

Study on New Techniques to Produce High Purity Magnesium Carbonate and Magnesia from Magnesite and Dolomite

【作者】 白云山

【导师】 林书玉;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 声学, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 碳酸镁和氧化镁是重要的无机化工产品,在医药、食品、粘合剂、橡胶、塑料、陶瓷、耐火材料、冶金、电子等行业具有广泛的用途,在国民经济中占有重要的地位。 根据用途,氧化镁可分为煅烧氧化镁、电熔氧化镁、重质氧化镁、工业氧化镁、活性氧化镁、硅钢氧化镁、医药氧化镁、高纯镁砂、氧化镁晶须和纳米氧化镁等。碳酸镁按用途可分为水合碱式碳酸镁、医药用碱式碳酸镁、食品级碱式碳酸镁和电子级碱式碳酸镁等,按其形状又可分为透明轻质碱式碳酸镁、针形碱式碳酸镁、块状碱式碳酸镁以及无定形碱式碳酸镁等。不同种类的产品,其价格相差悬殊,从400-150,000元/吨不等。 生产碳酸镁和氧化镁的原料主要有菱镁矿、白云石和卤水。在我国这几种资源均储量丰富,特别是菱镁矿和白云石在世界总储量中占有举足轻重的地位,并且品质优良,为我国镁盐工业的发展奠定了坚实的物质基础。 我国是世界上生产碳酸镁和氧化镁的主要国家之一,其产量在世界上占有一定地位,西欧、美国、俄罗斯、东南亚、日本等均从我国进口。但我们也应该看到虽然我国具有发展镁盐产品的优越条件,但因目前绝大部分现有生产厂家均属乡镇企业,资金有限,生产规模小,设备陈旧,技术力量薄弱,提高产量及质量的能力受到限制,且生产的品种单一,使我国镁盐的生产仍处于粗制初级、原料性产品的阶段,远不能满足国民经济发展的需要,高档、功能化产品仍需从国外进口,出口产品的价格只有进口产品价格的几分之一。 粗放的生产经营方式不但导致了我国大量优势资源的浪费,而且造成了生态的破坏和环境的严重污染。本工作的目的就是要在现有研究的基础上,找到合适的技术路线,并能同现有的工艺相衔接,以期在不提高产品成本的前提下,对现有碳酸镁和氧化镁生产工艺进行改进,试图使这种局面有所改善。 目前国内生产碳酸镁和氧化镁的方法主要有三种,一是用菱镁矿直接煅烧生产煅烧氧化镁;二是白云石碳化法生产轻质氧化镁;三是用卤水碳铵法生产质量较高的活性氧化镁。以上三种生产方法各有优势,但也各有缺陷。第一种生产方法工艺简单,成本很低,但却是用最优质的资源生产最底端的产品。第二种方法相对来说成本也较低,但由于产品中钙含量较高,生产高纯产品受到限制,只适宜生产工业轻质氧化镁等中端产品。另外该方法污染严重,每生产一吨氧化镁要产生近十吨废渣。第三种方法生产成本很高,并产生难于处理的废液,所以只适

【Abstract】 Magnesium carbonate and magnesia are very important inorganic chemicals for chemistry and engineering industry, which have been extensively used in medicine, food, bond, rubber, plastic, chinaware, fire-resistant material, metallurgy, electronic industry and play important roles in social economy.According to different applications magnesia can be divided into calcined magnesia, fused magnesia, heavy magnesia, industrial magnesia, activated magnesia, silicon-steel magnesia, medicinal magnesia, high purity magnesia, whiskers magnesia, nanometer magnesia and so on. At the same time, magnesium carbonate can also be divided into hydrate magnesium carbonate, medicinal magnesium carbonate, food-grade magnesium carbonate, electronic magnesium carbonate. Based on the shape, magnesium carbonate can be divided into lump magnesium carbonate, transparency magnesium carbonate, acicular magnesium carbonate, and amorphous magnesium carbonate. The prices of different products wave greatly, varying from 400 to 150,000 ¥per ton.The main raw material for producing magnesium carbonate and magnesium are magnesite, dolomite and bitten, which have abundant reserves in our country, especially the reserves of magnesite and dolomite, that not only holds the domain position but also has superior quality in the world, which establish the massy material developing foundation of magnesium industry.Our country is one of the main nations which can produce magnesium carbonate and magnesia in the world and the output of magnesium carbonate and magnesia occupies the definite status. Many countries including America, Russia, Japan and other countries located in Western Europe, Southern Asia all import these materials from China. However, we should realize that we have the ascendant condition of developing magnesium production; there are still many existing problems. Most enterprises and corporations which hold limited bankroll, are small scale and with dated equipment and poor technics. All the problems restricted the enhancing output and quality. The singularity of variety keeps the producing progress stay in the primary stage which can only produce rough, elementary and raw material products but cannot meet the need of development of economy. The top grade and functional

【关键词】 碳酸镁氧化镁白云石菱镁矿超声波
【Key words】 Magnesium CarbonateMagnesiaMagnesiteDolomiteUltrasonic

