The College of Chinese Culture and Modern GuoXue’s Education
【作者】 吴湉南;
【导师】 胡逢祥;
【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 史学理论与史学史, 2006, 博士
【摘要】 近代以来,“欧风美雨”持续东来,至清末民初,“欧化”、“西化”思潮盛行,中国传统文化日渐式微。中西文化的交锋自此便一直贯穿在中国现代化的进程中。新文化运动期间,随着西学输入步伐和规模的迅速加大,传统文化遭到了更为猛烈的撞击。自晚清以来思想界兴起的新旧学之争、中西学之争、传统与现代之争,遂演化为一场更为深入持久的东西文化的大论战。虽然在此论战中,文化保守主义的观点始终处于明显的劣势,但是作为其“符号”的“国学”却在文化保守主义者及新派人士“殊道同归”的推动下,成为热学,同时还带来了一场持续数十年的“国学热”,诞生了各色各样的国学教育与研究机构。在众多国学教育机构中,有一所被知者誉为“与清华国学研究院齐名”的国学教育机构,她便是无锡国学专修学校。 无锡国学专修学校(简称无锡国专)创办于1920年底,是一所私立国学专科学校,比北大国学门尚早近两年,被誉为“传统书院的现代转型”的典范。在传承传统文化、弘扬国学的教育与研究中有着成功的探索和不凡的贡献。值得当今学术界、教育界认真研究和借鉴。 唐文治是无锡国专的灵魂,无锡国专体现了唐文治的个人特征。无锡国专的国学教育思想、组织管理、教育教学方法无不深受其影响。唐文治(1865-1954),著名理学家、教育家,儿时即怀有“伊尹之志”,修身、齐家、治国、平天下的儒家政学思想和理想一直是他的人生目标。1892年进士及第,开始在清廷为官,官至商部右侍郎,署理尚书。唐文治为官时即主张改革科举制度,兴办西式学堂,认为“理学为体,洋务为用”是转变世风、重振国力、挽救清王朝的唯一途径。1906年以丁母忧为名辞官,此后再未涉足政治。1907年受邀赴上海任实业学堂监督,从此终生从事教育。1920年,复辞去该校校长之职。 同年受施肇曾邀请创办私立无锡国学专修馆,第二年正式开馆上课。1928年更名为无锡国学专修学院,1929年更名为无锡国学专修学校,1949年,改名为中国文学院,1950年与苏南师范学院合并,无锡国专至此结束。唐文治以“正人心、救民命”为办学宗旨,认为今日之社会世风日下,道德沉沦,政治腐败,战乱不断,经济凋敝,百姓生活极为困苦。欲拯救这一切,必须以儒家思想道德“正人心”始,人心正,方能改变社会风气,重塑社会道德,发展实业,学习西
【Abstract】 It was since the year of 1840 that the western culture kept landing on China, and the fighting between the Chinese traditional Culture and the Western Culture never stopped and became sharper and sharper, and during the time of the end of Qing dynasty and the beginning of The Republic of China, especially in the course of The New Culture Movement, the Chinese Traditional Culture was seriously beaten by The Western Culture and it’s representations of China so-called the Radicals. But the Radicals thought that the Chinese Traditional Culture was worth studying just as the dissecting specimen, at the same time, the Conservatives thought that the Chinese Traditional Culture was meaningful as truth. The view of the two parties even held opposite views on the two type of cultures, but they all agreed that the Chinese Traditional Culture was worth studying and educating. all kinds of colleges or schools or departments in universities were established for Guoxue education.Of all the studying and educating organizations, The College of Chinese Culture (无锡国学专修学校) was the one of the most successful ones.The College of Chinese Culture was built in the end of the year of 1920 in Wuxi in Jiangsu province, about 2 years earlier than the Guo-xue(国学) sect in Beijing University (北京大学国学门) it successfully combined the Chinese ways with the Western ones in Guoxue education ,and had got lots of good experiences and pure lessons in Chinese Traditional Culture studying and teaching. It worth thoroughly studying and summing up today.As the president of the college, Tang-Wenzhi was the soul of it, and he decided the education thought and organization and the way of Guo-xue teaching. Tang was a famous Confucian in that times, and he once was a high official in Qing dynasty. In the year of 1906,he resigned from the Qing dynasty as his mother died and from then on, he never came back. He began to carry out education for all his life. He protested that it was the very way to save Qing dynasty to develop the Chinese Traditional Culture especially Confucianism, and it was the true reason for him to resign from the Nanyang University and to establish the College of Chinese Culture.
【Key words】 Tang-Wenzhi; the Guoxue education; The College of Chinese Culture;
- 【网络出版投稿人】 华东师范大学 【网络出版年期】2006年 11期
- 【分类号】G529
- 【被引频次】16
- 【下载频次】1356