

Research on the Theory and Method of Functional Description of Mission Space

【作者】 张琦

【导师】 黄柯棣;

【作者基本信息】 国防科学技术大学 , 控制科学与工程, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 作战仿真的价值是与它所表示的真实世界的军事行动、装备、系统和环境等因素的逼真度直接相关的。如何客观、准确地描述真实世界复杂事物的特征和本质,始终是建模与仿真(Modeling and Simulation,M&S)研究和实践需要解决的难题之一。使命空间功能描述(Functional Description of Mission Space,FDMS)是对真实世界的第一次抽象,是独立于仿真实现的、与某项军事使命相关的实体、活动、任务、交互和环境等因素的功能描述,是建立权威和一致的M&S的公共起点。FDMS的目标之一就是为M&S提供真实世界权威、正确、规范的知识描述。论文围绕FDMS建模的关键问题展开,提出了FDMS开发过程模型,分析了军事使命空间的内在特征,研究了FDMS的组成部分及其模型验证,探讨了使用FDMS驱动仿真开发的方法,最后将前面的研究成果应用于海军“舰艇小编队对空防御”战术活动,创建了该战术活动的FDMS。论文首先提出了FDMS开发过程(FDMS Development Process,FDP)模型,它是一种通用的FDMS开发方法。FDP贯穿了从使命空间分析至模型共享、重用的整个生命周期,系统、全面地总结和归纳了FDMS开发过程中的关键活动,并把这些活动划分为五个步骤。在FDP的基础上,研究了开发过程各个阶段的特点和可能出现的风险,提出了从人员、标准、计划三个方面实施过程综合管理。FDP和过程管理有助于提高开发效率、减小风险,并为FDMS的开发提供了高层指导和可操作性的步骤。军事任务体系是军事领域的重要内容,是军事M&S必需认真研究的对象。本体(ontology)是研究领域概念体系的有利工具并在信息领域引起了广泛关注,论文研究了本体的构建和开发方法,把本体的思想和方法引入到军事使命空间,初步建立了实体和行为本体,为研究任务体系奠定了基础。使命和任务是军事任务体系的核心,介绍了美军的使命/任务体系结构,即通用联合任务列表,归纳了开发任务列表的方法和步骤。结合我军实际状况,提出了建立使命体系结构的依据,即分别以作战实体类别、作战实体级别和作战行动类别为线索。FDMS由三个主要部分构成:使命空间模型(Mission Space Model,MSM)、技术框架和资源库。论文提出了MSM模型的使命-阶段-任务的逐级分解方法。技术框架包括:公共的语法和语义(Common Semantic and Syntax,CSS)、建模方法和数据交换格式。论文整理了FDMS涉及到的CSS知识元素,给出了CCS中过程和实体的描述模板。提出了以科学报告方法为指导,以IDEF3和UML方法为模型描述语言的综合建模方法,充分发挥了各种方法的优势,保证了模型的完备性、规范性和系统性。基于XML Schema,设计和开发了FDMS实体、过程和交互模型的数据交换格式,方便了FDMS在不同用户和不同数据库之间的共享和重用,推动了FDMS的标准化和互操作。最后,论文研究了FDMS资源库的层次结构。

【Abstract】 The Value of warfare simulation depends on the fidelity of the factors, which is simulated, such as military operations, equipments, systems and environments etc. How to describe the characteristics and essences of complex entity, process and interaction in real world is always one of the urgent issues that need to be done in Modeling and Simulation (M&S) research and practice. Functional Description of Mission Space(FDMS)is the first abstract of real world and the functional description that is independent of simulation realization and the common start point of authoritative and coherent M&S. To provide the authoritative, correct and normative knowledge description of real world is one of the goals for FDMS. The dissertation focuses on the key technologies of FDMS modeling, with emphasis on development process model, the nature of military mission space, technology framework and validation. It also analyses how to apply existed FDMSs to simulation developments directly and efficiently and the application of FDMS modeling for a mission space.Firstly, the dissertation puts forward the FDMS development Process (FDP) model which is a universal development method for FDMS. FDP, which starts from analysis of mission space and ends at model accessing and downloading, studies the important activities in development process roundly and divides the process into five steps. Based on the FDP, it explores the risks that might appear in each step in development process and the mature management architecture in information modeling domain and it suggests that procedural management should be put in practice from personal management, criterion management and scheme management. FDP and procedural management, which provide high level guidance and operable steps for FDMS development, help to improve development efficiency and to decrease risk.Secondly, military task architecture is very important in military field, and is the matter of military M&S research. ontology, which is the favorable tool for conceptual architecture study in information modeling domain, has attracted M&S consortium’s interests. The dissertation discusses the methodology of constructing ontology, then analyses the military mission space with ontology and builds entity and behavior ontology simply. The ontologyes provide the foundation for studying military task architecture. The dissertation studies U.S. Army Universal Joint Task List (UJTL) and the methodology for developing task list. Based on the status of our troop, it brings forward that our military conceptual architecture should be built according to military entity category, entity level and operation type.Thirdly, FDMS is composed of three primary components: MSM, technical framework and repository. the dissertation brings forward a method for MSM decomposability, in which mission


