

Research on Development Mechanism of Product Chain during Agricultural Industrialization

【作者】 张明林

【导师】 傅春; 胡振鹏;

【作者基本信息】 南昌大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 本论文在论述我国农业产业化经营的约束条件的基础上,提出了农业产业链延伸概念模型。从概念模型可知:需求引导、技术进步、企业管理效率改善和交易效率提高是促进农业产业化成长的四种力量。接着,文章通过大量实例和数据计量证实这四种因素对促进农业产业化成长的重要作用。最后,文章以新兴古典主义经济学分工理论为基础,结合前面四种因素,建立一个农业产业化发展过程的超边际数学模型。通过模型结果表明:我国农业产业化成长路径本质上,是农业产业组织形态由初级农产品自给自足型,向加工农产品自给自足型,向市场交易型,再向企业化经营型逐级跃迁的过程。 第1章为“导论”部分,着重介绍我国农业产业化研究的背景、意义,近年发展现状,国内外研究现状,本次研究的主要研究内容和主要思路、研究方法、技术路线、特色等。 第2章主要内容为“农业产业化经营约束条件”,我国农业产业化经营受到两大约束条件的制约。一是,农业产业特性约束;二是,我国农业宏观环境约束。前者是任何国家农业产业化经营过程中的普遍性约束,后者是包含各种有中国特色的制约因素。 第3章 “农业产业链成长规律”,提出了一个动态概念模型,指出农业产业链成长共分为六个阶段:商业机会形成阶段、企业决策阶段、农产品加工阶段、产业发展阶段、新一轮消费引导和需求偏好形成阶段、产业发展促进技术进步。 第4章 “需求引导与农业产业化成长”。本章首先探讨了加工农产品需求特点,在此基础上指出企业进行需求引导的过程包括消费教育、营销定位和促销等三个阶段,最后通过一个典型的案例来实证分析需求引导如何促进农业产业化经营向前发展的。 第5章 “技术进步与农业产业化成长”。技术进步也是推动农业产业化经营向前发展重要源泉,本章通过实地调查德兴百勤异VC钠发展,测算出其技术进步贡献率达45.8%。在此基础上分析农产品加工技术现状及发展对策。 第6章 “企业管理效率与农业产业化成长”。本章在首先指出企业成长过程实际分工为两个相互关联阶段,即创业管理和内部管理阶段,在此基础上分析探讨了影响这两个阶段效率的影响因素。最后通过顶新企业发展和成长轨迹来证实企业管理效率提高对农业产业化成长与发展重要作用。 第7章 “交易效率与农业产业化成长”。本章在分析交易费用内涵基础上,指出农业产业化经营过程中,各成员之间博弈行为内生交易费用是最为重要交易费用。接着分析在农业产业化经营中龙头企业与农户,加工企业与销售企业,龙头企业、农户与中介组织,龙头企

【Abstract】 In this thesis, the restrict factors of agricultural industrialization in china has been discussed firstly, a conception model for extending chain of agriculture has been put forward. According to the model, there are four kinds of power, they are demand inducing, technology progress, management efficiency, transaction efficiency. There are a lot of cases which approve the four kinds of power have boosted development of agricultural industrialization in China, an super-marginal mathematic model for the process of agricultural industrialization basing on theory of division of labor in new classical economics and on the anaylsis of the four kinds of power has been established. The result of model indicates that the path of agricultural industrialization can be obtained with the process, which agricultural organization types from primary products autarky type to manufacture products autarky type, to marketing transaction type ,to corporation organization type.There are 9 chapters forming the dissertationChapter 1 provides an overview, methods, significances, background, objective of the whole thesis as well as the general theoretical descriptions of agricultural industrialization.Chapter 2 mainly contains two parts . One part is about the restriction of the agricultural industrialization from the view of agriculture trait, another part is about the restriction from the view of agriculture marc- environment. The former is universal restriction, however, the later is full of Chinese features.Chapter 3, an dynamic model has been given which indicates that the development of agricultural product chain can be divided into six phases: business chance forming, corporation decision making, products manufacturing, industry developing, new demand directing and new technical progress developing.Chapter 4, the demand characteristic of manufacturing products has been discussed firstly; then, the consumption education, marketing decision and promotion which constitute the process of corporation demand inducing has been anaylzed; finally, a case studying demonstrats the demand inducing process how to promote development of agricultural industrialization.Chapter 5, it is deem that technical progress is an important force to push agricultural industrialization.an investigate of BaiQin VC natrium corporation in De Xing city on the spot, with 45.8% technical progress contribution has been expounded. Finally, the measure of pushing the technology progress in our country has been suggested.Chapter 6, the entrepreneurship management and interior management play very important roal during the growth process of agricultural corporation. The factors which have affected the efficiency of entrepreneurship management and interior managemen has been analyzed. Finally, it is proved that enhancing the efficiency of management will promote development of agricultural industrialization by a case studyingCapter 7, the endogenous transaction cost which hold back development of agricultural industrialization has been ayalyzed, the game behavior between leading enterprise and farmer, between manufacture enterprise and distribution enterprise, or between leading enterprise, farmer and agricultural agency, or between leading enterprise and consumer have been analyzed basing on the Game Theory.Chapter 8, a super-marginal mathematic model for the process of agricultural industrialization, which basing on theory of division of labor in new classical economics and

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南昌大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 11期
  • 【分类号】F321
  • 【被引频次】43
  • 【下载频次】3204

