

Research on Application of Multi-Agent Coalition Formation Technology for Combinatorial Trading in Electronic Commerce

【作者】 龚勇

【导师】 沙基昌; 姚莉;

【作者基本信息】 国防科学技术大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 由于具备能够突破贸易的时空限制、降低交易的各类成本等诸多优势,电子商务自出现至今始终备受关注,但是近年来其发展却呈现出一定程度的震荡和萎缩,而目前电子商务研究的理论及应用不能适应商务活动中用户日益个性化和自动化的需求便是导致这种状况的一个主要原因。本文针对此问题,以第二代电子商务的发展为背景,将多Agent联盟形成技术同组合贸易相结合,从市场级宏观和Agent级微观这两个不同角度,对组合贸易中消费者联盟形成的若干关键问题进行了深入研究。首先,本文从市场宏观层次的角度研究,将组合市场抽象为一个具有随机特性的群集系统,利用基于群集智能的多Agent系统分析方法,针对一种卖方主导的组合电子市场中大量消费者联盟形成的问题,为多Agent间交互的动态特性做出宏观层次的定量分析,根据群集系统的速率方程,给出了一个反映组合市场中市场结构动态变化的微分方程,通过数值仿真,验证了组合贸易中多Agent联盟形成的可行性和有效性;并给出一种简单但有效的中介主导的组合电子市场模型,对其中消费者联盟形成问题进行研究,说明了中介主导型商务系统这种电子市场模式存在的价值和先进性。然后,本文转换研究视角,深入组合市场中智能Agent的微观层次,针对消费者具有多样性及个性化组合需求的自动规划问题,研究组合贸易中的规划技术及其与联盟形成过程的融合。在提出一种新的多Agent中介系统主导的组合市场模型IMASCM模型的基础上,首先介绍了一种组合贸易中适用的计划表示方法,然后研究了消费者组合购买问题的自动规划过程。本文将联盟过程看作规划过程的一环,通过单商品交易联盟形成、需求传播和剩余支付转移三个相继循环执行的过程形成整个联盟规划过程,为消费者生成包含联盟结果的购买计划。此研究创新性地提出了对消费者包含大量约束关系的个性化与多样化需求的解决方法,对电子商务的发展颇具实用价值。最后,针对电子商务的实施与应用问题,基于IMASCM组合市场模型,本文研究了灵巧文档Agent及基于Web Services的元组中心组织技术,以此实现电子商务平台中各类Agent的结构和协作模型,设计了第三方平台的系统结构,并且实现一个商务原型系统,验证了联盟规划方法概念的正确性和算法的有效性。

【Abstract】 Electronic Commerce has attracted much attention for it offers significant opportunities to make businesses faster, cheaper, and more agile. However these days, it is facing severe challenge because it cannot adapt itself to users’expanding demand for personality and automation of businesses. This dissertation investigates the problem of combinatorial trading and applies multi-agent coalition formation methodology for it. From two different points of view, namely, macroscopic level and microscopic level, several key techniques of customer coalition formation in combinatorial markets are deeply studied.First, at the macroscopic level, we describe a combinatorial marketplace as a stochastic swarm system and propose a general mathematical analysis methodology for study the dynamics of this kind of multi-agent system. Based on the Rate Equation, a differential equation is derived, which gives a quantitative characteristic for coalition formation process of large-scale customers in our combinatorial market. Simulation experiments are performed to study the global behavior of the system and the effectiveness of the agent mediated combinatorial trading. Then, A new intermediary-driven combinatorial electronic market model is presented. Customer coalition formation in these marketplaces is studied.Second, from the reversed view of above research, at the microscopic level, planning ability of deliberative buyers’agents is considered. An intermediary multiagent system-driven combinatorial electronic market model IMASCM is gived. A plan representation for combinatorial trading is presented. Then, automated planning process mixed with coalition formation process is studied, which consists of demand propagation, coalition formation for single article and overpay transmit. Feasible purchasing plans are derived from the coalition planning algorithm for customers.End, based on the IMASCM model and the coalition planning algorithm, correlative theories of smart document agent and web services-based tuplecenters organization are investigated. Using them as agents’framework and communication model, architecture of the third-party platform in combinatorial markets is designed. And an experimental system is realized, which validates concepts and algorithms of above coalition planning.

  • 【分类号】F713.36;F224
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】756
  • 攻读期成果

