

The Fabrication, Characterization and Properties of Silver-Polypyrrole Nanocomposites

【作者】 陈爱华

【导师】 李效玉;

【作者基本信息】 北京化工大学 , 材料学, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 一维、二维和三维的金属纳米粒子尤其是贵金属的纳米粒子具有优良的光、电和催化性能。然而,金属纳米粒子易发生团聚,而且在空气中容易被氧化。因此,在金属纳米粒子体系中一般多加入稳定剂,在其表面形成包覆层使其稳定存在。在金属纳米粒子表面包覆高聚物材料,也可以延长它在空气中的稳定性。此外,聚合物层还可以增加体系的柔韧性,在一定程度上改善它的加工性能。但是,由于通用高聚物包覆层的绝缘性而影响了金属纳米粒子固有的电性能。如果采用导电高聚物包覆金属纳米粒子不仅可以延长金属纳米粒子在空气中的稳定性,保持金属纳米粒子的导电性能,同时金属纳米粒子也可以改善导电高聚物的强度和加工性能。这种以金属纳米粒子为核、导电高聚物为壳的纳米复合材料,在纳米微电子和纳米电路等领域具有潜在的应用前景。 首次利用金属纳米线吸附相应离子的方法,原位制备出银—聚吡咯同轴纳米电缆。由于金属纳米线的高表面原子比率特性,在其表面能够吸附上相同原子的离子。首先用AgNO3水溶液处理制备出的银纳米线,通过表面离子的氧化还原反应、Zeta电位测定等,证明了在银纳米线的表面吸附了一层Ag+离子。该Ag+离子层可以在不另加入其它氧化剂的情况下氧化吡咯单体在银纳米线表面发生聚合。因此,在吸附

【Abstract】 Metal nanoparticles with one-dimensional, two-dimensional and three-dimensional structure had been the focus of many recent studies because of their excellent optical, electrical and catalytic properties. However, the potential applications are limited due to their uncontrollable aggregation in aqueous solution. Furthermore, metal nanoparticles are sensitive to air and moisture. Therefore, stabilizer is used to prevent the coalescence of the metal nanoparticles which can form a coating layer on their surface. A polymer envelop can protect metal nanoparticles from oxidation and corrosion, keeping good performance for a long time. And the polymer adds flexibility to the system and improves processability to a large extent. However, the conductivity of metal nanoparticles has been insulated for coating by conventional polymer materials. The electrical property of metal nanoparticles will be maintained if coated by a conducting polymer layer. At the same time, the metal nanopartilces will


