

Studies and Application of Productive Technologies System on Full Scale Embryo Transfer in Meat Sheep

【作者】 王玉琴

【导师】 赵有璋;

【作者基本信息】 甘肃农业大学 , 动物遗传育种与繁殖, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 试验与生产实际相结合,对肉用绵羊超数排卵和胚胎移生产技术体系进行研究和应用,并对相关理论进行探讨。1.用从新西兰引入的优良绵羊品种波德代羊和无角陶赛特羊进行试验。用FSH和PMSG进行超排,并分别用CIDR和阴道海棉栓对供、受体羊进行同期发情处理。波德代羊和无角陶赛特羊分别于撤CIDR后18.81±2.49h、18.59±2.45h开始发情,两品种间差异不显著,用CIDR和阴道海棉栓处理的受体羊分别于撤栓后46.32±18.96h、51.04±22.03h发情,从撤栓到开始发情的时间间隔差异不显著。波德代羊和无角陶赛特羊的平均排卵数相近,但品种内个体间排卵数目差异很大,波德代羊排卵1~20枚,其中以排7~12枚的羊只数为最多,占52.73%,陶赛特羊以排卵1~26枚,其中以排1~6枚卵的羊数为最多,占52.38%。重复超排结果表明,波德代羊和无角陶赛特羊第一次和第二次超排后所获得的平均胚胎数分别为7.00枚、5.62枚和8.00枚、9.08枚,其中有效胚胎分别占回收总数的61.90%、72.60%和87.50%、88.10%。配种后7天从波德代和无角陶赛特供体羊上所冲取的胚胎,以桑椹胚为最多,分别占回收总胚的66.24%、75.78%。配种后8天从波德代和无角陶赛特供体羊上所冲取的胚胎,以扩展囊胚和孵出囊胚为最多,分别占从两品种羊上所回收总胚的38.92%、22.33%和25.89%、31.75%。绵羊经超排处理后,从波德代羊和无角陶赛特羊两侧子宫所获取的胚胎数目差异不显著,左侧获得胚胎数分别占总数的47.4%和51.9%,右侧分别占为52.59%和48.10%。不同配种体系对超排供体羊配种结果表明,人工授精技术应用于绵羊的胚胎移植生产,能获得较高的受精卵数(平均受精卵数8.11枚),显著高于本交与人工授精的不同组合的配种方法所获得的受精卵数(5.73枚和5.11枚)。相反,所获取的平均未受精卵数显著低于其他两种方法(0相对于1.88枚和1.15枚)。两种超排方法所获得的超排结果表明,FSH减量注射4天、PMSG一次注射法(A)和FSH

【Abstract】 Productive technologies system on multiple ovulation and embryo transfer in meat sheep under practice conditions were studied and applied. Some associated factors and theories were discussed in this study. The results were as follows:1. Borderdale and Poll Dorset ewes from New Zealand were superovulated by the treatment with FSH﹢PMSG.The donors were treated with CIDR and the recipient ewes were treated with CIDR and vaginal sponges for sychronization. The time of onset of estrus after CIDR withdrawal were 20.12±2.95h and 18.70±2.47h in two dornor groups respectively. They were 46.32±18.96h and 51.04±22.03 h respectively(P>0.05) in recipient groups after CIDR and vaginal sponges withdrawal.The two breeds did not show significant differrence in their overall mean superovulatory response,while a great individual animal variation to superovulatory response and embryo yield was seen within each breed, with producing a range of 1 to 20 embryos in Boderdale and 1 to 26 embryos in Poll Dorset. Out of total Borderdale 52.73% yield 7 to 12 embryos and of total Poll Dorset 52.30% yield 1 to 6 embryos respectively.The first and second repeated superovulation treatments in Borderdale and Poll Dorset gave 7.00,5.62 and 8.00,9.08 embryos in average respectively, among which the usable embryos accounted for 61.90%,72.60% and 87.50%,88.11% respectively in two breeds.Embryos were collected on Day 7 post oestrus and two breeds ewes produced a much higher proportion of morula, they were 66.24% in Borderdale and 75.78% in Poll Dorset. The higher percentage of expending and hatched embryos were obtained (31.75% and 22.33% in Borderdale and 25.89% and 31.75% in Poll Dorset respectively) on day 8 post oestrus.The distribution of ovulation between the right and the left ovary was recorded. There were more ovulations on the right ovary (52.59%) compared to the left ovary (47.4%, p>0.05) in Borderdale, while


