

Magmatic Sulphide Copper Nickel-platinum (PGE) Deposit Types, Distribution and Analysis of Platinum Palladium Occurrence States in Emei Basalt

【作者】 来雅文

【导师】 段国正; 甘树才;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 地球探测与信息技术, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 铂(族)矿床为国家急需矿种,在国民经济及科技发展中占有重要地位。本文主要阐述三部分内容:铂(族)的资源与市场;铂(族)矿床的成因类型与时空分布;铂(族)的赋存状态与研究意义。后两部分为本论文的重点。通过查阅大量国内外参考文献,本文将铂(族)的矿床类型划归为绿岩型、科马提岩型、层状岩体型和暗色岩系4类,并例举了典型矿床的实例。指出了铂(族)矿床产出的大地构造环境专属于大陆稳定区(地台、地盾);绿岩型和科马提岩型铂为地球早期的产物,古元古宙为铂(族)矿床最重要的成矿期。元素在地球系统中的存在具有量和质的两种不同属性,并各有不同的赋存状态。本文以峨嵋玄武岩为例进行赋存状态研究,结果表明,该岩体玄武岩中与镍共生的铂族元素分属自然元素互化物、硫化物、硅酸盐和吸附等不同状态。首次建立吸附态、硫化物态、自然元素互化物态和硅酸盐类质同像态四种赋存状态查定的工艺流程,这对于指导该玄武岩深部找矿具有重要意义。

【Abstract】 Platinum metal alloy and its each kind of alloy, because has thermostablly,is anti-corrosive, bears the oxidation, the high ductility, the low expansioncoefficient, the thermoelectricity steadily arranges and so on the characteristic,but has the extremely important use, in the atomic-energy industry, theaerospace industry, the automobile industry, the chemical industry, the oilindustry, the electronics industry, the pharmaceutical industry, the jewelryjewelry and so on obtains the widespread application, is the modern science,the most advanced technique and the many kinds of industry sector essentialprecious metal material, also is the various countries struggles the reserveimportant war reserve. The platinum family metal application and thedevelopment had reflected in the certain degree a national modernized level,and will be playing in the new most advanced technique domain the vital role.About 60 countries have found platinum group elements deposits with provedreserves of more than 10 countries. Statistics from the world platinumresources are elements of the distribution, consumption and trade profiles forour communities precious metals platinum resource allocation, utilization,trade and structural strategic thinking provides the basis.The global endogenous role of platinum about 90% comes fromnickel-copper sulphide deposits sources. In rock intimate platinum closelyassociated with the copper nickel, platinum and copper minerals are mineralswith nickel ore body, with different members of the ore, in the content ofplatinum abundance of copper and nickel below. Professional publications, theso-called platinum deposits from the economic point of view, when theeconomic value of more than platinum deposits of copper, nickel, platinumdeposits namely called. Global copper nickel sulphide deposits containingabundance are different platinum (approximately 2.5g/t). In processing, thesedifferent levels of platinum may be withdrawn.Global copper nickel sulphide deposits containing platinum green rock typefor the type, Kemati rock type, the bedded rock and dark color type rock at 4categories. The most ancient ore deposit produces to the Archean eon, whoseera for 2000~2900Ma (Kemati rock type). Paleopreterozoic is importantmineralization time in this kind of ore deposit, (1539~2300Ma bedded rocktype, green rock type). Neo-proterozoic or Mesa-proterozoic deposits arelimited. Phanerobiotic is the second important mineralization time in thiskind of ore deposit, mainly for dark color rock series.Copper nickel sulphide deposits containing platinum output strictlycontrolled by the geostructure environment. Are produced in the mainlandstability zone. The output of the type of deposit is divided into six areas as:Canadian shield minerogenic region (belt), Chinese platform minerogenicregion, Siberia platform minerogenic region, west Australian shieldmineralization belt, Polo’s shield mineralization belt and South African shieldminerogenic region.In geostructure, the sources of copper nickel deposits containing platinum inthe mainland output stability zone is affected by the invasion processsurrounding rock magmatic fluid nature of the material constraints. Thestability of the district, close rifted surrounding rock structure, resistance small,and the benefit of magmatic invasion. Correspondingly, within Zaoshandai tophysical, and geological and fracture staggered, cut little impetus towards themagmatic source.There are, quantity and quality, the two properties of any elements existencein nature. The property of quantity of the element shows that how manyamounts of the element there is, it is generally called the abundance of theelement. Another one shows that what kind existent state the element could be.In geochemical samples, the different existent state of the element indicatesthe difference of the behavour for the element is the course of the geochemicalaction. This difference provides scientific basis for study the pattern of theelement distribution and evolution in the geochemical system. In geologicbody, platinum metal alloy when by silicate and mutual compound existenceonly then has the ore mineral and the effective prospecting unusualsignificance.Through to in the Mount Emei basalt rock sample constant element, thetrace element and the rare-earth element content analysis, uses X fluorescencespectrum analysis, the atom absorption spectrum analysis and the inductivecoupling plasma mass-spectrometric method carries on the test, the massiveempirical datum indicated, the home court basalt may regard as the hightitanium ferroguinous magnoferrite crag, the ultra ferroguinous rich titaniumbasalt is advantageous in the platinum metal alloy assumes the intermetalliccompound and the silicate condition delivers, does not favor the copper nickelsulfide to concentrate the mineralization;Reflected the home court basaltpartially fuses the low product for the upper mantle, to Cu, Ni contains theplatinum sulfide to concentrate does not have the obvious function;The homecourt basalt light rare earth concentrates, the heavy rare earth impoverishment,indicated the basalt rock magma had the earth’s crust matter to join, earth’scrust matter joining for curtain source magnoferrite crag Cu, Ni contains theessential condition which the platinum sulfide mineralizes.In the base of the lithology appraisal, a new procedure employed the phaseand occurrence state analysis of Pt and Pd was described in the paper.Obtained Emei basalt platinum group elements condition abundance data. Theresults shows that the major formalities in the occurrence states of Pt and Pd inEmei basalt exist as silicate and mutual compound, and few formality asabsorbed and isomorphism state. Geological geochemical analysis from theperspective of whether or not there is a plateau of rock possibilities.Conclusions for the basalt may output platinum deposits not promising.Platinum deposits in the rock outside the district vision.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 10期

