

Theoretical Construction of International Migration of Specialized Human Capital and the Case of India

【作者】 高子平

【导师】 周敏凯;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 科学社会主义与国际共运, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 在经济全球化和信息化日益深化、知识经济初露端倪的发展趋势下,作为知识经济增长的主要动力,专业化人力资本逐渐成为主要的经济要素,在经济社会领域发挥着愈益重要的作用和功能。人力资本的增值性功能要求生产要素的配置方式做出适应性调整,但以工业经济为主体的多元经济社会形态决定了要素配置的更新相对滞后。在人力资本的国际配置中,大批人力资本持续流动,呈现出大规模跨国迁移的发展趋势。 专业化人力资本国际迁移是知识经济时代国际人才流动的基本形式,而在以主权国家为基本单位的国际社会,这种迁移行为将引发国家层面上的利益争夺,而不仅仅是专业化人力资本自身的利害得失。该领域的相关研究主要围绕两大问题展开:一是为何迁移,二是怎样迁移,前者即迁移的机理与动因,后者即迁移成本、收益、特点及趋势。据此,本论文由绪论、正文和结束语三部分组成,其中正文共五章十九节。 绪论由研究的缘起、国内外相关研究评述、专业化人力资本国际迁移的研究假定、本论文的理论工具和研究框架五点内容构成。 正文第一章首先简要回顾了国际人才流动的历史与现状,并揭示了时代变迁对转换研究范式的客观要求,对人力资本概念重新界定,并扼要分析了国际迁移的相关概念及基本类型。然后,专门分析多元经济社会形态的演进与人才流动的关系,构建了多元经济社会形态演进中专业化人力资本国际迁移研究的参照系。 第二章依据专业化人力资本迁移机理,从生产方式、科技发展、价值转换和专业化人力资本自身特性四个方面探讨了其国际迁移的内因,从市场供求、价值差异、相关的比较性因素等三个方面研究了国际迁移的外部成因,并对印度个案进行了相关分析。 以往的人力资本迁移行为研究通常从经济角度出发,并且以个人为基点,因此所谓的成本——收益比较实际上是个人经济成本——经济收益的比较。但对于专业化人力资本国际迁移,无论是从专业化人力资本的重要性而言,还是从国际迁移的跨国性特征来看,在考虑个人经济成本与经济收益的同时,还必须考虑迁出国和迁入国的经济成本和经济收益。同时,由于专业化人力资本的社会性特征,因此还必须分析相关的非经济性成本与非经济收益。 第三章从个人和国家(迁出国和迁入国)两个层面、三个角度分析专业化人力资本国际迁移的各种成本,并对印度专业化人力资本国际迁移个案进行了相关分析。

【Abstract】 As the primary motive force of knowledge economy, specialized human capital has turned to be the primary economic factor, play the increasingly important role and function in the economic and social sphere along with the deepening of economic globalization and informatization and emerging knowledge economy. The increment function of human capital requires the suitable adjustment of collocation method of the production factors, while the multiple economic and social pattern focused on industrial economy predestines the relative lagging of adjustment of factor collocating. Vast multitudes of specialized human capital persistently flow and show a developing trend of massive transnational migration in the process of international collocating of human capital.International migration of specialized human capital is the elemental form of international talent flows in the era of knowledge economy, while such kind of migratory behavior will result in the contest for interests between nations, not just the advantages and disadvantages of specialized human capital in the international community composed by sovereign states. The studies of this field focus on two principal problems: one is why to migrate, and the other is how to migrate. The former concerns the mechanism and motives, while the latter concerns the cost, benefit, characteristics and tendency of international migration. The dissertation consists of introduction, text and peroration, whereas the text consists of five chapters and nineteen subsections.The introduction presents the genesis of such a topic, the relevant studies at home and abroad, main research hypotheses, theoretical instruments and the framework.In a short retrospection of the history and present situation of international talent flows, chapterl shows the objective demand for changing the normal formulas in the whirligig of age, redefine the concept of human capital, outline the relevant concepts and its fundamental types, and then give a brief analysis to the relation between the evolving of multiple economic and social pattern and talent flows, set up the frame of reference of international migration studies of specialized human capital in the frame of multiple economic and social pattern.Chapter2 focuses on the internal causes of international migration from the mode of production, development of science and technology, convert of value and the

  • 【分类号】F240
  • 【被引频次】5
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