

The Study of Chinese Learner L2 Vocabulary Acquisition-cognitive and Psychological Perspectives

【作者】 陈万会

【导师】 潘文国;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 论文写作接近尾声时,获得两条信恩。今年3月下旬在上海召开的第二届中国外语教学法国际研讨会上,教育部副部长吴启迪说,根据最新的统计数字,我国约有3亿多人在学英语,其中大中小学生人数超过1亿人,仅在校大学生就有2300多万人。专家预测,再过几年我国学英语的人数,将超过英语母语国家的总人口。可以说,我国外语学习者已成为全世界最大的一个学习外语的群体。尽管我国外语教育取得了很大成绩,但是长期存在的费时低效等问题尚未得到很大的改观。大多数学习者的外语能力尚属于中低端阶段,高端外语人才依然严重缺乏。这一方面表明了研究外语学习的极端重要性,另一方面也说明研究二语习得理论不能忽视中国学习者的特点。 同是在3月下旬,新华网、文汇报等大媒体报道,中央教育科学研究所宣布,“超觉英语学习法”将在我国大中小学试点推广。胡壮麟先生指出,“超觉英语学习法”将心理学、生理学和养生学的最新成果引入到英语教学法的研究中,教学设计的跨度大,学科间的联系逻辑严密,在实践中具有可操作性。尽管我们还不太了解这种方法的实施过程和教学效果,但是从直觉看有一点是可以肯定的,那就是这种教学方法考虑到了学习者的心理和生理特点,考虑到了人类学习规律,这大概是“超觉英语学习法”得到肯定并加以推广的主要原因。 二语词汇学习往往要比母语词汇学习困难得多,难就难在二语词汇推理能力的形成,而这种能力的形成,其基础是要建立相关的认知机制,因为这种认知机制能够使学习者象本族语者那样感悟一些未见过的词,或生成别人也可以接受的词,并能建立有效的心理词汇网络。老子说:“人法地,地法天,天法道,道法自然。”语言学习中的“道”就是学习者的认知心理规律,如果教学过程符合并遵循这一规律,就会收到好的学习效果。 认知塑造了我们用来谈论概念世界的语言,它决定了一种语言中有多少词汇、某些词汇如何同其它词汇相联系、词汇如何组成句子、句子如何构成语篇、以及为了取得不同的语用功能进行口头交际或书面交流的方式。换言之,认知界定了语言的词汇、句法、语篇、语用以及修辞层面。认知差异导致了语言‘差异。 另一方面,由于语言是人类大脑的产物,而心理学是关于大脑的科学,因此对语言的研究也是一个心理问题。单单从形式主义或结构主义的方法来探究词义,并不能彻底揭示语义的本质特征或揭示词与词之间的意义关系。因此研究词汇与心理的关系,探求词汇的心理组织、词汇的提取、以及词汇之间的心理联系

【Abstract】 Knowing a word entails much more than just knowing its meaning. One of the author’s aims in this dissertation is to demonstrate, via the exploration of the relevant issues and their possible pedagogical applications, that vocabulary does in fact play a central role in language learning, as opposed to the supporting role it has traditionally been allocated in language teaching methodologies. Another aim is to provide learners (and other interested practitioners) with the cognitive and psychological perspectives they need to make informed decisions about learning L2 vocabulary. In this dissertation I present a framework that expands the traditional concept of vocabulary acquisition to cover a wider range of procedures for acquiring L2 vocabulary for L2 learners. These procedures can be hopefully useful for the L2 learners, especially the Chinese learners as well as providing tools for conducting L2 instruction into the lexical dimension of language.In this dissertation the author has language relativism and experientialism as the theoretical foundation. Based on these theories, the author tries to conduct the research in L2 vocabulary acquisition from cognitive and psychological perspectives. This dissertation consists of 8 chapters.In Chapter 1 the author begins with a brief history of the shift in status of vocabulary in language research and applied linguistics. After many years of neglect, the study of vocabulary in applied linguistics is now flourishing. Evidence in Chinese learner English corpus shows that lexical errors make up the major part in L2 errors by the learners. Up to now, there is no unified systematic theoretical framework about L2 vocabulary acquisition. Therefore it is both theoretically and practically important and valuable to establish an approach in vocabulary acquisition for the Chinese learners.As always, a good start can be made by a literature review of what has been done before. The review in Chapter 2 will look at studies that have been made in the area of L2 vocabulary acquisition. The author makes a survey chronologically and presents the expanding scope of L2 vocabulary acquisition research. The research conducted abroad in this field did not consider the Chinese learner context and thus cannot be adopted without adaptation, while L2 acquisition

  • 【分类号】H319
  • 【被引频次】43
  • 【下载频次】11145

