

【作者】 倪文波

【导师】 李岩;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 少数民族语言文学, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 崔致远是韩国统一新罗时期最杰出的文学家,是韩国汉文学的鼻祖。中韩两国在崔致远研究方面都做出了重大贡献,但这些研究重点在对崔致远作品的搜集整理、思想、谱系、金石文及作品的文献价值,而对崔致远文学创作的研究则不够全面系统。崔致远的诗歌,以其现实主义精神揭露了当时的社会矛盾和不合理的现象,批判了封建统治者的腐朽和社会政治的黑暗,反映了对劳动人民的同情,表达了对祖国的怀念,歌颂了对友人的真挚感情。他的诗歌题材广泛、内容丰富,风格多样。他善写近体诗,尤善七言绝句,善于刻画主人公形象,善于运用多种艺术手法,语言鲜明生动,把韩国古代的汉文诗推向了一个新的高峰。崔致远的散文真实地反映了唐末社会的阶级矛盾,既有极高的史料价值,也具有极高的文学价值。他的散文,结构完整,体裁多样,说理充分,层次分明,语言既清新明快,又有极强的抒情性,在韩国文学史上具有开创性的意义。鉴于此,对崔致远的文学创作进行全面系统地研究,对研究韩国古代文化、中国晚唐文学及中韩文化交流都具有十分重大的意义。 本文拟从文本入手,以中韩古代文献为依据,同时参阅当今国内研究成果,运用多种方法多视角地研究崔致远的文学创作,从美学、哲学、文艺批评学等角度进行关照,以文献学、文体学的分析方法为基本研究方法,兼取系统论、比较文学、传统的文学批评理论及实证研究的方法,对崔致远的文学创作进行深入系统的研究。 本文共分六章。第一章《崔致远的生平》重点论述了崔致远生活的时代背景及在中国的生活经历;第二章《崔致远的思想》则分别论述了崔致远思想中的儒、释、道思想及三种思想的在崔致远思想中的兼容。第三章论述了崔致远诗歌的内容和特点,特别是重点分析了“乡乐杂咏”在韩国舞蹈史上的史料价值和《纪德诗》用典;因为《双女坟》历来争议较大,所以第四章从《双女坟》的作者、故事流变及本体研究等几个角度专门对《双女坟》进行论述;第五章为《崔致远的散文》,因为大多数学者在研究崔致远的文学时只注重研究他的诗歌,即使是对他散文进行研究,也只是从文献的角度研究它的史料价值,从文学的角度去研究崔致远的散文几乎是个空白,本文分别从思想内容和艺术特点两个方面,对崔致远的散文进行探讨,特别是从文体角度对崔致远散文的艺术特色进行了论述;第六章总结了崔致远的地位和影响,分别从诗歌和散文、在韩国和在中国响及在中韩文化交流方面的影响几方面进行论述。 本论文在吸收他人研究成果的基础上,对一些有争议的问题提出了自己的观

【Abstract】 Cui Zhiyuan, the most outstanding poet, scholar and litterateur in the Period of the Unified Xinluo, plays a key role in the evolutive history of Korean literature and the cultural communications between China and Korea, who is regarded as the initiator of Confucianism and the idealist philosophy in Korea. His poems, inscriptions and funeral orations and even other works have been worth lucubrating up to the present. The thorough and systemic study on the works by Cui Zhiyuan has been of great significance to the literature of late Tang Dynasty, the culture of ancient Korea and the cultural communications between China and Korea.Korean academe has been active in the study on Cui Zhiyuan and large numbers of research fruit has come into being. Comparatively, Chinese academe has been weaker in it. Since 1980’s, along with the enhancement of the cultural communications between China and Korea, their academic communications have been increasingly frequent. Chinese academe has paid more and more attention to the study on Cui Zhiyuan. Many scholars have probed into the study and made out some valuable research. However, according to the present data, there are only about 30 published theses inland, which mainly treat of observing all his life, his lost poems and the historical value of his poems. Though there were some studies on Cui Zhiyuan’s literature, they didn’t go deep into it and haven’t given a systemic form. Study on Cui Zhiyuan, the thesis for doctor’s degree by Dr. Dang Yingping in Nanjing University, mostly emphasized on Cui Zhiyuan’s official career, literature activities in Tang Dynasty and association with litterateurs in late Tang Dynasty, but didn’t make any systemic research on his literature.Consulting the documents in ancient Chinese and Korea and domestic research fruit nowdays, this thesis starts with the text of Cui Zhiyuan’s works to carry through the comprehensive study on Cui Zhiyuan’s invention by means of traditional study and analyse methods of concrete evidence.This thesis can be roughly split into six chapters. Chapter One: Cui Zhiyuan’s Life Story mainly states his epoch background and life experience in China; Chapter Two: Cui Zhiyuan’s Thoughts discusses his ideologies of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism respectively and the all-inclusive of them three in his thoughts; Chapter Three emphasizes on the contents and characteristics of his poems and mostly analyzes his folk rhymes and Odes to Eulogy; Chapter Four expounds Cui Zhiyuan’s Two Women’s Tomb, such a controversial novel from the view of author, spread and variation, and noumenon study. About the study on Cui Zhiyuan, most scholars pay attention to his poems only, even there are a few articles on his prose, none of them care about the literature value of his prose. So Chapter Five just enters into the thoughts and artistic features of his prose, which aims at filling a vacancy. Chapter Six summarizes Cui Zhiyuan’s status and impact from the view of his poems and prose, his influence in Korea, China and even in the cultural communications between China and Korea.Based on the others’ research, the author puts forward his own points of view

【关键词】 崔致远文学作品诗歌散文双女坟
【Key words】 Cui Zhiyuanliterary workspoemproseTwo Women’s Tomb

