

The Property Right System and the Property Right Organization of the Timber Forest in Rural Areas

【作者】 张维

【导师】 胡继连;

【作者基本信息】 山东农业大学 , 农业经济管理, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 我国是木材耗用大国,日益尖锐的木材供需矛盾已引起国内外理论界及其他社会各界的广泛关注。长期以来解决木材短缺的策略是采伐国有天然森林和木材进口。随着生态保护意识的提高,扩大木材进口的约束逐渐加大。中国为了恢复生态环境,禁伐国有天然森林战略已于1998年开始实施,无林、少林的农区由此承担起提供经济用材的历史重任。缓解木材供需矛盾的基本思路是增加农区木材的供给。从木材供给的现实来看,农区林地资源稀缺与林地资源浪费同时存在的现象,表明农区林权制度的实施未能充分发挥经济激励作用;从木材的需求角度看,用材企业对木材的专门要求,客观上需要建立木材需求与供给有机联系的一种经营机制(如林纸一体化经营模式)。农区林权模糊、农户组织化程度低的现状下,要建立木材需求与供给的有机联系尚有很多问题需要探索。本文研究的主要目的是从理论上解析农区用材林产权制度与产权制度安排,廓清林权市场的基本构造和运作原理,阐述产权组织产生与演化机理,通过用材林产权界定和产权交易类型的描述,给出不同形式的产权组织安排,以期建立营林者与用材企业的有机联系机制,为最终建立“产权归属清晰、经营主体到位、责权划分明确、利益保障严格、流转规范顺畅、监管服务有效”的现代林业产权制度提供理论上的借鉴。本文主要包括以下五部分内容:(1)农区林业发展中的林权制度与产权组织。以中国农区林业发展历史为研究视角,分析林权制度与产权组织对农区林业发展的影响机制。中国农区林业千百年来的发展历史表明,林权制度、自然禀赋、技术、资本、人口、政府等各个因素对我国农区林业的发展有不同的影响作用。不同的林权制度下,林业产权组织因行政推动或利益机制促进了农区林业的发展。目前农区林权模糊、农民组织化程度低是制约我国农区林业发展的重要因素,从农区林权制度建设出发,完善农区用材林产权制度,培育营林农户的产权组织并促使其发展壮大,是农区林业快速发展的根本对策。(2)林业产权制度与产权组织理论。基于用材林经营者与用材企业联系机制建立的考虑,主要从新制度经济学角度论述林权制度与产权组织理论。林权界定过程中,林权权能分割给不同的林权主体并以契约的形式规范林权主体的行为。契约的实施要求林权主体有一定的产权组织形式,从而形成产权组织的各种安排。林权交易合约的特定约束,要求产权组织(交易主体)以特定的产权组织形式与林权交易相适应,这是林权“自组织”的特点。林权的“自组织”既受交易成本、技术成本与生产成本的

【Abstract】 As a big timber consuming country, China’s increasing contradiction between the supply and demand of timber has attracted the attention of the academia and various sectors of the society at home and abroad. The strategy of the logging of the state-owned forests and the importing of timber has been used to solve the problem of the timber shortage for a long time. With the increasing awareness of ecological protection, there are more restrictions on expanding imports of timber. To restore the ecological environment, the strategy of prohibiting the logging of the state-owned natural forests was implemented from 1998 in China, and the burden of supplying economic timber was borne with the rural areas that have little or no forests. The idea of alleviating the contradiction between timber supply and demand is to increase timber supply. In the reality of timber supply, the simultaneous existence of resource scarcity and resource waste of the forestland rural areas indicates that the implementation of the forest right mechanism in rural areas has not been a good economic incentive. From the perspective of timber demand, the timber-consuming enterprises’special needs call for the building of an operation mechanism that links the wood demand and supply (e.g. the timber-paper integration). Under the conditions of ambiguous forest rights and low degree of organization of farm household, there is a lot to explore to build a link between timber demand and supply. The main purpose of this study is to analyze the timber forest property right system and property right system arrangement, clarify the basic structure and operation principles, and describe the mechanism of creation and change of the property organization, propose property right arrangement of different forms through the description of definition of timber forest property right and property transaction type to build the link between the forest operators and the timber-consuming enterprises and provide the theoretical support for the ultimate building of the modern forest property right system of“unambiguous property right and operation main body, clear responsibility, strict protection of interests, smooth and standardized transaction and effective regulation and service“. This paper is divided into five sections:(1) The forest right system and the property right organization in the development of the forestry in rural areas. From the perspective of the development of the forest in rural areas in China, the impact of the forest right system and the forest property right organization on the development of the forestry of rural areas is analyzed. Thousands of years of development of the forest of rural areas of China shows that the factors including property right system, natural endowment, technology, capital, population and government have different impacts on


