

Researches on Neolithic Cultures at Southern and Northern Areas of Yan Shan Mountain

【作者】 索秀芬

【导师】 朱永刚;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 考古学及博物馆学, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 本文对燕山南北地区新石器时代考古学文化进行全面梳理,根据自然和考古学文化两方面特征,把燕山南北地区分为燕山以北和燕山及其以南两个地区,在对两个地区遗址详细分期的基础上,划分为十八段,七期,三个发展阶段。对转年遗存、小河西文化、兴隆洼文化、西梁文化、赵宝沟文化、上宅文化、镇江营子一期文化、富河文化、红山文化、后冈一期文化、小河沿文化、水泉F18类遗存、雪山二期文化、大城山T8②类遗存等十四种考古学文化的分布、特征、类型、分期、年代、谱系、聚落形态进行了详细讨论,在燕山南北范围内,北起西拉木伦河,南到滦河为稳定文化发展区,西拉木伦河以北和滦河以南为非稳定发展区。在红山文化以前社会结构为部落组织,进入红山文化,尤其在红山文化晚期阶段,社会进入神权型复杂酋邦制发展阶段,小河沿文化进入父系氏族专偶制家庭阶段。在新石器时代早期阶段以狩猎、采集经济为主,进入中期后,以农业为主。人类活动受自然环境制约,文化更替、迁移受自然环境和人文双重限制。

【Abstract】 The southern and northern areas of Yan Shan Mountain are from Yiwulu Mountain, west cost of Liao Dong gulf, and west coast of Pohai in the east, to Sukexielu Mountain, western margin of Zhaowuda Plateau, and west end of Yan Shan Mountain in the west, from Songhua River and Liao River watershed in the north, to Yongding River and Hai River in the south. In this broad area, there are lots of rivers, such as, Wu’ erjimulun River, West Liao River (includes Xilamulun River, Laoha River and Jiaolai River), Daling River, Xiaoling River, Luan River, Ju River, Chaobai River, Yongding River and Hai River. The location is between 115° 30’ -123° 30’ E, 39° -44° 30’ N. The whole region looks like lean strip from northeastwards to southwestwards. The longest distance from northeast to southwest is 730km, and the broadest from northwest to southeast is 396km. The whole area is nearly 300 thousand km2.At the end of 19th century, archaeological survey of Neolithic was carried out in this area. In 1921, the cave site of Shaguotun in Jinxi was excavated, which is the first excavation of Chinese modern archaeology. On this point, southern and northern area of Yan Shan Mountain could be viewed as the origin of Chinese modern archaeology. After the foundation of new Republic China, several cultural relic investigations were processed in this area, and plentiful sites of Neolithic were found. To corporate with the construction and projects researches, some Neolithic sites and burials were discovered, based on which archaeological cultures were named.Although we had great achievements on such research, there are still some problems need to be solved. Different ideas exist on chronology of cultures:

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 10期
  • 【分类号】K871.13;K878
  • 【被引频次】24
  • 【下载频次】1411
  • 攻读期成果

