

Constitutional Design of the Third Force in Modern China

【作者】 叶兴艺

【导师】 宝成关;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 政治学理论, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 在现代中国的历史上,在国共两党之外还存在第三种力量即本文所说的第三势力,他们的政治选择在很大程度上影响了现代中国政治的发展。第三势力这个群体,可谓成分复杂、思想迥异,但是他们绝大多数都抱有自由主义的宪政理念,以把中国改造成自由、民主的宪政国家为己任并为之舍身投入现实政治。本文即是对作为一个整体的现代中国第三势力宪政设计的研究,强调站在第三势力这个角度来重新认识和解读中国现代政治史。第三势力的宪政理想,虽然遭遇了知识分子从政悲剧收场的命运,然他们的宪政追求及其掀起的宪政运动,无疑是中国现代史的重要组成部分,也是中国现代化进程的重要组成部分。第三势力的宪政设计及其宪政实践中的经验教训与成败得失,或许无法为我们今天的宪政建设提供可以直接借鉴的资源,但是他们的宪政理念和宪政设计,却至少给我们提供了一种思维的方式,因为显然不论中国或整个世界,未来皆将在自由与正义、民主与宪政的方向进行无尽的探索。

【Abstract】 The history of modern China mainly is the history of Chinese Kuomintang and Chinese Communist Party, the politics of modern China mainly is the politics of Chinese Kuomintang and Chinese Communist Party, and the conflict, the contention and the ebb and flow between Chinese Kuomintang and Chinese Communist Party force decides the future and fate of modern China. But there is a third force that this thesis will research on except Chinese Kuomintang and Chinese Communist Party, whose political choice affects the politics development of modern China to a great extent. The community of the third force in modern China whose member is complicated and whose thought is varied has the ideas of liberalism constitution, and regards reconstructing China into liberalism, democracy and constitutional country as the their task and flings themselves into realistic politics making all sacrifices. This thesis is an all-around research on constitutional pursue and constitutional design of the third force in modern China.Firstly, this thesis distinguishes the conception between the third force and the democracy party and explains the reason and goal of using the especial appellation the third force. The research on the third force in modern China in domestic academe mostly fastens on the democracy party and his very important person affected by conventional research inclination of the history of revolutionary and the history of Chinese Communist Party. On the basis of sorting, hackling and reviewing the study of the former thesis in detail, this

【关键词】 现代中国第三势力张君劢宪政设计
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 10期

