

Cavity QED Technology in Quantum Information Processing

【作者】 黄婷

【导师】 郭光灿;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学技术大学 , 光学, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 随着现代科学技术的迅猛发展,现代物理学开始以一种新的方式渗透到计算与信息领域。例如,以Einstein,Podolsky,Rosen三位科学家的名字来命名的EPR态就在信息传输和密码科学中有着不可预料的广阔前景。作为一种新兴的学科,量子信息学已经引起了越来越多的学者的兴趣。现在,量子信息已经广泛运用于量子计算、量子通信、量子密集编码、量子隐形传态等多个领域。在量子信息理论中,人们用一个两态系统(qubit)来代替经典信息理论中的基本信息单元——比特。 在第一章里,我们简要地介绍了量子信息学的基本知识。而腔量子电动力学(腔QED)则是量子信息实现的一种重要的技术。这里,我们介绍了微波腔和光学腔。而根据不同的制备过程,光学腔可以分成三种类型:法布里——泊罗腔,微球腔和光子晶体腔。然后我们对纠缠态的制备方案进行了简要的回顾。接着,我们提出了一种新的纠缠态制备方案。其过程是这样的:我们令一个Lambda型三能级原子穿过一个双模腔场。当第一个原子离开腔场以后,另一个全同三能级原子也穿过腔场。当我们取恰当的相互作用时间时,就可以产生最大纠缠态。这里,我们以三能级原子的基态超精细结构为qubit。与以两能级原子的两个能级为qubit的方法相比,这种选取方法令原子结构更稳定。另一方面,与原子在腔中运动这种状态相比,令原子穿过腔场更便于实验操控。此外,这种方案的另一个优点在于:在此过程中不需要测量腔内原子的状态。

【Abstract】 While it seems inevitable that physics would be affected by the availability of more and more powerful computers, which have revolutionized many areas of science, it is more surprising to find that quantum physics may influence the fields of information and computation in a new and profound way. For instance, fundamental aspects of quantum mechanics such as those entering Einstein, Podolsky, and Rosen (1935) states have found unexpected applications in information transmission and cryptography. As a new subject, the quantum information has attract more and more attentions of the people. Now, the quantum information have been used in the quantum communication, quantum dense coding, quantum teleportation and quantum computation. By using quantum two-state systems (qubits) instead of the classical bits of information, one can perform logical operations exploiting quantum interferences and taking advantage of the properties of entanglement.In the first section, we introduce fundamental acknowledge of the quantum information. Cavity QED is one of the most important technique of the quantum information. In this section, we introduce the micro wave cavity and the optical cavity. According to the different preparation method, the optical cavity can be distinguished as Fabry Perot, Whispering Gallery Modes and Photonic crystals, respectively. Then we review the generation method of the entangled atoms. Then, we give out a


