

Studies on Chemical Constituents and Quality Appraisement of Cultivated Cistanche Salsa

【作者】 杨建华

【导师】 堵年生; 热娜·卡斯木;

【作者基本信息】 新疆医科大学 , 药理学, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 中药肉苁蓉Herba Cistanches为列当科Orobanchaceae肉苁蓉属植物Cistanche Hoffmg.Et Link干燥带鳞叶的肉质茎,具补肾阳、益精血、润肠通便等功效,在历代补肾阳方剂中出现的频率最高,在抗老防衰类中药处方中仅次于人参位居第二,有“沙漠人参”之美誉,但由于长期过量采挖,野生资源已濒临枯竭。《中国药典》(2005年版)收载荒漠肉苁蓉Cistanche.deserticola Y.C.Ma和管花肉苁蓉C.tubulosa(Schenk)Wight为正品药材,但经本草考证,历代本草记载的肉苁蓉原植物为荒漠肉苁蓉和盐生肉苁蓉C.salsa(C.A.Mey.)G.Beck。盐生肉苁蓉广泛分布于我国西北各省区,在我国民间大量药用。目前对盐生肉苁蓉的研究报道较少,对其栽培品的研究尚为空白。为合理有效地利用盐生肉苁蓉资源,为其深层次开发提供科学依据,本文对在新疆原生态环境下人工种植的盐生肉苁蓉药材(寄主为囊果碱蓬)进行了较系统的研究,取得以下成果: 为阐明药材药理作用的物质基础,利用溶剂法和多种色谱技术,从以囊果碱蓬为寄主的盐生肉苁蓉栽培品的70%乙醇提取物中分离得到23个化合物,根据薄层行为、理化性质和波谱数据,鉴定了其中20个化合物的结构,包括苯乙醇苷类7个,萜类3个,生物碱类3个,甾醇类3个,其它化合物4个。所得化合物均为从盐生肉苁蓉栽培品中首次获得,其中1个为天然界中首次获得的新的化合物,5个化合物为肉苁蓉属植物首次报道,10个化合物为从本种植物中首次获得。

【Abstract】 Herba Cistanches, the dried fleshy stems of Cistanche genus plant (Family Orobanchaceae), is one of the well-known traditional Chinese medicine herb as a tonic. It has the functions of strengthening the Kidney, moisturizing dryness by nourishing blood and moistening the intestines and laxation. Due to the overdose exploitation, its natural resources are facing with exhaustion. Though two species of Cistanche genus plant are documented as the sources of Cistanche in China Pharmacopeia (2005 edition), i.e. C. deserticola, C. tubulosa, the results have shown that Herb Cistanches is the dried fleshy stem of C. deserticola and C. salsa in the investigation of th original plants recorded in the herbalogical works of the past dynasties. C. salsa is a perennial and parasitic herb distributing in the northwest of China. Up till now. the chemical investigations of C. salsa is very few, and artificial cultivated C. salsa have not been undertaken. In order to effective utilize and further expoilation, systematic study was conducted on the dried fleshy stem of artificial cultivated C. salsa in this dissertation. The results as followed:Twenty-three compounds were isolated from the 70% ethanol extracts by various chromatographic techniques and twenty compounds were identified on the base of spectroscopic methods. These compounds included: seven phenylethanoid glycosides, three terpenoids, three alkaloids, three sterols, and four others. Among them, one was the new compound, five compounds were reported in Cistanche genus plant for the


