

A Study on Association Cost of Mass Organizations

【作者】 时立荣

【导师】 刘少杰;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 马克思主义哲学, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 本文首次运用“交往成本”的观点分析社团的组织制度建设问题。社团的本质是交往,只要交往就要发生交往成本。作为一种组织形式,社团是因为能够节约会员的交往成本,增加交往收益而存在的。但是,现有社团普遍存在着提供“交往”产品和服务的效率低下问题,使社团为成员节约交往成本的结构优势得不到发挥。本文认为,社团组织制度设置和交往成本之间的关系状况是产生问题的根本原因。社团的结构制度形式和具体行动结构制度之间衔接不当,资源配置不合理,社团为会员节约交往成本的功能难以发挥。本文深入分析了制约交往成本优化的制度构成因素,得出加强组织制度治理以节约交往成本、增加交往收益,增强组织活力的结论,并提出若干具体制度改革与创新的建议。

【Abstract】 The relationship between association cost and the institutional governance has been explored in the dissertation in which the efficiency of mass organization de-pends upon the participation of its members while association cost determines whether the members participate in the mass organization actively. High associa-tion cost and low benefits suffered by members will result in the low efficiency of the activities organized by the mass organization. The dissertation holds that the fundamental cause lies in the contradiction present in the institution of specific or-ganization system for a mass organization and a solution to it can be achieved by reform and innovation of the governing system of organization.First, as one form of organization, mass organization has the advantage of de-creasing the association costs for the membersAssociation is the nature of an organization and association cost is opportunity cost. The regulating nature of the association of mass organization originates from the exchange nature in non economic society. By nature, the character and objec-tives of association is non economic and non political, i.e., to produce and consume good of association without being stimulated by pursuing economic profits or being driven by political compulsory force. To achieve association, mass organization has been preferred as an instrument for people to associate and the justifications for it is that it can provide much more convenience for people to associate and save their association cost.

【关键词】 社团组织交往成本会员组织成本制度治理
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 11期

