

The Developing Rule of Delta-Forward Creeping Turbidite Sand Body and Its Oil-Gas Accumulation Relationship of Sha 3 Member in Huimin Depression

【作者】 陈永红

【导师】 夏斌; 姜在兴;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学院研究生院(广州地球化学研究所) , 构造地质学, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 本文以构造地质学、沉积学、高分辨率层序地层学、成臧动力学为理论基础,综合运用地质、测井、地震和各种分析测试为技术手段,对惠民凹陷古近系沙三段基山砂体进行了构造特征及其演化、沉积体系、砂体成因机制以及成藏规律和岩性油气藏预测等多方面研究,在以下几个方面取得了进展: 1.初步分析了基山砂体形成的构造动力学机制。本区有三次快速沉积时期,即Es3、Ed和Nm+Q时期,而Esl和Ng期沉积速率较小。东营期以前以构造沉降为主,东营期以后逐渐过渡至以负荷沉降为主。盆地演化也经历了孔店-沙四期沉积斜坡、沙三-沙二期断块强烈活动、沙一-东营期断块活动复杂化和新近纪拗陷等4个阶段。断层活动速率研究表明,东营期断裂活动强度大于沙一期,而非前人认为的沙一期断裂活动强度大于东营期。 2.通过对基山砂体岩石学特征、沉积构造特征、粒度分布特征、地震相特征和测井曲线特征等研究,提出基山砂体发育一套三角洲-滑塌浊积沉积体系,可划分为5种成因类型,每一种滑塌浊积岩又可划分出4种沉积物类型。基山砂体发育6期三角洲前缘滑塌浊积岩,主要分布在田14-商548-商744-商15-线和夏90-夏13-夏4-夏5之间。 3.研究区沙河街组三段~沙河街组二段下亚段可划分为一个二级层序,进一步可细化为4个三级层序,分别为沙三下亚段下部层序、沙三下亚段上部~沙三中亚段下部层序、沙三中亚段上部~沙三上亚段下部层序和沙三上亚段上部~沙二亚段层序。基山砂体位于沙三下亚段上部~沙三中亚段下部层序下降半旋回和沙三中亚段上部~沙三上亚段下部层序上升半旋回,可细化为6个准层序,三角洲前缘-滑塌浊积岩主要发育于Ps4、Ps4、Ps6准层序。 4.本次工作详细总结了该区油气成藏条件,提出基山砂体存在侧向运移成藏、垂向运移成藏和复合运移成藏等3种成藏模式,发育构造油气藏、岩性油气藏以及构造-岩性油气藏三种油气藏类型,其中构造、构造-岩性复合油藏多发育在砂体分布区内的二级断裂坡折带,岩性油藏主要分布在三级断裂坡折带。 5.指出了基山砂体下一步较为有利的勘探目标,包括田家地区充填浊积岩、孟寺低隆起的砂岩透镜体和商64断裂带多种类型砂岩圈闭。

【Abstract】 Based on the theory of tectonic geology, sedimentology, high resolution sequence stratigraphy and dynamics of petroleum accumulation formation, many aspects about Jishan Sand Body of Sha 3 Member in Huimin Depression are studied carefully, such as its tectonic character and evolution, sedimentary system, sand body genesis, pool-forming pattern, and etc., combined with many kinds of technical approach. There are main conclusions and views in this thesis as follows.1. The tectonic dynamic mechanism of Jishan Sand Body is analyzed tentatively. It is found there are three quick sediment periods, i.e. the sediment period of Sha 3 Member, Dongying Formation, and Minghuazhen formation and Quaternary. The tectonic depression is dominant before Dongying Movement, and then the load depression becomes gradually the main depression. There are 4 periods in the evolution progress of Huimin Depression, i.e. the sediment period of Kongdian Formation and Sha 4 Member, Sha 3 Member and Sha 2 Member, Sha 1 Member and Dongying Formation, and Late Tertiary. The research result of fault movement rate shows that the intensity of fault movement rate in Dongying Period is more than that in Sha 1 Period.2. It is advanced that a delta-creeping turbidite system exists in Jishan Sand Body according to a research result of characters of rock, sedimentary structure, grain fineness distribution, seismic face and well logging curve. This delta-creeping turbidite system includes 5 genetic types and each of this creeping turbidite consists of 4 type’s sedimentary matter. There are 6 delta-creeping turbidite with different forming time in Jishan Sand Body. The main distribution area of delta-creeping turbidite lies in an area from Well Tian 14 to Well Sahng 15 and in an area between Well Xia 90 with Well Xia 5.3. The high resolution sequence framework has been built up in the area of Jishan Sand Body. One of the second grade sequences and four of the third grade sequence hasbeen distinguished. There are 6 associate sequences developed in Jishan Sand Body. The delta-creeping turbudite mainly distribute in Ps4, Ps5 and Ps6 associate sequence.4. The formation condition of oil and gas accumulation is concluded in detail. It is put forward that there 3 patterns of accumulation formation in Jishan Sand Body, including lateral migration accumulation, vertical migration accumulation and composite migration accumulation. The types of oil and gas accumulation include 3 kinds, structure, rock and structure-rock, and the type of rock exist in third grade slpoe-break, and the other two develop in second grade slpoe-break.5. The next favorable exploration targets are pointed out in Jishan Sand Body, including terbidite in Tianjia, sand lens in Mengsi Low Uplift and many kings of sand traps in Shang 64 Fault Zone.

  • 【分类号】P618.13
  • 【下载频次】679

