

Individual Character Analysis of Communication Transmitter

【作者】 任春辉

【导师】 肖先赐; 魏平;

【作者基本信息】 电子科技大学 , 通信与信息系统, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 通信电台个体识别是近年来通信侦察领域一个重要研究课题,它主要根据各电台硬件差异在发射信号上表现出来的区别于其它个体的特征,判别信号来自哪个电台,进而实现电台跟踪,并为判定通信网络的组成等提供重要依据。通信电台个体识别的研究不同于传统的通信信号侦察,在传统的通信信号侦察过程中,研究的重点往往围绕通信电台传递的通信信息的获取或分析进行,来自硬件差异的个体特征往往被作为噪声而力求滤除或削弱其影响;但是,在研究电台信号个体识别时,通信信息的获取和分析都不再作为研究的重点,反而是这些体现电台之间个体差异的信号个体特征成为需要获取的信息。 通信电台个体特征的分析、研究在电台个体识别中至关重要,本文主要针对相同工作模式、相同型号下的不同电台,研究通信电台个体识别中这个关键环节——电台个体特征分析。论文研究了个体特征的基本理论,并从其产生机理出发,研究了电台不同工作状态下个体特征的分析方法,包括电台稳定工作状态下的噪声特性、杂散特性和频率特性,以及非稳定工作状态下电台暂态特征分析,并在非稳定工作状态下探讨了不同工作模式下电台个体识别的解决方案。文中提出、推导了一系列具有理论及实用价值的新算法,并通过实际电台数据和计算机仿真实验验证了所提算法的优良性能。归纳起来,本文的贡献主要包括以下几个方面: 1、全文从电台稳定工作状态和非稳定工作状态系统地研究了电台的个体特征分析方法,建立了通信电台个体识别基本框架。文中明确给出了通信信号个体特征的定义,即只有具有普遍性、唯一性、稳定性和可检测性的信号特征方可作为识别电台个体的个体特征。同时,系统、全面地分析了个体特征产生机理,为个体特征分析提供了理论基础。为衡量所选特征的分类能力,提出了一种评价特征集分离性能的指标——可分离指数,根据该指标的测试,可以择优选相关特征作为电台的个体特征,为后续分析提供了一个分析工具。 2、针对稳定工作状态下硬件差异在信号上的不同体现,论文从噪声特性、杂散特性和频率三方面进行了个体特征分析研究。 在噪声特性分析方面,分析了各电台噪声统计特性上的差异,研究了噪声功率估计算法,提出了一种基于最小二乘法一特征值分解(LS-EVD)的噪声功率估计的改进算法,该算法不需要任何先验知识,在中等信噪比条件下噪声估计性良好,

【Abstract】 Individual communication transmitter identification is an important issue in the field of communication reconnaissance in recent years. With the characteristics reflected on signal by the difference of the transmitter hardware, this issue focuses on seeking the source of the received signal. So the transmitter tracking can be realized and a significant thread can be provided for the determination of communication network construction. The study of this subject is different from the study of the traditional communication reconnaissance. Analyzing and intercepting the transmitted information are important subjects of the traditional communication reconnaissance but they are not the focuses of the individual transmitter identification, and the individual characteristics from the difference of the hardware will be removed or diminished as noise when studying the traditional communication reconnaissance but will be the emphasis when studying transmitter individual identification.The individual transmitter character analysis is vital for communication transmitter identification. Aiming at the different transmitters of the same type and working mode, the individual transmitter character analysis is taken in this dissertation. With the basic theory and the mechanism, researching work is taken on the individual character analyzing method of different working mode, the stable working characters including the noise character, the spur character and the frequency character, and the transient character analysis of unstable working mode. A solution is proposed aiming at transmitter identification of different working mode under different working mode. A series of theoretically and practically valuable algorithms are proposed, and the good performances of them are verified by simulation experiments with real data. The main contributions of this dissertation are concluded as follows:1. The analysis methods of the individual transmitter character under stable conditions and unstable conditions are studied systematically, and then the basic frame of individual transmitter identification is established. The definition of the individual transmitter character is given clearly, i.e. only the universal, unique, stable and


