

Tradition and Surmounting

【作者】 方立新

【导师】 王立民;

【作者基本信息】 华东政法学院 , 法律史, 2005, 博士


【摘要】 司法改革是世纪交替中我国法治领域一个脍炙人口的热门话题。机制失调、裁判不公和时有耳闻的腐败之弊,成为民众诟病司法正义的重要缘由。在社会经济蓬勃发展、人文物产相对丰裕、政治较为昌明的今天,司法何以成为法治建设的重镇?而在司法改革实践中,司法独立与公正审判、禁止刑讯与人权保障、诉权主张与举证责任、精英司法与大众参与等问题,始终是论争中的焦点、实务中的难点。这些司法制度建设中近乎常识的基础性论题的反复展现,表明我国的司法尚处在幼年期,所谓司法改革,本质上是对于司法基准的初始校正。这不仅使我们深感与先进国家的差距,且大有似曾相识之感。在一个传统司法解体已逾百年、新型人民司法的构建已达半世纪之久的国家,在21世纪初年司法所面临的却依然是近代社会转型时所遭遇的一些基本问题;司法改革所要解决的不少是清末修律改制以来理应完结了的基础性问题。于是,一种无法回避的疑思由此而生:始于清末的司法转型,延宕百年,却未能为今日司法留下直接可资利用的器物与文化资源;前代的努力几乎未能借由时光之手传递于后人。这自然引起了笔者对于历史的深切追问。对于中国司法改革源流的解读,除了简要考察古典传统司法的基本特征、文化形态及其深重影响以作铺垫外,重点以政制转换为视点,分析了近世历次重大司法改革的要旨、缘由和实际效用;展现百年司法转型及其制度流变中,源长流断、源浅流促、甚至源流分离的错综情势与复杂因素;阐明在急速、剧烈、对抗、动荡的社会变革中,具有精致、稚嫩和后继性特征的司法,作为现代社会的支撑性构件,始终处于先天不足、后天失调的境地。最近20多年平和、稳定、持续的发展与改革开放大格局的形成,才真正迎来了司法改革的春天。因此,我们应该抓住机遇,坚定信念,厘清难易,循序渐进,既追近功,更求长程,逐步建立起独立、公正、民主、理性、精致、顺畅、高效、权威,富有特色、接轨国际的现代化司法体制。就研究方法而言,依据时序展现历史进程与放眼中外古今注重纵横比较,是本文写作中较为着意着力的地方。历史主义的态度有助于对制度变革真相的准确把握,比较的方法则能从同时代不同场景的丰富画面中获得多元的识见,从而加深对于现代司法的整体性把握。此外,司法活动的系统性、互动性和个案化特征,还要求我们籍借社会学、文化学、统计学及个案研究的方法,以求得对于司法改革及其制度运作的真切体验。因此,研究方式的多元与视觉的多维也是本文写作中努力的一个方向。本文结构如下:全文分为三篇:第一篇:我国传统司法解析——权能与文化。本篇以始于秦汉、延续数千年的传统司法为蓝本,从司法权性质、司法主体、司法宗旨等方面全面剖析了我国古代司法的特征和效用,指出以刑为主的法律体系造就了以刑审惩罪为中心的司法体制与程序制度;民刑不分、律(刑)学独盛的知识体系造就了司法者知识技能的偏狭,加之闭锁狭隘的农耕经济阻碍了社会分工,无法刺激司法职能的扩展,使传统司法绵桓千年,而难有质的突破;证罪为主、惩办为要的审判理念,使刑事司法技能有所成长,却终因缺乏理性启导与职业支撑而陷于君主专制主义的泥沼,往复循环。封建专制主义孕育的司法文化:唯权是从的司法“正义”路径,依身份而定的特权主义诉讼观,国家至上的泛罪化诉讼程序,重实体轻程序的制裁意识,重刑轻民、民刑混同、一任刑讯的审判思维,对近世产生深重影响。第二篇:传统司法的转型——嬗变与踯躅。在延续百年的司法转型中,本篇择取清末、民国和共和国三个重要时段所推展的性质迥异、效用各别的制度变革的史实,重在分析其在解构传统司法,催生和塑造现代司法中所据的不同位置,及其关联。指出以救亡自保为目的,被动、仓促、短暂的清末修律所推展的司法改革,开启了传统司法的近代转型,其历史进步性自应肯定。然而,清末司法改革与其说创立了新制度,更不如说是解拆了旧制度。由于新制的过于仓促和短暂,并未树立根基,开了我国司法转而不型的窘局。辛亥革命后民国司法的创设与南京国民政府时期的逐步演进,使现代司法的规则体系与形式要件大体完备,然而内忧外患、持续战乱,使仰赖平和与秩序的司法无法依其内在机制自主发展,司法运作的实际结果与社会大众的期盼相去甚远,最终消亡在人民革命的炮火中。共和国的诞生为现代司法的重建提供了坚实的基础和无限的可能。然而,实践证明,创建崭新的人民司法,决非一帆风顺。要实现人民司法的宗旨,建立一套受人民拥护、为人民服务的公正、独立、便捷、高效的司法体制,既需要热情,更需要理性,需要社会的正常发展与法治理论的指引。第三篇:当代我国司法的进路——守望与超越。当今我国的司法改革,应当在洞察前人得失的基础上,承前启后、继往开来;应当立基于民主政治,信守法治国家理念,高扬人权保障旗帜,坚持职业化之途,践行独立、公正、理性、开放;应当针对司法实践中的突出问题,认真把握国情特色,将禁绝刑讯、不枉不纵,维权解纷、注重调解,扩张诉权、增强制约,完善三大诉讼程序作为当务之急。通过我们的不懈努力,使司法真正成为国家长治久安、民众安居乐业、社会公平正义的强劲围护与屏障。

【Abstract】 During the turn of the new century, judicial reform has become a hot topic of conversation in the Chinese rule of law. Mechanic dislocation, judge unfairly and corruption seem the important reasons that the people query the justice. Why has justice become the key point in rule of law today while the fast developing economy, gathering talents and flourishing politics in China? The most difficult problems in judicial reform facing us are those like independence of judicature, fair trial,prohibiting inquisition by torture, protecting human rights, litigious rights, burden of proof, elite administration of justice or peoples’ participation in, etc.. Judicial reform, in nature, means to adjust the judicial standards, but Chinese judicial system establishment has only repeated to correct some fundamental problems, which shows that Chinese justice still remains immature. Although Chinese legal system looks quite similar to the western countries, there is still a gap between China and the developed countries. In the country that traditional justice has been abolished over one hundred years and the new type of people’s justice has been practiced for more than fifty years, these judicial problems that need to be resolved in the beginning of 21st century, actually are still the basic ones which should have been settled since the end of Qing Dynasty. Thus, an inevitable question has arisen: since the judicial system changes in Qing Dynasty, few things or cultural sources could be employed for today’s justice. This causes the author to ponder deeply into the judicial history. To trace back the original power of Chinese judicial reform, besides studying the basic characteristics of the traditional classic justice and influence of the traditional culture,viewing from the transform of political system the author analyzes the objects, reasons and effects in recent important judicial reform; presents the complex situations and factors of the judicial system transform in the past century; relates the defects of Chinese justice in the historic social changes. During the recent twenty years, the spring time for Chinese judicial reform has come in the peaceful, stable and developing open society. So, we should grasp the good chance to establish the modem, democratic, effective judicial system in China step by step.As a research method, this dissertation pays much attention to the vertical and horizontal comparison, both ancient and modem, Chinese and foreign histories. Through such kind of research, it will help us to understand correctly the different types of judicial systems in history. With the study methods of sociology, science of culture, statistics and even a single case, the author tries to expound from different angles how to experience the judicial reform works in the history.The whole dissertation is divided into three parts. Part One: Analysis of Chinese traditional justice - power and culture. Taking the Qin and Han Dynasty for example,the author analyses the characteristics of Chinese ancient justice lasting for over thousands years, points out that the j.udicial system and procedure with criminal law playing the dominant role during that period. Not to distinguish the civil law from criminal narrowed the knowledge of ancient judicial officers, and hindered the development of judicial function. To prove the crimes and punish the criminals had enforced the absolute monarch. The judicial culture of feudalist society, power meant justice, the law saw only status; rights attached not to the human being but to the status. National interest came above everything else. Judges paid more attention to substantive law than to procedural law. All these judicial ideas have greatly influenced the modern Chinese society.Part Two: Transition of the traditional justice-evolution and wandering. The author chooses the three periods of Qing Dynasty, Guomingdang Government and the People’s Republic of China to analyze their relations in creating the modern Chinese judicial system, points out that the transition of traditional justice started at the end of Qing Dynasty. Since then revising the laws has encouraged the judicial reform. After the Revolution of 1911, the Guomindang government tried to build up the modern judicial system and rules, but in vein. In 1949, Guomindang government overthrown by the people’s war. Foundation of PRC made it possible to establish modern judicial system. However, it is not going smoothly to create the people’s judicial system in China by way of practice, which needs devotion, rational knowledge, stable development of the society and guided by the idea of rule of law.Part Three: Current Chinese justice in progress - expectation and surmounting. The author suggests that current Chinese judicial reform be based on democratic politics,keeping the idea of ruling the country by law, holding high the banner of human rights,educating the career judicial officers to take over from the past and set a new course for the future. At the same time, in view of existing problems in our judicial practice,we must prohibit exacting a confession by torture, maintain the legal rights, focus on mediation as well as on litigation; in this way, justice will be the strong protective screen for the country and for the people.

  • 【分类号】D929
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】732

