

Experimental and Theoretical Study on High Energy Density Materials (HEDM)

【作者】 刘峰毅

【导师】 郑世钧;

【作者基本信息】 北京化工大学 , 应用化学, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 虽然人们已知“永动机”只是在人类科学史上试图获得永久能源的梦,但人们追求用少的材料以获得最大动力能源的努力一直未停止过。以N4,N6等为代表的聚氮化合物由于分解时释放出巨大能量,同时给出N2,不带有金属元素并产生很少的大气污染物,故被视为环境友好的高能量密度材料(HEDM)。但是由于这一类化合物具有很高的能量而极不稳定,所以无论从制备还是表征的角度来说都具有很高的挑战性。 本论文的主要研究内容是富氮类高能量密度物质的制备以及紫外光电子能谱表征,同时采用量子化学方法对它们的结构和性质进行预测。在广泛的文献调研和充分的实验准备基础上,采用我们实验室多年来探索的真空异相表面反应手段,合成和表征了一系列重要的无机共价叠氮化合物。 论文第一章对紫外光电子能谱基本原理、实验方法和紫外光电子能谱仪器的改进情况进行了介绍;总结了电子结构理论、电子态的确定方法以及电离能计算的相关理论;简要综述了富氮类高能量密度物质的实验研究进展情况。 第二章首次采用三溴化硼(BBr3)和叠氮银(AgN3)的真空异相反应制各了高纯度的三叠氮化硼(B(N33),并首次得到了该化合物的紫外光电子能谱和离子态信息;该化合物不仅是一种潜在的高能量密度物质,

【Abstract】 Nitrogen is unique among the chemical elements. In contrast to the other elements, its homonuclear single-bond energies are significantlyless than one-third of their triple- or one-half of their double-bond energies. As results, polynitrogen or nitrogen-rich compounds such as N4 and N6 release huge amounts of energy when they decompose to diatomic nitrogen. Coupled with the benign nature of nitrogen gas as a reaction product, these characteristics would make nitrogen-rich compounds attractive candidates as environmentally-friendly high energy density materials (HEDM). Unfortunately, owing to the highly endothermic heats of formation, their syntheses and isolation, and structural characterization present great challenges.The purpose of this study is to investigate the generation, detection and electronic structure of HEDM. Based on the photoelectron spectroscopy which was built specifically to detect transient species and techniques in generating metastable compounds, several important inorganic covalent azido-compounds were generated and characterized.The principle and experiment section of Photoelectron Spectroscopy


