

A Study on the Residents’ Training Model in China

【作者】 唐国瑶

【导师】 薛天祥;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 高等教育学, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 住院医师培养是医学院校本科毕业后接受医学专业教育的阶段,住院医师培养是临床医师成长的必经之路,对医师的成长有着非常重要的作用。然而,迄今为止,我国大多数医科毕业生毕业后都未经过住院医师培养阶段就直接进入卫生服务岗位,不象发达国家那样,医学院校本科毕业生都需经过3-5年的住院医师培养,然后才能从事专业工作。因此,为了提升我国临床医师的业务素质,进一步提高我国临床医疗整体服务水平,满足人民医疗保健需求,完善住院医师培养制度已经成为我国医学教育面临的重要问题。 论文以我国医学教育实践中住院医师培养所面临的现实困境作为选题,并将这个医学教育实践问题转化为人才培养模式理论研究问题,然后在理论指导下提出构建我国住院医师培养模式的观点。 论文除导言外,由三部分组成。导言以我国住院医师培养存在的问题为导向,阐述了我国建立和健全规范的住院医师培养模式的必要性,总结和分析了国内外住院医师培养的研究现状,提出了研究思路和研究内容,提炼了解决的主要问题和创新之处。 第一部分包括第一、二、三章,构成全文的理论依据,为整个住院医师培养模式研究的展开提供一条逻辑主线。这部分主要包括历史发展、概念界定和国际比较等三方面的内容。第一,考察医师培养模式的历史发展,可以划分为带徒模式、医院模式、学院模式等三种模式。住院医师培养是医院模式的产物,它成熟于学院模式发展阶段;第二,从模式、人才培养模式、住院医师培养模式三个层次逐步深入界定概念,提出住院医师培养模式就是依据医学人才的培养规律,在完成本科医学教育以后,以培养住院医师独立工作能力为目标,系统地规定住院医师的医学知识、临床能力、职业素质结构,以及实现这种结构的运行方式。住院医师培养模式包括目标、制度、过程、评价四个要素,全文以这个全新的概念界定作为逻辑主线贯穿始终;第二,对美国、英国、法国、德国和日本等国家住院医师培养模式的共同点和不同点进行了比较分析,这些共同点能为我国住院医师培养提供有益借鉴,不同点又为我国培养具有中国特色的住院医师提供广阔的空间。

【Abstract】 The training of residents, the stage that the medical graduates receive professional education, is essential to the growth of doctors and plays an important role for their development. However, so far the majority of the medical graduates have entered the health service posts directly without the training stage of residents. While in developed countries, the medical graduates are allowed to engage in professional practice in medicine until the residents’ training of three to five years. Therefore, to improve the training system of residents has become an imperative for medical education in China to promote the professional quality of clinic doctors, raise the overall service level of clinic treatment and meet the medical care demands.The dissertation focuses on the present dilemma that the residents’ training is facing in China’s medical education and practice, the study of talents training model and is intended to construct residents’ training model in China with the theoretical guidance.In addition to introduction, the dissertation is made up of three parts. Introduction is intended to elaborate on the necessity to establish and improve the formal residents’ training model concerned with the problems existing in China’s residents’ training, summarizes and analyzes the current training situation, and proposes the train of thought and content of the study, listing the main problems to solve and the innovations.Part One, as the theoretical basis of the dissertation, consists of three chapters, offers a logical mainline for the study of residents’ training model. This part includes the historical development, the definition of concepts and comparison with international practices. First, concerning the historical development of residents’ training model, there are three modes: apprentice mode, hospital mode, and institutional mode. Residents’ training model is the product of hospital mode, and becomes mature at the stage of institutional mode development. Secondly, the concept of residents’ training model is gradually defined from the three layers of mode, talents’ training mode and residents’ training mode, and the training laws are proposed. Residents’ training model, whose goal is the training of residents with independent work ability, covers systematically the medical knowledge, clinical ability,

【关键词】 住院医师培养模式
【Key words】 residenttraining mode

