

Research on Control Technology of Initiative Mating Device in Underwater Vehicle

【作者】 侯恕萍

【导师】 孟庆鑫;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工程大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 水下运载器是随着海洋资源开发和研究的不断深入以及国防的需要而产生和发展起来的高新技术,是海洋高科技的重要组成部分。其中水下对接技术是运载器完成水下作业任务的关键技术,水下对接装置的功能是完成水下运载器与潜艇或海洋空间站的对接作业,实现人员或物资的干转移。 本文主要针对水下对接作业环境的特点,设计了水下主动对接装置,选取了适合的控制方法、控制系统和工作模式,完成了对接装置的多机械手及运载器本体和机械手之间的协调运动控制。本文进行了基于吸盘结构的水下运载器主动对接装置的结构设计,对装置进行了运动学分析,结合机械手的实际结构,推导出机械手末端吸盘的运动方程,并根据主动对接作业策略进行了机械手位姿变化的分析。 主动对接过程除了四只机械手之间的配合外还有运载器与机械手之间的配合,它们之间存在着复杂的逻辑关系。本文基于形式语言和自动机的离散事件系统监控理论来解决协调层的控制问题,提出了同时利用运载器与机械手的工作空间划分定义自动机模型状态与事件的方法,解决了系统中并发现象的描述问题;建立了主动对接作业过程模型,描述了完成协调控制的监控器的作用,并通过等价类简化了机械手与目标间的关系,也大大简化了协调层控制结构。在逻辑层设计的基础之上,基于赋时离散事件系统监控理论对作业过程的时间特性进行了详细的分析,避免了在处理失败事件时容易使系统陷入死循环的不足,提出了具有限定循环执行次数功能监控器的逻辑结构,并给出了赋时形式;最后又提出了具有参数调整功能的协调控制方法。 本文设计了主动对接装置的液压伺服系统,并利用直线位移、角位移及压力等传感器信息,构建了电液伺服系统的控制器,并基于可编程控制器完成了水下主动对接作业装置的软件和硬件的联调,在软件中还设计了平移式平均值滤波程序来减少环境外扰。通过编制主动对接装置作业过程的协调控制软件,完成了陆上联调和对接实验,有效地实现了主动对接作业过程协调控制,为实现水下对接过程自动化奠定了扎实的理论基础。

【Abstract】 Underwater vehicles, which are important in the architecture of ocean technology, belong to a new technology with the developing of national defense and exploitation of ocean resource gradually. Underwater mating is the key technique while operating in water. After mating successfully, the other mission of mating device is to transfer people or material between submarine, ocean station and underwater vehicle.With a view to the characteristic of underwater environment, the dissertation has studied an appropriate method and work mode for coordinator control between the vehicle and the manipulators. A new type mating device is designed which has a cupule at each end of manipulator. Kinematics analysis, structural design of mating device and motion equations are also given in this paper. At the same time, the motion of manipulators’ position and posture are analyzed according to the auto-mating tactic.In completing the task, cooperation exists not only among the four manipulators, but between underwater vehicle and manipulators as well. Because the motion trajectories of the vehicle and manipulators are both pre-wise, and there are complicated logic relations between controlled events, the supervisory control theory of discrete event systems (DES) is used to design the coordinated controller. The states and events of automata model are defined by simultaneously partitioning the workspace of manipulators and the workspace of vehicle. It is shown that the modeling approach could treat with concurrence. The mating operation models are established and the functions of monitor are described in proceed of cooperating. On other side, equivalence class is used to simplify the relation between manipulators and task goal. The architecture of coordinating level is simplified quietly at the same time.In logical level, the supervisor can determine which event will be fired next step by observing the occurrence of events sequence, and can make the system recovered from failed actions. But such a supervisor may leave the system in performing a fixed sequence of events infinitely. Based on the development of supervisory control of timed discrete event systems (TDES) and logical results obtained previously, timed characteristics of the operational process is considered


