

The Study on Risk Evaluation Model of Major Geological Hazards on the Land Surface in Guangzhou City Based on MAPGIS

【作者】 谢久兵

【导师】 朱照宇;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学院研究生院(广州地球化学研究所) , 环境科学, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 当今人类社会正面临着人口急剧膨胀,资源严重短缺和环境日益恶化的严峻挑战。地质灾害作为自然灾害的一个重要类型,它们分布广泛、发生频繁,在历史上带给了人类无尽的伤痛,在将来还会继续影响着人类的可持续发展,因而受到全世界的关注。尤其是伴随着人类活动的规模、强度和范围等的不断扩大,地质灾害已成为影响制约人类社会、经济发展的不可忽视的重要因素。 广州市是华南经济发展的中心,同时它也是人类活动最为强烈、地质环境较脆弱、地质灾害影响破坏最为严重的地区之一,地质灾害问题成为广州市经济发展长期难以摆脱的主要控制因素之一。加强地质环境管理和地质灾害防治已成为广州市实施可持续发展战略的势在必行、刻不容缓的任务。因而在本研究区开展地质灾害防灾减灾的研究,建立起地质灾害风险评估模型将具有非常重要的理论与实际意义。 地质灾害风险评估研究是一个复杂的研究课题,也是国际国内研究的前沿领域。针对广州市陆地地质环境和主要陆地地质灾害的具体实际情况,本论文既注重对地质灾害自然属性的研究,更加强对其社会经济属性等的综合研究,主要在以下几个方面取得了一些新的认识与结论: ● 根据广州市陆地地质环境和主要陆地地质灾害的特征,构建了崩塌、滑坡、泥石流三种灾害的指标体系,该指标体系科学合理、简洁易操作,便于危险性评价、易损性评价和风险评估;

【Abstract】 Now humankind is confronted with the severe challenge to the sharply inflated population, the seriously scarce resources and the increasingly exasperate environment. As one of an important type of natural disasters, geological hazards distributed widely and occurred frequently. So they are becoming the focus all over the world, especially with the expand of scales, intensities and areas of human’s activities, geological hazard has been an pivotal factor which influences and restricts human’s social, economic development.Guangzhou City is an economic development centre in southern China, it is also one of the regions which suffer from intense human activities and very weak geological environment. Moreover, it is destroyed badly by geological hazards. Today geological hazards problem is one of the major restraining factors of which is now still hard to get rid during the course of economic development in Guangzhou City. In order to actualize the stratagem of sustainable development in Guangzhou City, it is an imperative task to strengthen the management of geological environment and prevention and cure of geological hazards. Thus it has very important theoretic and practical significance in this studied area to carry out the studies on prevention and cure of geological hazards, and to establish the risk evaluation model of geological hazards.It is a complicated research topic to study the risk evaluation of geological hazards synthetically, and it is a foreland field too. To aim at the idiographic circumstances of geological environment and major geological hazards on the land surface in Guangzhou City, we pay attention not only to the studies of the natural attributes of geological hazards, but also to the integrated studies of its’ social-economic attributes in this paper. Based on the integrated studies of geological environment and geological hazards, we have made some new, great acquaintances and conclusions as follows:


