穿青人的族群建构过程,并对其认同趋势做出了预测。文章共分为六个部分: 第一部分,绪论。介绍了穿青人的基本状况和穿青人问题的由来。在穿青人的人口、分布、地理文化环境方面作了全面的介绍,对上个世纪五十年代的民族识别认定其为汉族的过程和穿青人自己所作的自我识别过程作了交代,表明了民族识别过程当中他观和自观观点在穿青人识别当中的分歧,是为穿青人问题之由来。 第二部分,穿青人的历史。从现存的汉文史料及穿青人家谱传说中总结出穿青人的来源成份、迁移融合过程、族群性的文化标志。文章指出了穿青人既不完全是上个世纪50年代民族识别所认为的汉族移民,也不是穿青人自己所认为的是当地的少数民族,而是两者融合的结果。文章分析了穿青人的来源组成部分,指出了他们实际上是一些人群在汉化过程当中并非有意为之的组合,其聚合与分离也是十分随意的。他们的文化当中吸取了汉族和少数民族的文化因子,并且把这些因子结合在一起,作为他们与周围人群相区别的标志。 第三部分,穿青人中间化心理形成分析。分析了由于历史上中央王朝对贵州的政治、经济、文化等方面的开发的不充分,加上贵州当地独特的政治

【Abstract】 This article studies the history, geography and culture of "Chuan Qing " people who live in BiJie district, northwest of GuiZhou province, analyses its neutralization character and the reason why they are between the developed Han nationality and the other developing ones. This article expresses the construction process of the "Chuan Qing " people, and forecast its ways to be modernized. There are 6 parts:The first is preface, it introduces the current situation of "Chuan Qing " people and the origination of the "Chuan Qing" people problem. It introduces "Chuan Qing " people’s population, living area, culture and environment, and tells the story of government’s nationality identifying made in the 1950s, followed by "Chuan Qing " people’s own identifying 30 years later. It points out that the disagreements between the emic and the etic leaded to this problem.The second is about "Chuan Qing " people’s history. It concludes "Chuan Qing " people’s origins, process of their migration and integration as well as the marks of this group from the historical files, legends, fairies and so on. It says that "Chuan Qing " people is the offspring of immigrants from JiangXi province and the native people, they took Han nationality and minorities’ culture elements to create their own culture.The third part analyses how did "Chuan Qing " people’s neutralisms character come into being. It says the past central governments put a series of policies about politics, economy and education into practice in this area, but they were not

【关键词】 穿青人族群历史建构
【Key words】 Chuan Qing peopleethnic grouphistoryconstruction

