

【作者】 李乃胜

【导师】 王昌燧; 王吉怀;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学技术大学 , 科学技术史, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 中国古代建筑是世界建筑体系中独立起源,历经6000余年发展深变的成熟的建筑体系,它在建筑材料、建筑结构和建筑审美等诸多方面都与世界上其它建筑体系迥然不同。从新石器时代的浙江河姆渡和陕西半坡的房子发轫,历经商都、周城、秦关、汉宫,一直到明清辉煌的紫禁城,它的步履始终带着一种特有的风韵,在世界建筑发展史上自成一家体系,占据重要地位。 在众多遗物中,由于我国史前建筑皆为土木结构,时至今日,早已土毁木朽,加上又无文献记载,这样,要考查这一时期的建筑特色,乃至生产,生活背景,就显得比较困难,故尽管它与人类生活密切相关,仍然是建筑考古工作者研究的一个难题。 尽管我国古代建筑孕育着博大精深的内涵,但对于不了解建筑和艺术的人而言,西方的巨石建筑,如埃及的金字塔、希腊的巴特侬Parthenon神庙、罗马的斗兽场等等均气势雄伟,结构精妙。而相形之下,中国的土木建筑则显得矮小、简陋,逊色的多,因而,在这些人心里或多或少都有着一种自卑的情绪,其实,这并非建筑的优劣使然,而是产生两种建筑风格的地理环境、文化背景等诸多因素导致的,中国建筑作为中国文明的一个重要侧面与西方建筑属于两个绝不相同的体系。相反,我们以为中国古代史前建筑中仍然存在着一些有待于我们进一步“发掘”和总结的建筑成就。 论文第一章主要依据对考古资料的总结,介绍了新石器时期的建筑特点,简单追溯了中国古建筑的发展过程,并通过不同古文明地区地理环境的比较,分析中国独特的地理环境、文化背景等诸多因素对中国古代土木建筑结构发展的影响,对中国土木建筑特色的成因及其成就做了一些初步的总结、探讨和展望,并提出了相关的研究课题,依据古文献和考古发掘资料,较系统地论述了“红烧土房”产生的渊源、发展及演化,并且探讨了其对砖瓦起源的影响。同时也提出了“白会面”研究课题。 第二章对论文中涉及到的有关建筑考古的测试研究方法,做了相关的介绍和评述。第三章在测试尉迟寺红烧土排房建筑部件吸水率、抗压强度和烧成温度的基础上,发现沿同一截面的各层红烧土块在吸水率、抗压强度和烧成温度方面呈

【Abstract】 The ancient Chinese architecture is the unattached origin among the world architectural system, going through 6000 years and becoming a mature architectural style, which owns some particular feature that different from other ancient architecture, such as material, structure, aesthetics and so on. Beginning from Neolithic house in Hemudu and Banpo site, developing through Shang capital, Zhou city, Oing house, Han palace, until the Ming and Qin Forbidden City, which footstep always went with a particular charm, and become an important role in the world architectural system.Among the prehistoric relics, most of Chinese ancient architecture was destroyed due to the fact that the ancient building materials were made mainly of wood and clay that did not resist time, wars or natural disasters. So it is difficult to do some research on the architectural feature and so on, although the architecture is closely related to ancient people, it is still a difficult problem to research.Although, China, throughout history, pioneered in many aspects in architecture, it is still difficult for those who know little about the architecture to understand why the western megalith building is so grand, but Chinese ancient building is so small and simple. More or less, these people fell some self-contempt about our ancient architecture. As a matter of fact, the different architecture style between the west and the east is due to geographical environment, culture background etc. As an important profile in the Chinese civilization, The Chinese architecture is utterly different from the west. On the contrary, we stick to the fact that there is still some important architectural accomplishment in the Neolithic waiting for us to excavate.In the first chapter, basing on the summarizing on the archaeological data, this paper introduce the architectural feature in the Neolithic, simply ascending how does the ancient architectural feature coming into being, moreover through some comparing research on the geographical environment etc about the west and the east, analyzing how does these factors effect on the development of Chinese ancient architecture. Furthermore, the achievements of ancient architectural feature is primarily summarized,


