

Er Ya New-Prove

【作者】 冯华

【导师】 黄天树;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 《爾雅》是一部重要的古代典籍,以前的學者多利用傳世文獻來研究《爾雅》。“爾雅新證”則是指利用出土的地下材料來校讀《爾雅》的研究方法。“爾雅新證”以甲骨文、金文、簡帛等古文字材料和一些非文字的考古材料來檢驗《爾雅》。“爾雅新證”一方面要訂正《爾雅》的訛誤,另一方面驗證《爾雅》的正確訓釋。通過新證,本文指出了《爾雅》的一些訛誤,同時也指出《爾雅》應該成書于戰國中晚期,並且《爾雅》的真實性是不容懷疑的。 本文分為兩大部分,上編是爾雅新證的方法,即第一部分,有如下四章: 第一章主要利用古文字字形進行新證,指出了《釋詁》“馘,獲也”、《釋訓》“暴虎,徒搏也”、《釋天》“何鼓謂之牽牛”等詞條的一些問題。 第二章主要根據古文字辭例進行新證,指出了《釋詁》“崩、薨、無祿、卒、徂落、殪,死也”、《釋言》“般,還也”、《釋親》“父為考,母為妣”、《釋親》“曾祖王父之考為高祖王父,曾祖王母之妣為高祖王母”、《釋親》“晜孫之子為仍孫”、《釋親》“婦稱夫之父曰舅,稱夫之母曰姑”、《釋天》“載,歲也。夏曰歲,商曰祀,周曰年,唐虞曰載。歲名”、《釋地》“九夷、八狄、七戎、六蠻,謂之四海”、《釋水》“繇膝以上為涉”、《釋畜》“夏羊;牡,羭;牝,羖”等詞條的問題。 第三章主要利用非文字的考古材料進行新證,指出《釋器》“附耳外謂之鈛”、《釋器》“木豆謂之豆”等詞條的問題。 第四章利用春秋戰國金文和西漢初期的簡帛文字指出了《釋親》的時代應該在戰國中晚期,並且批駁了對《爾雅》的懷疑態度。 下编是第二部分,對出現於地下材料中的《爾雅》詞語進行逐條新證。

【Abstract】 Abstract: Er Ya is an important ancient book, preceding scholar mostly researched Er Ya by documents handed down from ancient times. " Er Ya New-prove" is a research way of inspecting Er Ya making use of unearthed archeology material. "Er Ya New-prove" inspects Er Ya by paleography material such as oracle bone and bronze inscriptions and bamboo and silk and some other archeology material. "Er Ya New-prove" corrects the error of Er Ya on one hand and proves the right explanations of Er Ya on the other hand. By new-proving this paper points out some errors of Er Ya and Er Ya should became famous at the War history age and its authenticity is undoubted.The paper consisting of two parts, Part I is the method of Er Ya New-prove, including such four chapters:The first chapter mainly new-proves by paleography form of a word and points out some errors of some entry such as Shi Gu (《釋詁》) "Guo (馘), Huo (獲)"、 Shi Xun (《釋訓》) "Bao Hu (暴虎), Tu Bo (徒博)"、 Shi Tian (《釋天》) "He Gu (何 鼓) is Qian Niu (牽牛) . "The second chapter mainly new-proves by paleography meaning of a word andpoints out some errors of some entry such as Shi Gu (《釋詁》) "Beng (崩)、 Hong(薨)、 WuLu (無祿)、 Zu (卒)、 Cu Luo (徂落)、 Ye (殪), Die"、 Shi Yan《釋言》 "Ban(般), Huan (還) 也"、 Shi Qin (《釋親》) "Father is Kao (考), Mother is Bi (妣)"、Shi Qin (《釋親》) "Kao (考) of Zeng Zu Wang Fu (曾祖王父) is Gao Zu Wang Fu (高祖王父), Bi (妣) of Zeng Zu Wang Mu (曾祖王母) is Gao Zu Wang Mu (高祖王母)"、Shi Qin (《釋親》) "Sun of Kun Sun (晜孫) is Reng Sun (仍孫)"、 Shi Qin (《釋親》)"Wife called father-in-law Jiu (舅), called mother-in-law Gu (姑)"、 Shi Tian(《釋天》)"Zai (載), Sui (歲)。 Dynasty of Xia (夏) was Sui (歲), Dynasty of Shang(商) was Si (祀), Dynasty of Zhou (周) was Nian (年), Dynasty of Tang Yu (唐虞) was Zai (載). Name of Year", Shi Di (《釋地》) "Nine Yi (九夷), Eight Di (八狄)、 Seven Rong (七戎). Six Man (六蠻) were Four Sea (四海)"、 Shi Shui (《釋水》) "Above knee is She (涉)"、 Shi Chu (《釋畜》 "Xia sheep (夏羊): male, Yu (羭);female, Gu (羖)" .The third chapter mainly new-proves by other archeology material and points out some errors of some entry such as Shi Qi (《釋器》) "Fu er wai (附耳外) was Yi (釴)"、 Shi Qi (《釋器》) "Wood Dou (木豆) was Dou (豆)" .The fourth chaper points out that the age of Shi Qin (《釋親》) should be at late War history by Bronze inscriptions of Sping and Autumn and War history and bamboo and silk of earlier stage of tha Dynasty of Xi Han.

【关键词】 《爾雅》新證甲骨文金文簡帛訛誤時代
【Key words】 Er YaNew-proveOracle boneBronze inscriptionsbamboo and silkerrorage
  • 【分类号】H131.2
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】563

