

A Study of Institution Prompting for Industrial Development of Tech-business Incubator

【作者】 高天光

【导师】 牛仁亮;

【作者基本信息】 山西大学 , 科学技术哲学, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 实现产业化发展对于科技企业孵化器建设是非常重要的,因为它是繁荣科技和发展经济的重要工具——这是许多发达国家和地区的经验。当然,即使在成熟市场经济国家科技企业孵化器产业化的道路,也并非一帆风顺。但是,当这些国家克服了非产业化的危机后,最终整个行业获得了产业化的发展。近20年来,科技企业孵化器在我国从无到有,获得了快速发展。目前,我国已跻身于世界企业孵化器大国行列,科技企业孵化器数量仅次于美国,居世界第二位。然而,在这种繁荣的景象背后,不难发现,在我国体制转轨与市场化改革的经济社会大背景下,我国科技企业孵化器产业化进程中存在的一些障碍性因素,业已成为制约该行业实现产业化健康快速发展的瓶颈。 为什么会这样呢?根源在于科技企业孵化器的制度安排方面的原因。作为一种新型经济组织,科技企业孵化器制度安排的基本功能,是为创业者的创业活动提供服务,由此形成其公益服务性、企业集群性和创新网络性的制度特征。在体制转轨和市场化改革的历史变迁中,我国科技企业孵化器的事业性使命,决定了它们主要由政府部门发起设立,并在政府包揽几乎所有费用的情况下生存。我国各级政府都具有主导经济的强烈动机和直接参予经济的广泛行为,结果是似乎全社会都在力图建立一种强有力的制度来推动孵化器的发展。一方面,科技企业孵化器因此获得了纳入政府机构框架的组织设计和超出政府机构框架的组织创新空间,而制度化的创新机制和准公共机构的体制,使孵化器及其在孵企业获得了特殊的生存和发展机遇,使其在短期内实现了发展速度上的“跨越”,奠定了我国科技企业孵化器大国的地位。另一方面,也正是这个原因,作为一个行业来说,由于其主要组成个体的非企业化运作机制,致使整体至今仍然无法获得完全的产业化发展。 从前瞻性的角度来说,高新技术产业的发展对21世纪我国的国际经济竞争力至关重要。而实现科技企业孵化器的产业化健康发展,已成为我国促进科技成果转化、培育科技型中小企业的有效途径,是为实践证明了的加速高新技术产业化的重要经验,也是建设国家创新体系的重要组成部分。本文以“科技企业孵化器产业化发展的制度激励”为题,旨

【Abstract】 Realizing industrial development is essential for tech-business incubator, since it is foundation of flourishing science and technology and continuing in succeed, or the necessary premise of science and technology prosperity and economy growing--this is the experiences from many developed countries and regions. Certainly, even in mature market economy countries the ways of industrial development of tech-business incubator are not plain sailing at all. However, after non-industrial development crises have been overcome by these countries, the whole industry achieved industrial development finally. It is about 20 years for the tech-business incubator that has been from no to more and acquired rapidly development in our country. Now, our country has ascended among to the big countries of business incubator on the world, the sum of tech-business incubators is only next to the United States of USA, occupying the second seat of the world. Nevertheless, behind the prosper situation, it is not hard to find out that there are a few drawback sectors which have become into the bottleneck of restricting the industry to achieve its industrial health and fast development in the industrial courses of the tech-business incubator of our country.Why is it or what is up? The rootstock lies on the reasons of the institutional arrangement of tech-business incubator. Being a kind of newly economic organization, the basic function of tech-business incubator institutionalarrangement is offering services for the activities of carving out. Then it comes to the institutional characters of it, these are, service for commonweal, enterprise gathering and innovation network. In the historical fluxing for system transferring and marketing reform, it is the public role of tech-business incubator in our country which is determined the initiation and set-up mainly by the government department and surviving under the state of almost all the costs undertaken by the government. Because of every level of governments has the strong incentive to lead economy and the action of direct conduct the economy in our country, and it seems to be set up a strong system to promote the development of incubator in the whole society. As a result, on one hand, tech-business incubator achieved opportunity of becoming a government apartment and the innovative space above. Yet, it is the institutional innovation mechanism and the sub-public organization system, who gives tech-business incubator and the enterprises in it the unusual exist and developing opportunities. And then urging it reach the span of the developing speed in a short turn and establishing the status of big country of incubator. On the other hand, just for this reason, as an industry, it is impossible for the whole industry to develop full reason is the unit of the whole industrial non-profit organization.From the future point of view, it is terrific important for the competition of the development of high-tech industry in 21th century. To achieve the industrial developing of tech-business incubator, is now becoming theeffective way of boosting the transforming of science and technology progeny and cultivating the small business of the science and technology kind. And it is the important experiences proved by practice and the essential buildup part of state innovation system.This thesis used "A Study of Institution Prompting for industrial Development of Tech-business Incubator" as the issue, the mainly reason is in order to build a proper analyzing framework, and to research the institutional arrangements of urging the industrial development of tech-business incubator.In the author’s opinion, it is essential for tech-business incubator to gain effective institutional arrangements. And the effective institutional arrangements can give the tech-business incubator proper prompting and turn away the negative aftereffect caused by institutional disfigurements. On the way round, institutional disfigurements may come into being prompting imperfect, it can cause opposite heading effect the industrial development of tech-business incubator, and even lead the aftereffect of industrial developing chain interrupting. Therefore, according to the industrial development of tech-business incubator, it is extremely important of institutional innovation based upon prompting.Tech-business incubator is an element of the infrastructure of small business support. The purposeful efforts are necessary for development of economy of our country on the part of state structures and societies directed on creation ofconditions for development of small business. One of major elements of market economy is the development of an infrastructure of support of small business. World and advanced experience show that one of the effective forms of support of the small enterprises is tech-business incubator. And it is recognized by one of the most productive elements of support of business in the world.Tech-business incubator accelerate development of the small enterprises, and reducing quantity of failures in business up to the least. It is well known that tech-business incubator is created for support of the small enterprises, selected on determined conditions, through equipment by office and industrial premises, service, training and consulting. In a other words, it promote in the decision of such tasks, as improvement of economic activity of regions, development of home markets, development of economy of regions. It also provide growth of number of the small enterprises, increase of their viability, most complete use of resources of regions. Besides, it provide increase activity of business as a whole, introduction of new technologies and know-how, creation and strengthening of communications between small business and other sectors of economy, and also interregional and international communications, growth of employment and standard of living of the population.Among features of tech-business incubator, it is necessary to note flexibility of its structure allowing to adapt it to various external conditions for thedecision of the most different tasks of economic development. It is easily entered in infrastructure complexes of regions and can carry out various sets of functions of economic development depending on local conditions and needs. It has shown itself as an effective means of development of the small enterprises. Industries, in creation of new workplaces on periphery, development of innovation business.At the same time, the real requirements for effective support by a method, Tech-business incubator exceed available opportunities. However, the creation even requires significant investments, and the system of tech-business incubator requires huge resources, which today are no by any organization. In conditions of sharp deficiency of financial assets there is only one way of achievement of the above which is named purpose cooperation of all interested structures and organizations. It is obvious that the concept of development of a network business is directed on creation of favorable conditions for development of small industrial business, development infrastructure of support of small business, strengthening of a network, productive small enterprises, carrying out support, in priority branches of economy.The analysis of development of tech-business incubator industry abroad and high parameters is efficiency of use of the mechanism in the decision of economic. High flexibility and variety of ways will allow to enter tech-business incubator in conditions of the industry and to open potential ofthis way in the decision of problems of various cities and regions. The mechanism of realization of the present concept is based at association of organizational, financial, material and intellectual resources, state and not state organizations of them, regional and municipal level, commercial and international organizations. In the different countries development of tech-business incubator occurs differently, however, it is possible to allocate some general tendencies in this branch. As tech-business incubator prove efficiency of the work worldwide, the governments of the different countries give ever more than attention of this method, and creation of networks of tech-business incubator.In addition to analyze this kind of questions, we could find out that, the support of tech-business incubator becomes the integral part of economic policy of many states. Both state authorities, and bodies of local self-management are interested in creation of tech-business incubator, that is why they usually act by the initiators of the projects of creation tech-business incubator or actively support them in interests of local community. In our country the problem of the relation of state structures to small business is sharpest and burning. It is required large study and organizational work on involving enterprise environment in a national economy. Many tech-business incubator already give support and services to the society, which are not located in territory of tech-business incubator, but want, require and agree to pay services given by tech-business incubator. This tendencyconstantly grows. In some cases maybe tech-business incubator is too small to contain all wishing companies. Therefore, with each year the number of services grows which tech-business incubator offers not only companies located on its areas, but also other businessmen. This tendency finds the extreme expression in, so-called, tech-business incubator without walls or virtual tech-business incubator. The rendering of services promotes a wide circle of the clients to increase of efficiency and financial tech-business incubator.So, the method of research way into the industrial developing of tech-business incubator, it is not only conducing to find economy modalities of industrial development in high science and technology in present age, and meeting the basic disciplinarian of high tech industrial innovation, but also offering a kind of policy gist of boosting tech-business incubator industrial innovation for all region and countries. Owing to tech-business incubator is a sort of newly economic organization, it provides plenty of prompting for science and technology production transforming and carve out action proliferating, shaping into a kind of social organization format which is beneficial to knowledge economy growth, wherefore, the research of this issue might seek after a sort of effective social system for healthy growth of knowledge economy.The research ways and means of this thesis, are using manifold methodologies from many subjects areas as mainly research tools, aiming atthe problems in industrial development of tech-business incubator, in order to carry through research of institutional innovation. At the correlation research literatures in existence, although there are a great deal of works and dissertations from all aspects about tech-business incubator, the studies are not much on account of offering prompting by institutional innovation that the purposes of it is achieving industrial development of tech-business incubator. The research of this thesis, in the research field about tech-business incubator, to the frame of reference contribution, will produce much help, for an example, as a result of the particular characters of tech-business incubator, the industrial developing ways are not even in the mature marketing countries. But the developing impediment factors of tech-business incubator have been conquered afterwards. Comparing the mature marketing countries, the exterior environment of industrial development of tech-business incubator is particular any more. So the solutions of ways to the industrial development of tech-business incubator will be very different from the mature market countries. For further successful development in our country of industrial development of tech-business incubator’s support it is necessary to decide a series of tasks of legislative character, in particular: To finish the project of laws about innovation activity, To prepare and to accept the amendments to the laws on state science and technological policy, concerning the activity of institutional rebuild of tech-business incubator, To accept the amendments to investmentlegislation, concerning the activity of venture investment, that is-to accept the normative documents regulating activity of venture funds. Based on these considering thoughts, I could draw the conclusions as bellows: the generating of institutional prompting gets across institutional innovations. According to the three institutional characters such as service for commonweal, enterprise gathering and innovation network of the tech-business incubator, the innovating approaches will be given separately. In the first instance, overcoming the bottleneck restriction of industrial development of tech-business incubator should overpass regime reconstruction, and the way consists in changing tech-business incubator of government department kind into non-profit organization of corporation kind. In the next place, through the way of amalgamation with venture investment, it will extend the innovating network of tech-business incubator. In the third place, through improving the conditions of carving out and setting up mechanism of carving out, let more potential exploiter join into the innovation activities of running a company, then accelerate to form a kind of self-buildup mechanism of corporation gathering growth by degrees in tech-business incubator.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 10期
  • 【分类号】F276.44
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】1165

