

From Shanxi Academy to Shanxi University (1902-1937)

【作者】 王李金

【导师】 王先明;

【作者基本信息】 山西大学 , 中国近现代史, 2006, 博士


【摘要】 创建于1902年的山西大学堂,是在清朝末年推行“新政”期间,改革传统书院、创新办学模式的产物,也是借鉴西方近代大学教育、进行文明采借的结果。在20世纪初风雨飘摇的艰难岁月里,山西大学堂与京师大学堂、北洋大学堂等仅有的几所大学,一起开创了中国近代大学教育的先河。此后,她历经山西大学堂(1902—1912)、山西大学校(1912—1931)、山西大学(1931—1937)三个时期艰难曲折的建设和发展,坚守“登崇俊良”的办学宗旨,不断提高学校的建设水平和人才培养质量,为中国大学教育的近代化进行了积极和有益的探索。山西大学还以其一校两制、以新化旧、会通中西、取法英国等方面的办学特色和教学实践,为中国近代大学教育的创立和发展做出了不可替代的贡献。 进入新世纪以来,经历百年沧桑的中国大学教育正面临新的发展机遇和严峻挑战,在科学技术日新月异和知识经济方兴未艾的形势下,在贯彻落实科学发展观和全面建设小康社会的进程中,如何进一步加深对大学教育的理解和认识,如何更好地谋划和推进大学教育的发展,是需要我们认真加以思索和考量的重大时代问题。今天的大学是过去大学的继承,未来的大学是今天大学的延伸。深入研究中国近代大学教育的成败得失,对于新时期大学教育的建设和发展无疑有着极其重要的参考价值和借鉴意义。本论文拟将山西大学这个独具分析价值的研究对象置诸中国近代大学教育草创、形成和渐趋成熟的宏观背景当中,既考察其在中国近代大学教育草创和发展时期的主要成就、办学特色及其影响,又分析其内部各组成要素的特质、结构形式以及相互作用的情况,进而探讨其发生发展的历史轨迹及开拓创新的经历和品格。在具体的研究过程中,既注重点上的微观分析又兼顾面上的宏观探讨。并努力以历史唯物主义和辨证唯物主义哲学观为指导,坚持“价值中立”的治史原则,反对“价值预设”的伪史观和假史观。在研究方法上,则主要运用历史学方法,同时采借和吸收诸如现代化理论、教育学和社会学的某些方法,以比较和实证的手法,在前人已有研究成果的基础上,深入挖掘和着力整合第一手材料,努力从中发现问题、找出规律并提炼出具有创新价值的东西,以进一步深化中国近代大学教育之研究,致力于为探索现代大学教育发展之路提供重要历史参数。全文由绪论、正文和结语三大部分组成: 第一部分,绪论。介绍了选题经过,阐述了选题的价值和研究工作的意义,并对与选题有关的几个概念进行了梳理,回顾了本领域学术研究之历史和现状,指明了论文研究的方法和路径。 第二部分,正文。全面回顾从山西大学堂到山西大学(1902—1937)的历史

【Abstract】 Shanxi Academy, which was founded in 1902 during the time of "new policy" at the end of Qing Dynasty, was the result of reforming traditional academy and innovating the mode of management, as well as drawing references from the western modern university education and western civilization. In the hard time at the beginning of the 20th century, Shanxi Academy turned the first page of Chinese modern university education along with Jingshi Academy and Beiyang Academy. Developing with difficulties and setbacks through 3 stages as were Shanxi Academy (from 1902 to 1912), Shanxi Large College (from 1912 to 1931), Shanxi University (from 1931 to 1937), Shanxi Academy kept to the principle of high quality education to improve the personal training and school building, and made an active and helpful research for the Chinese university education modernization. Shanxi University adopted two systems in one school, renewing and combining the west with China as its special mode of running school as well as drew lessons from the mode of running school and teaching practice in England. It did irreplaceable contributions to the establishment and development of Chinese modern university education.In new century, Chinese university education with history of one hundred years is facing with new opportunities and challenges. With the development of science and knowledge economy and the process of carrying out the view of scientific development and building a well-off society, how to further the understanding of university education and push its development is a great issue we should think about. Today’s universities are continuation of the past and extension of tomorrow. Studying further the success and failure of modern Chinese university education is valuable to the building and development of university education in new times. This thesis tends to put Shanxi University which is of unique analytical value into situation of Chinese modern university education from its initial setting up, forming and maturing to study its major achievements, feature and influence during the initial and developing stages of Chinese modern university education, analyses its inside elements, structure andinteraction, and discuss its historical developing process, experience and nature of innovation. In research, attaching importance to not only macro-discussion but also micro-analysis, instructed by historical materialism and dialectical materialism, keep to the principle of "value neutrality", against with the false view of "value presetting". On methods, ways of history, modern theory, pedagogy and sociology were adopted to compare and prove. On base of previous research to find and combine the firsthand materials, problems and regularity were found out to refine the valuable things to deepen the further study of Chinese modern university education and offer the important references to the development of modern university education. The thesis consists of three parts which are introduction, text and conclusion.Part One IntroductionThis part introduces the topic choosing and the importance of research, explains its value and combs some concepts related to the topic with reviewing the past and present study in this field and indicates methods and ways in topic research.Part Two TextThis part looks fully back the history from Shanxi Academy to Shanxi University (from 1902 to 1937) and gives a comments on its special experience in founding and developing, the mode of running school and contributions to the history. This part consists of six chapters. Section one (chapter one to three) is mainly to observe its evolution and historical developing process from the angle of vertical. Section two (chapter four to six) is from the angle of horizontal to show its style and feature and discuss its inner factor structure. On previous outlines, these six chapters develop by steps logically with clear and strict structure to form an integrated system. It reads as follows.Chapter One Starting with Difficulties: the founding of Shanxi Academy(1902). Comments on two modes which were rebuilding and newly-building in its initial stage of Chinese modern university education is made here, and it also narrates the setting process and forming of two systems in one school, introduces many important people concerned with its founding , the beginningeducational principles and goals of running school.Chapter Two One School with Two Systems:Management mode and practice during the time of Shanxi Academy(1902-1912). This chapter inspects the special form of Renyin University, examines the two different types of teaching between China and the west under condition of one school with two systems, narrates the development and combination of Chinese university and the west ones as well as formation of English teaching styles, analyses achievements and shortcomings in new system.Chapter Three Independent Explorationcmode of managing school and practice at the age of Shanxi Large College and university(1912-1937). The focus of this chapter is on university education development in Republic of China and educational status in Shanxi, and the process of drawing back running authority for Shanxi Academy and its experience from 1912 to 1937, summarizing experience and lessons of independent exploration in this time.Chapter Four Strategies of Managing SchoohChanges of school administrative power and system and achievements of successive presidents of the school. Relationship between university and government, changes of university teaching system and model of university management are organized here, comments on branch of discipline and change of university system are made and also achievements of successive presidents of the school is being analyzed.Chapter Five Conditions of Managing School: School funds, teaching facilities and teachers’ treatment. Plenty of firsthand materials shows school funds raising, schoolhouse building, teaching facilities, books purchasing, teachers structure and changes of their treatment in different stages, and introduces success of translation school.Chapter Six Campus Life: Students management and campus cultural activities. This chapter cares for students daily management, campus humanities such as students associations and colorful physics activities, and discribes the situation for sent overseas students.Part Three ConclusionOn base of previous study, this thesis evaluates briefly and clearly the developing process of Shanxi University and Chinese modern university, and summarizes experience and lessons during the development of Chinese modern education, especially analyses and discusses the difficulties and problems for Chinese modern university education in carrying forward the traditions and learning from the west to give valuable and referential consults for the development of China’s universities at present and in the future.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 10期
  • 【分类号】G649.29;K257;K258
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】1238
  • 攻读期成果

