

The Application of Cysteamine in Rearing Period, Growth Period and Prepare Breeding Period Sil Ver Fox’s Feed

【作者】 王忠艳

【导师】 马建章;

【作者基本信息】 东北林业大学 , 野生动植物保护与利用, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 本研究通过三组试验探讨了半胱胺对育成期、冬毛生长期和准备配种期银狐生产性能的影响及其在饲料中的最佳添加方式。 为研究半胱胺对育成期银狐的影响,选用2月龄左右、健康银黑仔狐共224只(112♂+112♀)。公狐和母狐体重分别在2.50kg和2.10kg左右。随机分200只(100♂+100♀)为试验组,剩余24只(12♂+12♀)为对照组。饲养试验持续时间大约为三个月(从6月10日到8月31日)。采用复因子试验设计中的析因试验设计,为二因子有重复的试验设计。在五个不同半胱胺添加时间间隔(1d、3d、5d、7d和9d)中分别添加五个不同数量的半胱胺(每千克体重添加10mg、40mg、70mg、100mg和130mg)。对照组分为12个重复,每个重复2只(1♂+1♀)。试验测定了育成期银狐采食量、饲料转化率及体增重。结果表明,在25个组合中只有每间隔5d按70mg/kg BW浓度添加一次半胱胺组可使育成期银狐体增重及饲料转化率达到最高,分别比对照组提高15.08%(P<0.05)和20.21%(P<0.01)。整个试验组银狐采食量都低于对照组,其中70mg/kgBW5d组采食量比对照组降低4.52%(P<0.05)。 在上述组合中,选择效果比较好的下列12个组合进行消化试验:在每间隔3d,5d,7d and 9d分别按每千克体重添加40mg,70mg和100mg的半胱胺。共96只(48♂+48♀)银狐为试验组,10(5♂+5♀)只银狐为对照组,分为5个重复,每个重复内为2只(1♂+1♀)。为消除半胱胺不同添加间隔时间的影响,正式试验进行12d(8月18日到8月29日)。试验结果为每间隔5d按70mg/kg BW浓度添加一次半胱胺效果最好,它可使育成期银狐干物质和粗蛋白质表观消化率比对照组分别提高16.19%(P<0.01)和15.97%(P<0.01)。试验组银狐干物质采食量比对照组低,其中70mg/kg BW5d组可比对照组银狐干物质采食量降低4.65%(P<0.01)。 为研究冬毛生长期银狐饲料中应用半胱胺,选择健康银黑狐224只(112♂+112♀),公狐体重在5.20kg左右(P>0.05)、母狐体重在4.60kg左右(P>0.05)。试验分组方法同育成期半胱胺对银狐影响的研究。饲养试验持续111d(9月1日到12月20日)。试验结果显示最佳组合是每间隔5d按70mg/kg BW浓度添加一次半胱胺组,它可使生长期银狐体增重比对照组提高25.35%(P<0.01),饲料转化率比对照组提高24.31%(P<0.01)。试验组银狐采食量低于对照组,其中70mg/kg BW 5d组银狐采食量比对照组降低0.780%,但与对照组相比差异不显著(P>0.05)。 屠宰试验是在银狐取皮时2004年12月20日进行。试验设计同生长期试验。在屠宰前进行活体体长测量,长度是山鼻端到尾根的水平长度;取皮时采取电击处死。采用国际标准植板,皮张长度的测量是以鼻尖到尾根的长度,毛皮等级按国家标准分类,同时参照本品种标准进行。试验结果为,最优秀组合是70mg/kg BW 5d组,该组比对照组体长提高10.39%(P<0.01),比对照组银孤皮张尺码提高10.22%(P<0.01),

【Abstract】 In present study, three experiments were designed to investigate the effects of cysteamine on producibility of silver fox in rearing period,winter fur growth period and preparative breeding period, and to determine optimal supplemental ways of cysteamine in feed.To study effect of cysteamine on silver fox in rearing period, 224 (112♂ +112♀) of two-month-old healthy silver foxes were selected, and the body weight of male and female was about 2.50 kg and 2.10 kg,respectivey. Among them, the 200 (100♂ +100♀) foxes were selected randomly for test group, and the left 24 (12♂+12♀) individuals were used as control group. Feeding experiments last about three months (from June 10 to August 31).Experiment design of factor analysis, a multiple factor design, was adopted, in which two factors were repeated in experiments. Different amount of cysteamine (10mg, 40mg, 70mg, 100mg, 130mg per kg of body weight BW) were added respectively at 5 different time intervals (1d, 3d, 5d, 7d and 9d). There were 12 repeats of test in control groups, and a couple of individuals for each one. Finally, body weight gain, feed conversion ratio and feed intake were measured. Results showed that only the combination of 70mg/kg BW of cysteamine added every 5days would produce the highest body weight gain and feed conversion ratio among total 25 combinations, meanwhile it increased by 15.08% (P<0.05) and 20.21% (P<0.01) respectively compared with those of the control group. However, feed intake of the test groups silver fox was lower than that of the control group, individuals of the combination of 70mg/kg BW of cysteamine added every 5days decreased 4.52% (P<0.05) of feed intake compared with control group.Among the combinations above, the following 12 test combinations with good results were selected for the digestive test: 40mg, 70mg, 100mg per kg of body weight (BW)) were added at 4 different time intervals (3d, 5d, 7d and 9d), respectively. Total 96 (48♂+48♀) silver foxes were used for the test group and 10 (5♂ + 5♀) ones for the control group, 5 repeats with 2 (1♂ + 1♀) individuals in each repeat were for control group. To eliminate influence of time intervals, the experiment lasted for 12 days (from August 18 to August 29). Results showed that the best one was the combination of 70mg/kg BW of cysteamine added every 5days, which raised apparent digestibilities of the dry matter and the crude protein by 16.19% (P<0.01) and 15.97% (P<0.01) respectively compared with those of the control group. The dry matter intake of the test group was lower than that of the control group, and dry matter intake of individuals of the combination of 70mg/kgBW of cysteamine added every 5d reduced by 4.65%(P<0.01).To study effect of cysteamine on silver fox in winter fur growth period, 224 (112♂ +112♀) of healthy silver foxes were selected, and the male weigh about 5.20 kg,while the femalearound 4.60 kg (P>0.05) . Grouping method was same as that for studying effect of cysteamine in rearing period. Feeding experiments last about 111 days (from September 1 to December 20). Results showed the combination of 70mg/kg BW of cysteamine added every 5days was the best one, which would increase body weight by 25. 35%(P<0.01), feed conversion ratio by 24.31% (P<0.01) respectively compared with those of the control group. Feed intake of the test groups silver fox was lower than that of the control group, individuals of the combination of 70mg/kg BW of cysteamine added every 5days decreased by 0.78% (P>0.05), which was not significantly different compared with control group.The slaughter experiment was conducted when silver foxes were skinned on December 20, 2004. Test design was the same as those in growth period. Before butchering, living body length of silver fox was measured from nose root to tail root;Electricity shocking was used to put fox to death. The standard fox fur last board was used, the measurement of silver fox fur length was from nose top to tail root, and the fur was graded based on the national standard by referring strain standard. Results showed that the best was the combination of 70mg/kg BW of cysteamine added every 5d, which increase the living body length by 10.39% (P<0.01) than control group, and the fur size by 10.22% (P<0.01) compared with those of the control group;meanwhile both conbinations of 70mg/kg BW of cysteamine added every 5d and 70mg/kg BW of cysteamine added every 7d increased quantity of the first-class fur averagely by 7.14% (P>0.05) compared with that of the control group.If only add cysteamine within growth period, each silver fox of the combination of 70mg/kg BW of cysteamine added every 5days would averagely cause Y 93.098 payoff compared with the control group in feeding period, and it would have very prominent economic performance.To determine effect of cysteamine on silver fox reproductive performance from September 23th, 2004 to May 3rd, 2005, the test group composed by 72 female silver foxes added cysteamine time from September 23, 2004 to January 20, 2005 within preparative breeding period. All 84 healthy female silver foxes for this test were 3 or 4-year old with 4.6~5.5kg of body weight (P>0. 05), while 12 female silver foxes were control groups. The following 9 combinations were selected for this test: 40mg, 70mg, lOOmg per kg of body weight (BW)) were added respectively at 3 different time intervals (3d, 5d, 7d) respectively. Two combinations of 70mg/kg BW of cysteamine added every 5d and 70mg/kg BW of cysteamine added every 7d were better, the litter number was improved by 4.082% (P>0.05) without significant difference compared with that of control group. However other combination also did not bring significant difference (P>0.05), explained the effect of cysteamine used in enhancing the silver fox reproductive performance not to be remarkable.For the first time, application of cysteamine in silver fox’s raising was proposed by thisresearch. Serial tests proved that cysteamine could improve the economic benefits during silver fox raising extremely . There still have not similar reports on the research about different additive amount of cysteamine and different time intervals of cysteamine simultaneously until now. Our results showed the combination of 70mg/kg BW of cysteamine added every 5d would fully increase body weight, feed conversion ratio, nutriment digestibility,fur quality of silver fox and lower feed intake of silver foxes,and further improved the economic benefits. This paper was also the first research to propose applying cysteamine in breeding period of wild animal, the combination of 70mg/kg BW of cysteamine added every 5d could improve silver fox litter number, however it was not significantly different from the control group.


