

Study on Mode and Technique of Two Harvests Silage Maize in the Temperature Limited Region of Double Cropping System

【作者】 王美云

【导师】 任天志; 李少昆;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业科学院 , 作物栽培与耕作学, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 为了探索与农区畜牧业发展相适应的作物新型种植模式,在热量限制两熟区北缘北京地区进行了双季青贮玉米不同模式、季节、品种与栽培技术等不同层次物质生产、资源效率、光合性能和营养品质等系统研究。主要结果表明: 1、建立了双季青贮玉米资源高效、经济高效的新型种植模式。与冬小麦—夏玉米模式相比,其全年干物质生产率提高10.3%、能量提高12%,总辐射利用效率提高12.5%,热量资源生产效率提高22.5%,水分生产效率增加36.3%。其全年种植经济效益可达10405元/hm~2,增加经济效益为16.7%。 2、提出了双季模式全年热量资源两季近似1/2和光资源偏早春分配原则。早播晚收增加全年资源占有,保证有效积温季节利用效率达全年90%以上,自然降水达到85%以上,光照达到70%以上;有效地分配周年双季的资源比例。定量化分析资源配置原则为:早春与晚夏最佳积温比值为1.1-1.2,相应总辐射比值为1.6。有效调节双季青贮玉米的周年资源分配。 3、提出了品种的季节反应分型方法及同季优势品种选择的原则。根据品种产量对季节反应差异,分为4种类型:Ⅰ春优夏弱型,Ⅱ夏优春弱型,Ⅲ双季均优型,Ⅳ双季均弱型。 4、确定了不同栽培措施的物质生产效应。其顺序为:第一为地膜效应:早春地膜增产20%左右:第二为密植效应:一般以111000株/hm~2为宜;第三为种子处理效应:增产3%-9%;第四为穴播效应:增产6%左右:第五为垄作效应:不明显。通过技术组装与配套,建立了地膜高密大小行季节错位的青贮玉米技术体系及规程。 5、揭示了双季青贮玉米物质积累及其光合性能的动态特征。其表现为:双季青贮玉米近似直线的S曲线后期叶面积为高值维持型,光合势高。全年平均作物生长率地膜双季青贮玉米>直播双季青贮玉米>冬小麦—夏玉米,传统夏玉米>早春青贮玉米>晚夏青贮玉米>小麦。 6、明确了不同品种器官、生育期及栽培措施对青贮玉米的营养含量及产量的影响。青贮玉米的茎和叶为无氮浸出物(NFE)和酸性洗涤纤维(ADF)的优势器官,占主要成分,约占全株的80%以上,籽粒和叶片是粗蛋白(CP)、粗脂肪(EE)的优势器官达到全株总量的65%以上。总体营养表现出早春>晚夏,营养、能量、产奶,益农103—郑单958营养品质优势突出。地膜、密度等栽培措施对主要营养含量的变化作用不明显,穴播是一项有利于粗蛋白但增幅不大。双季青贮玉米全年总营养、各种能量和饲料价值具有明显的高效益,预测全年产奶量可达4912磅/吨干物质(2278kg/吨干物质),30841磅/英亩(34279kg/hm~2)。 通过本研究,建立了双季青贮玉米高产高效优质的新型种植模式。具体明确了品种类型和配套关键栽培技术,确定了新模式物质积累与光合性能的动态特征,为农区畜牧业发展相适应的种植结构调整提供理论与技术指导。

【Abstract】 In order to explore the new cropping system which fit to live-stock developing in farming section, the matter production, resources efficiency ,the photosynthesis performance and nutrient quality of different season, varieties .cultivation technology were studied on two-cropping silage maize system in Beijing. The results shown as follow.1.The two-cropping silage maize system with mulching film had higher 10.3% in dry matter, 12% in energy production, 12.5% in radiation light energy efficiency, 22.5% in temperature resources and 36.3% in water production efficiency than that of winter wheat-summer maize, which was traditional system. Meanwhile, it’s economical benefit might arrive 10405yuan/666.7m~2, more 16.7% than that of traditional system. It means that the two-cropping silage maize system was new one with high resources efficiency and high economical benefit.2. There were two way which availability regulated resources used in two-cropping silage maize system. First one of them was enhance resources occupancy by early planting and harvesting as possible as late, which ensured more than 90% in effective accumulate temperature , 85% in nature rainfall and 70% in tall radiation of whole year. Second one was availability regulated the ratio of early spring and late summer seasons, the best ratio of early spring to late summer seasons was identified as 1.1-1.2 and 1.6 in effective accumulate temperature and tall radiation respectively by fix quantify for resources.3. The varieties could be classed into four types by different responding to environment of earlier spring and latter summer on the double-season silage maize, which were I type was the better in early spring and worse in late summer, II was better in late summer and worse in early spring, III was better both early spring and late summer and IV was worse both seasons.4. The order of matter production effect in different cultivation measurements of double cropping silage maize system was follow: the first one was mulching film effect, it made the yield to increase by 20 percentage approximately. The second one was plant density, silage maize feasible planting density was control at 111000 plants/ha. The third was seed treatment, it could enhance yield from 3% to 9%. The fourth was bunch planting, it made the yield to increase by 6 percentage .The last one was ridge culture. The technology system of double cropping silage maize was set up by different technique convention, which was mulching film, high density width-narrow row intercross of season (MHWI).5. The study on the matter accumulate and photosynthesis activity characteristic indicated as follow, (1)There was S curve which was similar as line in dry matter accumulation and had highest leaf area index (LAI) and kept stabilization, so that had high LAI duration (LAID) in double cropping silage maize system. Annual average Crop growth rate (CGR) of different cropping system was follow as, mulching film have superior over flat planting in double cropping silage maize, which more than winter wheat-summer maize system.. The CGR of different crops that summer maize was superior over earlysilage maize, higher than latter silage maize, wheat.6. The higher content organs in Acid Detergent Fiber (ADF) and NFE were leaves and stems, which were 80% of whole plant. The higher content organs in Crude Protein(CP) and Ether Extract (EE) were grains and leaves, which were more than 65% of whole plant. It has been identified that there were evidence genotype differences in those items. Synthetic analysis shown that Yi Nong 103 and Zheng Dan 958 had many advantage in nutrient quality. There were no evidence nutrient differences in mulching film plant density, bunch planting could increase CP, but the amplitude was not too much. Meanwhile, it was analyzed and proved that the total nutrient .every energy and forage value of double-silage maize had evident good benefit. The expect milk production will reached 43279kg/hm2, which was higher than the maximal value reported at present.In summary, new double cropping silage maize system, which had high matter production and high resources efficiency was set up, varieties and their cultivation was identified and the matter accumulate and activity of photosynthesis character was also studied. It provided a guideline for theory and practices which with the livestock development and adapt to planting structure regulation.


