

Plant Community Diversity in Bao Tianman National Reserve, Henan Province

【作者】 史作民

【导师】 蒋有绪; 刘世荣;

【作者基本信息】 中国林业科学研究院 , 生态学, 1998, 博士

【摘要】 本文从植物区系特征、植物群落数量分类与排序、植物群落物种多样性及其与生长型和海拔的关系、种间联结与生态位、皆伐栓皮栎林恢复过程中植物多样性变化等方面对河南宝天曼保护区植物群落多样性进行了综合研究。主要研究结果如下: 1.植物区系丰富,区系成分起源古老,共有种子植物150科783属2147种(含种以下等级):地理成分复杂,种子植物属共有15个分布类型和18个变型:具有明显的温带性质和强烈的由落叶阔叶林向常绿阔叶林过渡的特征,各类温带性质属占总属数的61.10%;中国特有属和珍稀濒危植物占有较大的比例,共有30个特有属和30种国家级珍稀濒危植物。 2.应用二元指示种分析(TWINSPAN)将植物群落分成了岩栎林、千金榆林、铁木刺楸林、栓皮栎化香林、栓皮栎林、栓皮栎茅栗林、茅栗林、锐齿栎化香林、短柄抱锐齿栎林、山杨白桦林、锐齿林、化香漆树青榨槭林、青冈栎林、杜鹃杯、权叶槭水曲柳林、山茱萸林、栾树林、河楸枫杨林、飞蛾槭林、青檀林、黄荆灌丛、金钱槭银鹊树林和领春木林等23种比较符合实际的群落类型。无偏对应分析(DCA)的排序结果较好地反映了植物群落与环境因子的关系,第一捧序轴主要反映了热量(海拔)的变化,第二轴主要反映了水分因子的变化。 3.物种丰富度指数、多样性指数和均匀度指数在群落梯度上的分布趋势基本一致,较好地反映了不同植物群落类型在物种组成方面的差异。植物群落的草本层物种丰富度指数明显高于乔木层和灌木层,草本层物种丰富度指数在群落梯度上的变异最大,灌木层次之,乔木层最小。乔木层物种多样性指数小于灌木层和草本层,革本层和乔木层物种多样性指数在群落梯度上的变异程度明显大于灌木层。灌木层物种均匀度指数大于乔木层和草本层,草本层和乔木层均匀度指数在群落梯度上的变异程度大于灌木层。物种丰富度指数和多样性指数的较大值出现在高海拔和低海拔区,较小值多出现在中等海拔高度。物种均匀度指数的较小值多出现在中等海拔高度,但其较大值在各海拔高度都有分布。草本层物种丰富度指数和多样性指数的较高值多分布在低海拔区,较小值多分布在中等海拔高度;乔木层和灌木层的各种指数以及草本层的物种均匀度指数在海拔梯度上的分布规律不明显。 4.海拔1150-1500米范围内植物群落中黑椋子和野核桃、黑椋子和椴树以及三叶木通、大叶铁线莲和多花胡枝子两两之间存在明显的正联结,黑椋子和山杨、野核桃和山杨以及五加和胡枝子、喜阴悬钩子和胡枝子、五味子和山葡萄之间存在较明显的负联结。根据种间联结特征,主要乔木种划分为黑椋子、野核桃和小叶青冈;千金榆、化香、

【Abstract】 Plant community diversity of Bao Tianman national reserve, Henan Province, was studied comprehensively in terms of flora characteristics, quantitative classification and ordination of plant communities, plant species diversity , the relationships between plant species diversity and plant growth form and altitude, interspecific association and niche, changes of plant species diversity along with the restoration processes of Quercus variabilis forest. The results are as follows:1. Flora is plentiful, complicate and with a long history. There are 150 families, 783 genera, 2147 species(including infraspecific taxon) of seed plants. According to the genera of seed plants belong to 15 types and 18 subtypes were identified. The flora has distinct both warm temperate characteristics and transitional characteristics from deciduous broad-leaved forest to evergreen broad-leaved forest, and temperate genera account for 61.10% in total genera. It has 30 genera endemic to China and 30 national class rare and endangered species. 2. Plant communities were classified into 23 formations by Two-Way INdicators SPecies ANalysis ( TWINSPAN ) , they are Form. Quercus acrodenta, Form. Carpinus cordata. Form. Ostrya japonica+Kalopanax septemlobus, Form. Q. variabilis+ Platycarya strobilacea, Form. Q. variabilis, Form. Q. variabilis+ Castanea seguinii, Form. C. seguinii, Form. Q. aliena var. acuteserrata +P. strobilacea, Form. Q. glandulifera var. brevipetiolata+Q. aliena var. acuteserrata, Form. Poplus davidiana+ Betula platyphylla, Form. Q. aliena var. acuteserrata, Form. P. strobilacea+Toxicodendron verniciflnum+Acer davidii, Form. Q. glauc’a, Form. Rhododendron purdomii, Form. A. robustum+Fraxinus mandshurica, Form. Macrocarpium officinalis, Form. Koelreuteria paniculata, Form. Catalpa ovata+Pterocarya stenoptera , Form. A. oblongum, Form. Pteroceltis tatarinowii. Form. Vitex negundo, Form. Dipteronia sinensis+Tapiscia sinensis and Form. Euptelea pleiospermum. Results of ordination by Detrended Correspondence Analysis (DCA) reflect basically- the relationship between plant communities and environmental factors, axis 1 and axis 2 reflect mainly the thermal and moisture gradients respectively.3. Distribution trends of species richness index, species diversity index and species evenness index along the community gradient are almost the same, they reflect the differences of species composition of different plant communities. Species richness index of herb layer is

  • 【分类号】Q948
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】603

