

Rotor Axial Displacement Fault Self-Recovering Regulation and Rotating Sealling Improvement for Better Efficiency

【作者】 王维民

【导师】 高金吉;

【作者基本信息】 北京化工大学 , 化工过程机械, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 本论文基于机械装备复杂系统故障自愈原理,针对石油化工等过程工业的心脏设备高压离心压缩机运转过程中存在由于转子轴向位移过大而引起的联锁停车问题和压缩机内泄漏大等重大问题,提出了轴位移故障自愈调控系统以及平衡盘密封改进方案,并对此进行了系统的理论与技术可行性论证,为解决石化以及其它过程设备的长周期与高效率运转提供了具有创新性的理论和技术基础。 高压离心压缩机是很多大型过程工业的心脏设备,其安全可靠性是整个过程装置安全可靠性中最关键的一个环节;压缩机又是高耗能装置,其运行效率往往是决定产品能耗的主要因素。从上世纪60年代开始,国际工程科技界开发了设备故障监测诊断技术,在工业企业逐步推行预知维修和智能维修,并推广采用紧急停车联锁系统。大型过程装置由个别设备发生故障而引起的非计划停车,不但会给企业带来巨大的经济损失以及对环境的污染,而且由于停车后装备的动态信息立即消失,很不利于对装备故障的判断及消除,往往导致在停车检修后重新启动时又有可能带来新的故障。 但是,根据系统故障自愈原理,某些过程设备的故障是不必停车就可以“治愈”的。具体到离心压缩机轴位移故障发生的原因和条件,本文指出主要是:离心压缩机转子的残余轴向力的影响因素众多,一方面在设计阶段的计算不易准确,导致压缩机固有的可靠性低;另一方面在压缩机运行过程中,由于工况的波动以及自身结构参数的变化往往会使残余轴向力增大,从而导致轴位移故障。在故障自愈理论的指导下,本文提出了轴位移故障自愈调控系统;基于计算流体力学理论和计算机数值分析技术,在本文中开发的转子轴向推力精确分析技术可以精确计算多种因素对转子轴向推力的影响,并且可以证明通过动态调整转子的残余轴向力使得转子保持轴向稳定是可行的;在本文中提出了将平衡盘的迷宫密封结构改变为迷宫-干气组合密封结构,不但有利于动态调整转子的残余轴向力,还可使压缩机的效率提高4%;论文还进行了基于流-热-固耦合的干气密封可靠性分析。论文的主要研究内容和具有技术创新性的研究成果如下: (1)阐述了故障自愈理论并提出轴位移故障自愈调控系统。基于故

【Abstract】 Based on the principles of Fault Self-Recovering (FSR) for complex mechanical system, and aiming at the solutions of problems, which are existing during operation of high-pressure centrifugal compressors, such as the interlock shutdown of the whole set of processing facilities caused by rotor’s excessive axial displacement, and the lower energy-efficiency caused by large internal leakage through the balance drum seal, in this dissertation an axial displacement fault self-recovering system and a balance drum sealing improvement are presented, systematically analyzed and demonstrated. These studies could solve the above two important problems and provide theoretical and technical foundations for processing facilities to work with longer cycles and higher energy-efficiency.High-pressure centrifugal compressor is the key device in most process industries. Its reliability is the controlling factor for the reliability of the whole set of processing facilities to continuously work with long period. And also, its energy- efficiency is the determinative factor of product cost because of its high-energy consumption ratio. In 1960’s, equipment monitoring and diagnosing technologies were developed, and prognoses maintenance and intelligent maintenance were introduced into industry use. Interlock emergency shutdown was widely used. The non-planned emergency shutdown of processing facilities caused by a fault in an individual machine will result in heavy economic loss and environment pollution. Moreover, when a machine is shutdown, most important dynamic information disappears resulting in big difficulties in fault diagnosis and fault recovery. Also, after an emergency shutdown, new fault may emerge during the next start-up.However, based on the principles of FSR, many machine faults can be cured without the necessity to shutdown the machine. As for the conditions under which a rotor axial displacement fault will develop in a centrifugal compressor, it is pointed out in this dissertation that it is the dynamic change


