

Studies of China’s Economic and Trade Cooperation with Russia in the New Era

【作者】 李淑华

【导师】 黄清;

【作者基本信息】 东北林业大学 , 林业经济管理, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 随着森林资源逐渐缺失,中国森林工业的发展由单一受市场约束转向受资源和市场双重制约时期。在这种形势下,大力发展林业国际合作、参与国际市场森林资源配置就成为今日中国的必然选择。其中,与俄罗斯加强林业经贸合作则更具重要意义。本文立足当前,在搜集大量资料的基础上,旨在对中俄林业经贸合作现状和前景作出客观的分析与评价,提出发展对策与建议,从而为新时期中俄林业经贸合作发展提供有益借鉴。 全球化是世界经济发展的客观趋势。加强中俄两国经济贸易合作,包括林业经贸合作是两国的共同愿望。自20世纪90年代以来,中俄关系不断发展。进入21世纪,中俄关系更是进入全面发展新时期,无论是2006年的“中国俄罗斯年”,还是2007年的“俄罗斯中国年”都将成为两国关系的重要佐证。 经过十几年的努力,中俄在林业经贸合作方面已经具备一定的基础,在林产品贸易、投资、科技及劳务合作等方面取得了一定成绩。但我们也应看到,中俄林业经贸合作的规模和质量尚不尽人意,还存在着许多亟待解决的问题,如贸易规模小、水平不高、结构不合理、观念陈旧、未建立起符合国际惯例的贸易秩序等。因此,我们必须对中俄林业经贸合作进行全面、系统的分析,才能找出解决问题的途径,才能使中俄林业经贸合作沿着可持续发展的道路前进,才能取得更大的成效,实现“双赢”。 本文以马克思主义、邓小平理论关于发展对外经贸合作的思想为指导,同时运用经济学和国际贸易理论,对中俄林业要素禀赋、林产品供需状况,以及林产品对外贸易等方面进行比较分析,对中俄林业经贸合作的相关因素进行全面评价。本文认为,中国与俄罗斯林业发展现状决定了两国森林工业国际化的途径是参与林产品国际贸易,只有这样才能进口本国发展所必需的技术、设备以及必要的林产品,同时出口本国优势产品,提高本国林产品的国际竞争力。中俄在林业方面具有较强的互补性,符合林业国际合作的资源配置规律。资源约束是目前困扰中国森林工业发展的主要障碍,只有通过国际贸易,通过林产品进口,才能缓解国内木材供需失衡的矛盾;俄罗斯方面虽然拥有丰富的森林资源,但缺乏劳动力,同时在木材深加工方面对外依赖性比较大;中国的木材深加工产品,如家具等在俄已经具有一定的市场,与中国加强林业经贸合作符合俄罗斯的需要。基于以上分析,本文提出进一步推进中俄林业经贸合作的对策与建议,包括建立良好的贸易秩序,打造中俄林业经贸物流园区,推进中俄林产品贸易与投资一体化,构建中俄林业经贸合作信息平台,实现中俄林产品贸易与环境的协调发展,正确把握中俄林业经贸合作的发展趋势等。总之,中俄林业经贸合作发展空间很大,但国际市场不断变幻,新问题也将不断涌现,中俄林业经贸合作将在曲折中前进。

【Abstract】 With the lack of forest resources, forest industries in China are turning from the single constraint of market to the dual constraints of resources and market. To break through these constraints, China have to vigorously develop international cooperation in forestry, participate in the forest resources distribution of the international market, in which the economic and trade cooperation with Russia in forestry is much more important. This dissertation analyzes and assesses several aspects of economic and trade cooperation between China and Russia forestry in the new historical period. The core topic is the development of Sino-Russian economic and trade cooperation in forestry in the new era.As economic globalization is the obvious trend of world economic development, so strengthening the Sino-Russian economic and trade cooperation, especially bilateral economic and trade cooperation in forestry, is the common view. Since the 1990s, Sino-Russian relations have continually developed. After the year of 2000, especially since 2006, the Sino-Russian relationship gets into a new-overall development stage. Whether "The Year of Russia in China" in 2006, or "The Year of China in Russia" in 2007, will become the important corroboration of Sino-Russian relations.After more than 10 years’ efforts, both China and Russia in the economic and trade aspects of forestry have established a certain cooperative foundation, and in forest products trade, investment, technology and labor cooperation have achieved certain achievements. But we should realize that the Sino-Russian economic and trade cooperation in forestry from the point of quality and scale is still unsatisfactory, and there are still many pressing issues: the small trade size, the low level, the irrational structure, the obsolete concepts, even without establishing the trade order in line with international practice. Under this circumstance, this dissertation argues that only through the comprehensive, systematic analysis of the economic and trade cooperation in forestry between China and Russia, we can find out ways to solve the problems and make it sustainable development effectively to achieve "win-win".Under the guidance of Marxism, Deng Xiaoping’s Theory on the development of China’s foreign trade and economic cooperation, this dissertation uses economics and international trade theory to make the comparative analysis of the supply and demand situation of the Sino-Russian forest products, forest products foreign trade, and factor endowment. Through comprehensive evaluation of related factors in the Sino-Russian economic and trade cooperation in forestry, this dissertation concludes: the present state of Sino-Russian forestry development determines the means of internationalization of the two countries’ forest industry, i.e. to take part in the international trade of forest products, which enables not only to importthe necessary technology, equipment, and the necessary forest products to develop the forest industry, but also to export its advantageous products so as to enhance internationally competitive capacity of their own forest products. Both China and Russia in forestry have strong complementarities in accord with the resource allocation rules in the international forestry cooperation. The constraint of resources is the major obstacle of China’s industrial development in forestry. Only through international trade and the forest products import, it will alleviate domestic timber supply and demand imbalance contradictions. Although Russia has abundant forest resources, at the same time, the labor is not enough, thus Russia depends largely on foreign Countries in the high-machining wood. However, China’s high-value-added forest products, such as furniture in Russia, have certain market, and strengthening economic and trade cooperation with China is also the need of Russia’s forestry development. According to the above analysis, this dissertation proposed proposals to further promote economic and trade cooperation in forestry between China and Russia, i.e. to establish a good trade order, to build the Distribution Park of Sino-Russian economy and trade in forestry, to promote the trade and investment integration of Sino-Russian forest products, to construct the information platform of Sino-Russian economic and trade cooperation in forestry, to achieve the coordinated development between Sino-Russian trade in forest products and the environment, to correctly grasp the developing trend of Sino-Russia economic and trade cooperation in forestry. In short, the overall developing trend of Sino-Russian economic and trade cooperation in forestry is good, but with the constant change of the international market situation, new problems will emerge and will be ups and downs in Sino-Russian economic and trade cooperation in forestry forward.


